Commit 7bebd0d0 authored by Alvaro Herrera's avatar Alvaro Herrera

libpq_pipeline: add PQtrace() support and tests

The libpq_pipeline program recently introduced by commit acb7e4eb
is well equipped to test the PQtrace() functionality, so let's make it
do that.

Author: Álvaro Herrera <>
parent 198b3716
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include "catalog/pg_type_d.h"
#include "common/fe_memutils.h"
#include "libpq-fe.h"
#include "pg_getopt.h"
#include "portability/instr_time.h"
......@@ -30,6 +31,9 @@ static void exit_nicely(PGconn *conn);
const char *const progname = "libpq_pipeline";
/* Options and defaults */
char *tracefile = NULL; /* path to PQtrace() file */
#define DEBUG
#ifdef DEBUG
......@@ -1209,8 +1213,10 @@ usage(const char *progname)
fprintf(stderr, "%s tests libpq's pipeline mode.\n\n", progname);
fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s tests", progname);
fprintf(stderr, " %s testname [conninfo [number_of_rows]]\n", progname);
fprintf(stderr, " %s [OPTION] tests\n", progname);
fprintf(stderr, " %s [OPTION] TESTNAME [CONNINFO [NUMBER_OF_ROWS]\n", progname);
fprintf(stderr, "\nOptions:\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -t TRACEFILE generate a libpq trace to TRACEFILE\n");
static void
......@@ -1231,37 +1237,54 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
const char *conninfo = "";
PGconn *conn;
FILE *trace;
char *testname;
int numrows = 10000;
PGresult *res;
int c;
if (strcmp(argv[1], "tests") == 0)
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "t:")) != -1)
switch (c)
case 't': /* trace file */
tracefile = pg_strdup(optarg);
* The testname parameter is mandatory; it can be followed by a conninfo
* string and number of rows.
if (argc < 2 || argc > 4)
if (optind < argc)
testname = argv[optind];
if (argc >= 3)
conninfo = pg_strdup(argv[2]);
if (strcmp(testname, "tests") == 0)
if (argc >= 4)
if (optind < argc)
conninfo = argv[optind];
if (optind < argc)
errno = 0;
numrows = strtol(argv[3], NULL, 10);
numrows = strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 10);
if (errno != 0 || numrows <= 0)
fprintf(stderr, "couldn't parse \"%s\" as a positive integer\n", argv[3]);
fprintf(stderr, "couldn't parse \"%s\" as a positive integer\n", argv[optind]);
/* Make a connection to the database */
......@@ -1272,30 +1295,42 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
/* Set the trace file, if requested */
if (tracefile != NULL)
trace = fopen(tracefile, "w+");
if (trace == NULL)
pg_fatal("could not open file \"%s\": %m", tracefile);
PQtrace(conn, trace);
res = PQexec(conn, "SET lc_messages TO \"C\"");
if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
pg_fatal("failed to set lc_messages: %s", PQerrorMessage(conn));
if (strcmp(argv[1], "disallowed_in_pipeline") == 0)
if (strcmp(testname, "disallowed_in_pipeline") == 0)
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "multi_pipelines") == 0)
else if (strcmp(testname, "multi_pipelines") == 0)
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "pipeline_abort") == 0)
else if (strcmp(testname, "pipeline_abort") == 0)
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "pipelined_insert") == 0)
else if (strcmp(testname, "pipelined_insert") == 0)
test_pipelined_insert(conn, numrows);
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "prepared") == 0)
else if (strcmp(testname, "prepared") == 0)
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "simple_pipeline") == 0)
else if (strcmp(testname, "simple_pipeline") == 0)
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "singlerow") == 0)
else if (strcmp(testname, "singlerow") == 0)
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "transaction") == 0)
else if (strcmp(testname, "transaction") == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\" is not a recognized test name\n", argv[1]);
fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\" is not a recognized test name\n", testname);
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use warnings;
use Config;
use PostgresNode;
use TestLib;
use Test::More tests => 8;
use Test::More;
use Cwd;
my $node = get_new_node('main');
......@@ -14,15 +14,62 @@ $node->start;
my $numrows = 10000;
$ENV{PATH} = "$ENV{PATH}:" . getcwd();
my ($out, $err) = run_command(['libpq_pipeline', 'tests']);
my ($out, $err) = run_command([ 'libpq_pipeline', 'tests' ]);
die "oops: $err" unless $err eq '';
my @tests = split(/\s+/, $out);
for my $testname (@tests)
my @extraargs = ();
my $cmptrace = grep(/^$testname$/,
qw(simple_pipeline multi_pipelines prepared singlerow
pipeline_abort transaction disallowed_in_pipeline)) > 0;
