Commit 3f3b0c10 authored by Shah Rinku's avatar Shah Rinku


parent 865c91f0
## DPDK for Mellanox Bluefield-1 ARM cores
1. Download the required DPDK compressed version & decompress it.
It is good to choose a stable (LTS) version
2. For Mellanox Bluefield NICs, check if the flag for Mellanox driver installation is set (for DPDK version < 20.11.8 only)
<path-to-dpdk-folder>$ vim config/common_linux
a. Check if the Poll Mode Driver (PMD) for your Mellanox NIC is set; in our case it is MLX5
b. Add “CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_MLX5_PMD=y”, if it does not exist
3. DPDK configuration alternatives
- Alternative 1: For newer DPDK versions (>= version 18)
<path-to-dpdk-folder>$ meson build
<path-to-dpdk-folder>$ cd build
<path-to-dpdk-folder>$ ninja
<path-to-dpdk-folder>$ ninja install
- Alternative 2: For older DPDK versions & for our mTCP setup
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