1. 02 Jul, 2009 2 commits
    • Peter Eisentraut's avatar
      Upgrade to Autoconf 2.63 · 7cc514ac
      Peter Eisentraut authored
      This upgrades the configure infrastructure to the latest Autoconf version.
      Some notable news are:
       - The workaround for the broken fseeko() test is gone.
       - Checking for unknown options is now provided by Autoconf itself.
       - Fixes for Mac OS X
    • Peter Eisentraut's avatar
      Regression test for XML mapping functionality · 72da68ee
      Peter Eisentraut authored
      I wrote this one while chasing down some bugs in the closing days of 8.4.  It
      could be useful in the long run.  This area of the code had no test coverage
      at all before.
  2. 01 Jul, 2009 2 commits
  3. 30 Jun, 2009 1 commit
  4. 27 Jun, 2009 2 commits
    • Tom Lane's avatar
      Revert addition of "o" to tar options. This was intended to fix bug #4883, · 4d53a2f9
      Tom Lane authored
      but the cure appears to be worse than the disease.  It turns out that GNU
      tar versions 1.14.x misinterpret -o as --same-owner, not --no-same-owner,
      leading to exactly the wrong behavior for both root and nonroot users.
      While that bug has been fixed for nearly five years, these tar versions
      are still found in the wild, notably in OS X 10.4.  Given that #4883 was
      the first complaint we'd heard, it's definitely not worth fixing at the
      risk of breaking things for other users.  Perhaps revisit at a later date
      when we're not up against a release deadline.
    • Marc G. Fournier's avatar
      · 41f467f3
      Marc G. Fournier authored
      Bundle v8.4.0
  5. 26 Jun, 2009 7 commits
  6. 25 Jun, 2009 7 commits
  7. 24 Jun, 2009 3 commits
  8. 23 Jun, 2009 4 commits
    • Tom Lane's avatar
      Provide a link to the UPDATE reference page in the 'Updating Data' · d82e9f72
      Tom Lane authored
      section of the docs.  Per suggestion from Brad Bowman.
    • Magnus Hagander's avatar
      Properly initialize SSL engines when used from libpq. This is required for · a93e7432
      Magnus Hagander authored
      most external engines.
      Per report and initial code from Lars Kanis
    • Tom Lane's avatar
      Fix an ancient error in dist_ps (distance from point to line segment), which · b087b018
      Tom Lane authored
      a number of other geometric operators also depend on.  It miscalculated the
      slope of the perpendicular to the given line segment anytime that slope was
      other than 0, infinite, or +/-1.  In some cases the error would be masked
      because the true closest point on the line segment was one of its endpoints
      rather than the intersection point, but in other cases it could give an
      arbitrarily bad answer.  Per bug #4872 from Nick Roosevelt.
      Bug goes clear back to Berkeley days, so patch all supported branches.
      Make a couple of cosmetic adjustments while at it.
    • Tom Lane's avatar
      Fix the makefiles to fail cleanly if Perl is needed but not present. This · 8d355d7b
      Tom Lane authored
      used to work as intended, but got broken some time ago (a quoted empty string
      is not an empty string), and got broken some more by the changes to generate
      ecpg's preproc.y automatically.  Given all the unprotected uses of $(PERL)
      elsewhere, it seems best to make use of the $(missing) script rather than
      trying to ensure each such use is protected individually.  Also fix various
      bits of documentation that omitted to mention Perl as a requirement for
      building from a CVS pull.  Per a complaint from Robert Haas.
  9. 22 Jun, 2009 5 commits
  10. 21 Jun, 2009 1 commit
  11. 20 Jun, 2009 1 commit
  12. 19 Jun, 2009 3 commits
  13. 18 Jun, 2009 2 commits