# For a bunch of tests, generate a libpq trace file too.
my $traceout = "$TestLib::log_path/$testname.trace";
if ($cmptrace)
push @extraargs, "-t", $traceout;
# Execute the test
[ 'libpq_pipeline', $testname, $node->connstr('postgres'), $numrows ],
'libpq_pipeline', @extraargs,
$testname, $node->connstr('postgres'),
"libpq_pipeline $testname");
# Compare the trace, if requested
if ($cmptrace)
my $expected;
my $result;
$expected = slurp_file_eval("traces/$testname.trace");
next unless $expected ne "";
$result = slurp_file_eval($traceout);
next unless $result ne "";
is($expected, $result, "$testname trace match");
sub slurp_file_eval
my $filepath = shift;
my $contents;
eval { $contents = slurp_file($filepath); };
if ($@)
fail "reading $filepath: $@";
return "";
return $contents;
F 27 Query "SET lc_messages TO "C""
B 8 CommandComplete "SET"
B 5 ReadyForQuery I
F 13 Query "SELECT 1"
B 33 RowDescription 1 "?column?" NNNN 0 NNNN 4 -1 0
B 11 DataRow 1 1 '1'
B 13 CommandComplete "SELECT 1"
B 5 ReadyForQuery I
F 4 Terminate
F 27 Query "SET lc_messages TO "C""
B 8 CommandComplete "SET"
B 5 ReadyForQuery I
F 21 Parse "" "SELECT $1" 1 NNNN
F 19 Bind "" "" 0 1 1 '1' 1 0
F 6 Describe P ""
F 9 Execute "" 0
F 4 Sync
F 21 Parse "" "SELECT $1" 1 NNNN
F 19 Bind "" "" 0 1 1 '1' 1 0
F 6 Describe P ""
F 9 Execute "" 0
F 4 Sync
B 4 ParseComplete
B 4 BindComplete
B 33 RowDescription 1 "?column?" NNNN 0 NNNN 4 -1 0
B 11 DataRow 1 1 '1'
B 13 CommandComplete "SELECT 1"
B 5 ReadyForQuery I
B 4 ParseComplete
B 4 BindComplete
B 33 RowDescription 1 "?column?" NNNN 0 NNNN 4 -1 0
B 11 DataRow 1 1 '1'
B 13 CommandComplete "SELECT 1"
B 5 ReadyForQuery I
F 4 Terminate
F 27 Query "SET lc_messages TO "C""
B 8 CommandComplete "SET"
B 5 ReadyForQuery I
F 42 Query "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pq_pipeline_demo"
B 123 NoticeResponse S "NOTICE" V "NOTICE" C "00000" M "table "pq_pipeline_demo" does not exist, skipping" F "SSSS" L "SSSS" R "SSSS" \x00
B 15 CommandComplete "DROP TABLE"
B 5 ReadyForQuery I
F 83 Query "CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE pq_pipeline_demo(id serial primary key, itemno integer);"
B 17 CommandComplete "CREATE TABLE"
B 5 ReadyForQuery I
F 61 Parse "" "INSERT INTO pq_pipeline_demo(itemno) VALUES ($1);" 1 NNNN
F 19 Bind "" "" 0 1 1 '1' 1 0
F 6 Describe P ""
F 9 Execute "" 0
F 39 Parse "" "SELECT no_such_function($1)" 1 NNNN
F 19 Bind "" "" 0 1 1 '1' 1 0
F 6 Describe P ""
F 9 Execute "" 0
F 61 Parse "" "INSERT INTO pq_pipeline_demo(itemno) VALUES ($1);" 1 NNNN
F 19 Bind "" "" 0 1 1 '2' 1 0
F 6 Describe P ""
F 9 Execute "" 0
F 4 Sync
F 61 Parse "" "INSERT INTO pq_pipeline_demo(itemno) VALUES ($1);" 1 NNNN
F 19 Bind "" "" 0 1 1 '3' 1 0
