Commit 53aa63aa authored by Murukesh Mohanan's avatar Murukesh Mohanan

Added airline, set 256 colors, removed align plugin files, suggestions from posts

parent 3db593a4
......@@ -30,3 +30,9 @@
path = bundle/LaTeX-Box
url =
ignore = all
[submodule "bundle/ctrlp"]
path = bundle/ctrlp
url =
[submodule "bundle/airline"]
path = bundle/airline
url =
Subproject commit 925147baef70a9e214f70d30fb61c86db11eae49
Subproject commit b5d3fe66a58a13d2ff8b6391f4387608496a030f
" AutoAlign: ftplugin support for bib
" Author: Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
" Date: Aug 16, 2007
" Version: 13
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
let b:loaded_autoalign_bib= "v13"
"call Decho("loaded ftplugin/bib/AutoAlign!")
let b:undo_ftplugin= "v13"
" overloading '=' to keep things lined up {{{1
ino <silent> = =<c-r>=AutoAlign(1)<cr>
let b:autoalign_reqdpat1= '^\(\s*\h\w*\(\[\d\+]\)\{0,}\(->\|\.\)\=\)\+\s*[-+*/^|%]\=='
let b:autoalign_notpat1 = '^[^=]\+$'
let b:autoalign_trigger1= '='
if !exists("g:mapleader")
let b:autoalign_cmd1 = 'norm \t=$'
let b:autoalign_cmd1 = "norm ".g:mapleader."t=$"
" AutoAlign: ftplugin support for C
" Author: Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
" Date: Aug 16, 2007
" Version: 13
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
let b:loaded_autoalign_c = "v13"
let b:undo_ftplugin = "v13"
" overloading '=' to keep things lined up {{{1
ino <silent> = =<c-r>=AutoAlign(1)<cr>
let b:autoalign_reqdpat1 = '^\(\s*\*\{0,}\h\w*\%(\[\%(\d\+\|\h\w*\)]\)\{0,}\%(->\|\.\)\=\)\+\s*[-+*/^|%]\=='
let b:autoalign_notpat1 = '^[^=]\+$'
let b:autoalign_trigger1 = '='
if !exists("g:mapleader")
let b:autoalign_cmd1 = 'undojoin|norm \t=$'
let b:autoalign_cmd1 = "norm ".g:mapleader."t=$"
" AutoAlign: ftplugin support for C++
" Author: Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
" Date: Aug 16, 2007
" Version: 13
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
let b:loaded_autoalign_cpp= "v13"
let b:undo_ftplugin= "v13"
" overloading '=' to keep things lined up {{{1
ino <silent> = =<c-r>=AutoAlign(1)<cr>
let b:autoalign_reqdpat1 = '^\(\s*\h\w*\(\[\d\+]\)\{0,}\(->\|\.\)\=\)\+\s*[-+*/^|%]\=='
let b:autoalign_notpat1 = '^[^=]\+$'
let b:autoalign_trigger1 = '='
if !exists("g:mapleader")
let b:autoalign_cmd1 = 'norm \t=$'
let b:autoalign_cmd1 = "norm ".g:mapleader."t=$"
" overloading '<<' to keep things lined up {{{1
"ino <silent> < <<c-o>:silent call AutoAlign(-2)<cr>
ino <silent> < <<c-r>=AutoAlign(-2)<cr>
let b:autoalign_reqdpat2 = '<<'
let b:autoalign_notpat2 = '^\%(\%(<<\)\@!.\)*$'
let b:autoalign_trigger2 = '<'
if !exists("g:mapleader")
let b:autoalign_cmd2 = 'norm \a<$'
let b:autoalign_cmd2 = "norm ".g:mapleader."a<$"
" overloading '>>' to keep things lined up {{{1
"ino <silent> > ><c-o>:silent call AutoAlign(-3)<cr>
ino <silent> > ><c-r>=AutoAlign(-3)<cr>
let b:autoalign_reqdpat3 = '>>'
let b:autoalign_notpat3 = '^\%(\%(>>\)\@!.\)*$'
let b:autoalign_trigger3 = '>'
if !exists("g:mapleader")
let b:autoalign_cmd3 = 'norm \a<$'
let b:autoalign_cmd3 = "norm ".g:mapleader."a<$"
" AutoAlign: ftplugin support for HTML
" Author: Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
" Date: Aug 16, 2007
" Version: 13
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
let b:loaded_autoalign_html= "v13"
let b:undo_ftplugin= "v13"
" overloading '>' to keep things lined up {{{1
ino <silent> > ><c-r>=AutoAlign(-1)<cr>
let b:autoalign_reqdpat1 = '</[tT][rR]>$'
let b:autoalign_notpat1 = '\%(</[tT][rR]>\)\@!.\{5}$'
let b:autoalign_suspend1 = '\c</\=table>'
let b:autoalign_trigger1 = '>'
if !exists("g:mapleader")
let b:autoalign_cmd1 = 'norm \Htd$'
let b:autoalign_cmd1 = "norm ".g:mapleader."\Htd$"
" AutoAlign: ftplugin support for Maple
" Author: Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
" Date: Aug 16, 2007
" Version: 14
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
let b:loaded_autoalign_maple = "v14"
let b:undo_ftplugin= "v13b"
" overloading '=' to keep things lined up {{{1
ino <silent> = =<c-r>=AutoAlign(1)<cr>
let b:autoalign_reqdpat1 = ':='
