Commit cc63e8b5 authored by Murukesh Mohanan's avatar Murukesh Mohanan

fixed some things that have been annoying me for a long time

parent cd86ed37
Subproject commit 3bed9f2570e35f152a8492c4affac1e3c7c48797
Subproject commit d05bf551a677ac70d5b6de707a7174a97dccd4dd
Subproject commit 06f2cb5a89931284ac0a8c5a52fb8fb4420f4ebe
Subproject commit fb76dfbca1fbc4ae5a946835135cb32b72be6a66
Subproject commit fc1ae24b3eaa500deb6347e215ba54893b4ab319
Subproject commit 7f74368d85bb521951dd58123349ce66b947d058
Subproject commit 9f7da6d4988daf863ebc414f221bb12c2614f59e
Subproject commit 66511772a430a5eaad7f7d03dbb02e8f33c4a641
Subproject commit 91814d6723b03ea9f9437e1950d12861957d4b9a
Subproject commit d1a179d750bd1d136d7f38e69f2c5b8439886de7
Subproject commit 18d6d1ab82d9ac15586d7d3c1a36f9ef6fb50eae
Subproject commit 9835920a3c91236021fc8c88cc4157304e24356b
Subproject commit eec4e3e8a8227fe24618e114ff2e644615f51ad6
Subproject commit b85b550c6cf3c838db5990a3b202069964429f05
Subproject commit 715fa12ff651da838e58e7f88f18d47a1e611a7d
Subproject commit 38788ac3019c624def78c2d6d7db861ea17c9fea
Subproject commit f4683e3439966c5702e5168d5ee0c910d31ab867
Subproject commit 1aedd5a7464c93af5af86fec2f4cfce97d5f2947
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ filetype on
filetype plugin on
filetype plugin indent on
syntax enable
set grepprg=grep\ -nH\ $*
set grepprg=grep\ -nH
" Spaces are better than a tab character
" set expandtab
......@@ -66,16 +66,10 @@ function! s:Help2Url (...)
exec "normal \<c-T>"
let l:tagfile = expand ('%:t')
if ! empty ($DISPLAY)
let @+ = expand ('<cword>')
python import urllib
let @+ = pyeval ('urllib.quote_plus ("' . @* . '")')
let @+ = printf ('', l:tagfile, @*)
let @a = expand ('<cword>')
python import urllib
let @a = pyeval ('urllib.quote_plus ("' . @a . '")')
let @a = printf ('', l:tagfile, @a)
let @+ = expand ('<cword>')
python import urllib
let @+ = pyeval ('urllib.quote_plus ("' . @+ . '")')
let @+ = printf ('', l:tagfile, @+)
......@@ -113,7 +107,7 @@ let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = "context"
let g:SuperTabClosePreviewOnPopupClose = 1
set omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete
set foldmethod=syntax
set foldlevelstart=1
"set foldlevelstart=1
let g:syntastic_cpp_compiler_options = ' -std=c++11'
let g:syntastic_python_python_exec = '/usr/bin/python3'
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1
......@@ -126,8 +120,8 @@ let g:vimtex_view_general_options = '--unique @pdf\#src:@tex:@line:@col'
" In qpdfview, use the following for source editor:
" gvim --remote-tab-silent +%2 %1
let g:vimtex_view_general_options_latexmk = '--unique'
let g:vimtex_latexmk_options='-xelatex -synctex=1'
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled= 0
let g:vimtex_latexmk_options ='-xelatex -synctex=1'
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 0
let g:ctrlp_prompt_mappings = {
\ 'AcceptSelection("e")': ['<c-t>'],
\ 'AcceptSelection("t")': ['<cr>', '<2-LeftMouse>'],
......@@ -135,8 +129,10 @@ let g:ctrlp_prompt_mappings = {
let g:ctrlp_max_depth = 40
let g:ctrlp_max_files = 10000
let g:DiffColors = 100
let g:DiffUnit="Word3"
let g:DiffUpdate=1
let g:DiffUnit = "Word3"
let g:DiffUpdate = 1
let g:ycm_autoclose_preview_window_after_insertion = 1
let g:ycm_collect_identifiers_from_tags_files = 1
" if has('cscope')
" set cscopetag cscopeverbose
......@@ -160,24 +156,27 @@ if !empty($MAN_PN)
elseif @% == "" && getcwd() == "/tmp"
" From
" with exception for reading manpages
silent find test.*
silent find test.*
catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E345/
silent edit
" From
function! FindInPath(name)
" Force creation of new file for paths beginning with ./
if expand('%') =~ '^\./'
return 0
if expand('%') !~ '^[.~]\?/'
let path=&path
" Add any extra directories to the normal search path
set path+=~,~/.vim,/etc
" If :find finds a file, then wipeout the buffer that was created for the "new" file
setlocal bufhidden=wipe
exe 'silent keepalt find! '. fnameescape(expand('<afile>'))
" Restore 'path' and 'bufhidden' to their normal values
let &path=path
set bufhidden<
let path=&path
" Add any extra directories to the normal search path
set path+=~,~/.vim,/etc
" If :find finds a file, then wipeout the buffer that was created for the "new" file
setlocal bufhidden=wipe
exe 'silent! keepalt find '. fnameescape(a:name)
" Restore 'path' and 'bufhidden' to their normal values
let &path=path
set bufhidden<
autocmd BufNewFile * nested call FindInPath(expand('<afile>'))
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