Commit d2539f9c authored by Saksham Goel's avatar Saksham Goel

meeting minutes updated for 28th Aug

parent dc0ed3ab
......@@ -68,4 +68,26 @@ Metadata is required for caching
2. [Prof. Kulkarni, Prof. Bellur] Meeting with Huawei:
- Understand their requirements better/ establish a PoC from their end
- Virtual Lab to test systems
3. [Prof. Kulkarni] Establish a git repo to collect literature survey documents + other experiments
\ No newline at end of file
3. [Prof. Kulkarni] Establish a git repo to collect literature survey documents + other experiments
## Sep 11
### Action Items
1. Formalize the RAMCloud document [Saksham]
2. DFS Comparison Chart [All]
3. Points of Optimizations in RAMCloud:
- Understand Design thoroughly?
- Concrete Ideas using:
- SmartNICs [Pramod, Saksham, Nilanjan]
- Where do NVMM fits??? Persistence, closer to DRAM? ---maybe later
4. Virtual Labs: Will take 2-3weeks
5. PoC:
- Literature documentation
- Exploratory Optimizations (?)/ What are their requirements?
- Workloads
6. Setup related issues
7. FS vs Object Stores vs Key Value stores
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