Commit cff859c8 authored by Mayank Manoj's avatar Mayank Manoj

Merge branch 'mayank' into 'master'


See merge request !11
parents da6f3928 b68060cf
......@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ To build :-
To run :-
For DNS Server :-
- run command in build folder "./dns"
- run command in build folder "./dns"
For server :-
- run command in build folder "./server"
For client :-
- run command in build folder "./client"
\ No newline at end of file
- run command in build folder "./client"
What works:
Generate ID from IP+port
Lookup mechanism using CHORD
Joining Servers
What does not work:
When a request is routed through different servers, for example A->B->C->D, the reply does not go through all the servers again, and also it does not go from D to client directly. Instead, we reached a middle ground in which D sends the response to A which is then sent to client.
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