Commit fe009bef authored by Sushant Mahajan's avatar Sushant Mahajan

added code for follower

parent 495baaba
package main
import (
const (
func main() {
dummyCh := make(chan bool)
commitCh := make(chan raft.LogEntry)
for i := 1; i <= 5; i++ {
go raft.Start(i, commitCh, dummyCh, true)
if <-dummyCh {
......@@ -21,6 +21,11 @@ const (
LEADER = iota
VOTED_FOR = "votedFor"
CURRENT_TERM = "currentTerm"
// Global variable for generating unique log sequence numbers
......@@ -61,6 +66,12 @@ type VoteRequest struct {
type AppendRPC struct {
term int
leaderId int
prevLogIndex int
prevLogTerm int
leaderCommit int
entries []*LogEntryData
type Timeout struct {
......@@ -85,6 +96,8 @@ type Raft struct {
eventCh chan RaftEvent //receive events related to various states
votedFor int
currentTerm int
commitIndex int
voters int
// Log entry interface
......@@ -99,29 +112,52 @@ type LogEntryData struct {
Id Lsn // Unique identifier for log entry
Data []byte // Data bytes
Committed bool // Commit status
Term int //term number
conn net.Conn // Connection for communicating with client
func getCurrentTerm(serverId int, info *log.Logger) int {
if file, err := os.Open("currentTerm" + strconv.Itoa(serverId)); err != nil {
ioutil.WriteFile("currentTerm"+strconv.Itoa(serverId), []byte("0"), 0666)
info.Println("wrote in term file:0")
func (rft *Raft) persistLog() {
func (rft *Raft) readLogFromDisk() {
func getSingleDataFromFile(name string, serverId int, info *log.Logger) int {
filename := name + strconv.Itoa(serverId)
if file, err := os.Open(filename); err != nil {
defer file.Close()
ioutil.WriteFile(filename, []byte("0"), 0666)
info.Println("wrote in " + filename + " file")
return 0
} else {
if data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file.Name()); err != nil {
info.Println("error reading file")
return -1
info.Println("error reading file " + filename)
return FILE_ERR
} else {
info.Println("read from file")
info.Println("read from file " + filename)
if t, err2 := strconv.Atoi(string(data)); err2 != nil {
info.Println("error converting")
return -1
return FILE_ERR
} else {
info.Println("Converted success", t)
info.Println("Converted success "+filename, t)
return t
return -1
func writeFile(name string, serverId int, data int, info *log.Logger) int {
filename := name + strconv.Itoa(serverId)
if file, err := os.Open(filename); err != nil {
defer file.Close()
return FILE_ERR
} else {
ioutil.WriteFile(filename, []byte(strconv.Itoa(data)), 0666)
info.Println("wrote in " + filename + " file")
return FILE_WRITTEN //file written
......@@ -136,7 +172,8 @@ func NewRaft(config *ClusterConfig, thisServerId int, commitCh chan LogEntry, ev = thisServerId
rft.eventCh = eventCh
rft.Info = getLogger(thisServerId, toDebug)
rft.currentTerm = getCurrentTerm(thisServerId, rft.Info)
rft.currentTerm = getSingleDataFromFile(CURRENT_TERM, thisServerId, rft.Info)
getSingleDataFromFile(VOTED_FOR, thisServerId, rft.Info) //initialize the votedFor file.
return rft, nil
......@@ -224,10 +261,9 @@ func (e ErrRedirect) Error() string {
func (rft *Raft) loop() {
state := FOLLOWER
for {
switch state {
state = follower()
state = rft.follower()
// case CANDIDATE:
// state = candidate()
// case LEADER:
......@@ -242,31 +278,102 @@ func getTimer() *time.Timer {
return time.NewTimer(time.Millisecond * time.Duration((rand.Intn(MAX_TIMEOUT)+MIN_TIMEOUT)%MAX_TIMEOUT))
func reInitializeTimer(t *time.Timer) *time.Timer {
return getTimer()
func (rft *Raft) grantVote(reply bool, currentTerm int) {
if reply {
func (rft *Raft) replyAppendRPC(reply bool, currentTerm int) {
func (rft *Raft) updateTermAndVote(term int) {
writeFile(CURRENT_TERM,, term, rft.Info)
rft.currentTerm = term
writeFile(VOTED_FOR,, NULL_VOTE, rft.Info)
rft.votedFor = NULL_VOTE
func (rft *Raft) follower() int {
//start candidate timeout
candTimer := getTimer()
electionTimeout := getTimer()
for {
//wrap in select
select {
case <-candTimer.C:
case <-electionTimeout.C:
case event := <-rft.eventCh:
switch event.(type) {
case *ClientAppend:
// Do not handle clients in follower mode. Send it back up the
// pipe with committed = false
//Do not handle clients in follower mode.
//Send it back up the pipeline.
rft.commitCh <- event.(*ClientAppend).logEntry
rft.eventCh <- event.(*ClientAppend).logEntry
case *VoteRequest:
req := event.(*VoteRequest)
reply := false
if req.term < rft.currentTerm {
reply = false
if req.term > rft.currentTerm ||
req.lastLogTerm > rft.currentTerm ||
(req.lastLogTerm == rft.currentTerm && req.lastLogIndex >= len(rft.LogArray)) {
reply = true
if reply && rft.votedFor == NULL_VOTE {
electionTimeout = reInitializeTimer(electionTimeout)
writeFile(VOTED_FOR,, req.candidateId, rft.Info)
rft.votedFor = req.candidateId
rafts[req.candidateId].grantVote(reply, rft.currentTerm)
case *AppendRPC:
electionTimeout = reInitializeTimer(electionTimeout)
req := event.(*AppendRPC)
reply := true
if req.term < rft.currentTerm {
//reply as - not accepted as leader
reply = false
if req.term > rft.currentTerm {
//update currentTerm
reply = true
//first condition to prevent out of bounds except
if len(rft.LogArray) < req.prevLogIndex || rft.LogArray[req.prevLogIndex].Term != req.prevLogTerm {
reply = false
if reply {
i := req.prevLogIndex + 1
for ; i < len(rft.LogArray); i++ {
if req.entries[i-req.prevLogIndex-1].Term != rft.LogArray[i].Term {
rft.LogArray = append(rft.LogArray[0:i], req.entries[i-req.prevLogIndex-1:]...)
//todo:also add to log
if req.leaderCommit > rft.commitIndex {
if req.leaderCommit > len(rft.LogArray)-1 {
rft.commitIndex = len(rft.LogArray) - 1
} else {
rft.commitIndex = req.leaderCommit
//condition for - if not voted in current term
rafts[req.leaderId].replyAppendRPC(reply, rft.currentTerm)
......@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ func getLogger(serverId int, toDebug bool) (l *log.Logger) {
return l
func Start(serverId int, commitCh chan LogEntry, eventCh chan RaftEvent, dummyCh chan bool, toDebug bool) {
func Start(serverId int, commitCh chan LogEntry, dummyCh chan bool, toDebug bool) {
eventCh := make(chan RaftEvent)
clusterConfig, _ := NewClusterConfig(5)
rft, _ := NewRaft(clusterConfig, serverId, commitCh, eventCh, true)
if rafts == nil {
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