let b:autoalign_notpat1 = '^\%(\%(:=\)\@!.\)*$'
let b:autoalign_trigger1 = '='
let b:autoalign_cmd1 = "'a,.Align :="
" AutoAlign: ftplugin support for MatLab
" Author: Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
" Date: Aug 16, 2007
" Version: 13
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
let b:loaded_autoalign_matlab = "v13"
let b:undo_ftplugin= "v13"
" overloading '=' to keep things lined up {{{1
ino <silent> = =<c-r>=AutoAlign(1)<cr>
let b:autoalign_reqdpat1 = '\%(^.*=\)\&\%(^\s*\%(\%(if\>\|elseif\>\|function\>\|while\>\|for\>\)\@!.\)*$\)'
let b:autoalign_notpat1 = '^[^=]\+$'
let b:autoalign_trigger1 = '='
if !exists("g:mapleader")
let b:autoalign_cmd1 = 'norm \t=$'
let b:autoalign_cmd1 = "norm ".g:mapleader."t=$"
" AutoAlign: ftplugin support for LaTeX
" Author: Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
" Date: Aug 16, 2007
" Version: 13
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
let b:loaded_autoalign_tex = "v13"
let b:undo_ftplugin= "v13"
" overloading '\' to keep things lined up {{{1
"ino <silent> \\ \\<c-o>:silent call AutoAlign(1)<cr>
ino <silent> \\ \\<c-r>=AutoAlign(1)<cr>
let b:autoalign_reqdpat1 = '^\([^&]*&\)\+[^&]*\\\{2}'
let b:autoalign_notpat1 = '^.*\(\\\\\)\@<!$\&^.'
let b:autoalign_trigger1 = '\\'
if !exists("g:mapleader")
let b:autoalign_cmd1 = 'norm \tt$'
let b:autoalign_cmd1 = "norm ".g:mapleader."tt$"
" AutoAlign: ftplugin support for vim
" Author: Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
" Date: Aug 16, 2007
" Version: 13
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
let b:loaded_autoalign_vim = "v13"
let b:undo_ftplugin= "v13"
" overloading '=' to keep things lined up {{{1
"ino <silent> = =<c-o>:silent call AutoAlign(1)<cr>
ino <silent> = =<c-r>=AutoAlign(1)<cr>
let b:autoalign_reqdpat1 = '^\s*let\>.*='
let b:autoalign_notpat1 = '^[^=]\+$'
let b:autoalign_trigger1 = '='
if !exists("g:mapleader")
let b:autoalign_cmd1 = 'norm \t=$'
let b:autoalign_cmd1 = "norm ".g:mapleader."t=$"
......@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ set bg=dark
set incsearch
" This shows what you are typing as a command. I love this!
set showcmd
" Who doesn't like autoindent?
set autoindent
......@@ -48,33 +47,39 @@ set undolevels=1000 " 1000 undos
set updatecount=100 " switch every 100 chars
set complete=.,w,b,u,U,t,i,d " do lots of scanning on tab completion
set ttyfast " we have a fast terminal
set pastetoggle=<F10>
set title
set laststatus=2
set t_Co=256
nore ; :
nore , ;
map < :tabp<CR>
map > :tabn<CR>
command! C let @/=""
command! Make make!
cmap w!! w !sudo tee >/dev/null %
vnoremap cy "*y
vnoremap cp "*p
inoremap <Down> <C-o>gj
inoremap <Up> <C-o>gk
colorscheme elflord
execute pathogen#infect()
au Bufenter *.hs compiler ghc
autocmd Bufenter,BufNew *.pro set syntax=prolog
autocmd Filetype gitcommit setlocal spell textwidth=72
autocmd Bufenter *.hs compiler ghc
autocmd BufWritePre *.sh if !filereadable(expand('%')) | let b:is_new = 1 | endif
autocmd BufWritePost *.sh if get(b:, 'is_new', 0) | silent execute '!chomod +x %' | endif
let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType="context"
set omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete
set foldmethod=syntax
"let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = \"<C-X><C-O>\"
set laststatus=2
set pastetoggle=<F10>
let g:syntastic_cpp_compiler_options=' -std=c++11'
autocmd Filetype gitcommit setlocal spell textwidth=72
let g:syntastic_python_python_exec = '/usr/bin/python3'
vnoremap cy "*y
vnoremap cp "*p
inoremap <Down> <C-o>gj
inoremap <Up> <C-o>gk
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1
if has('cscope')
set cscopetag cscopeverbose
......@@ -93,12 +98,14 @@ if has('cscope')
command -nargs=0 Cscope cs add $VIMSRC/src/cscope.out $VIMSRC/src
set laststatus=2
if has("gui_running")
if has("gui_gtk2")
set guifont=Ubuntu\ Mono\ 12
if @% == "" && getcwd() == "/tmp"
:silent edit
let g:DiffColors=100
Markdown is supported
0% or
You are about to add 0 people to the discussion. Proceed with caution.
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