F 6 Describe P ""
F 9 Execute "" 0
F 4 Sync
B 4 ParseComplete
B 4 BindComplete
B 4 NoData
B 15 CommandComplete "INSERT 0 1"
B 217 ErrorResponse S "ERROR" V "ERROR" C "42883" M "function no_such_function(integer) does not exist" H "No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts." P "8" F "SSSS" L "SSSS" R "SSSS" \x00
B 5 ReadyForQuery I
B 4 ParseComplete
B 4 BindComplete
B 4 NoData
B 15 CommandComplete "INSERT 0 1"
B 5 ReadyForQuery I
F 26 Parse "" "SELECT 1; SELECT 2" 0
F 12 Bind "" "" 0 0 0
F 6 Describe P ""
F 9 Execute "" 0
F 4 Sync
B 123 ErrorResponse S "ERROR" V "ERROR" C "42601" M "cannot insert multiple commands into a prepared statement" F "SSSS" L "SSSS" R "SSSS" \x00
B 5 ReadyForQuery I
F 54 Parse "" "SELECT 1.0/g FROM generate_series(3, -1, -1) g" 0
F 12 Bind "" "" 0 0 0
F 6 Describe P ""
F 9 Execute "" 0
F 4 Sync
B 4 ParseComplete
B 4 BindComplete
B 33 RowDescription 1 "?column?" NNNN 0 NNNN 65535 -1 0
B 32 DataRow 1 22 '0.33333333333333333333'
B 32 DataRow 1 22 '0.50000000000000000000'
B 32 DataRow 1 22 '1.00000000000000000000'
B 70 ErrorResponse S "ERROR" V "ERROR" C "22012" M "division by zero" F "SSSS" L "SSSS" R "SSSS" \x00
B 5 ReadyForQuery I
F 40 Query "SELECT itemno FROM pq_pipeline_demo"
B 31 RowDescription 1 "itemno" NNNN 2 NNNN 4 -1 0
B 11 DataRow 1 1 '3'
B 13 CommandComplete "SELECT 1"
B 5 ReadyForQuery I
F 4 Terminate
F 27 Query "SET lc_messages TO "C""
B 8 CommandComplete "SET"
B 5 ReadyForQuery I
F 68 Parse "select_one" "SELECT $1, '42', $1::numeric, interval '1 sec'" 1 NNNN
F 16 Describe S "select_one"
F 4 Sync
B 4 ParseComplete
B 10 ParameterDescription 1 NNNN
B 113 RowDescription 4 "?column?" NNNN 0 NNNN 4 -1 0 "?column?" NNNN 0 NNNN 65535 -1 0 "numeric" NNNN 0 NNNN 65535 -1 0 "interval" NNNN 0 NNNN 16 -1 0
B 5 ReadyForQuery I
F 10 Query "BEGIN"
B 10 CommandComplete "BEGIN"
B 5 ReadyForQuery T
F 43 Query "DECLARE cursor_one CURSOR FOR SELECT 1"
B 19 CommandComplete "DECLARE CURSOR"
B 5 ReadyForQuery T
F 16 Describe P "cursor_one"
F 4 Sync
B 33 RowDescription 1 "?column?" NNNN 0 NNNN 4 -1 0
B 5 ReadyForQuery T
F 4 Terminate
F 27 Query "SET lc_messages TO "C""
B 8 CommandComplete "SET"
B 5 ReadyForQuery I
F 21 Parse "" "SELECT $1" 1 NNNN
F 19 Bind "" "" 0 1 1 '1' 1 0
F 6 Describe P ""
F 9 Execute "" 0
F 4 Sync
B 4 ParseComplete
B 4 BindComplete
B 33 RowDescription 1 "?column?" NNNN 0 NNNN 4 -1 0
B 11 DataRow 1 1 '1'
B 13 CommandComplete "SELECT 1"
B 5 ReadyForQuery I
F 4 Terminate
F 27 Query "SET lc_messages TO "C""
B 8 CommandComplete "SET"
B 5 ReadyForQuery I
F 38 Parse "" "SELECT generate_series(42, $1)" 0
F 20 Bind "" "" 0 1 2 '44' 1 0
F 6 Describe P ""
F 9 Execute "" 0
F 38 Parse "" "SELECT generate_series(42, $1)" 0
F 20 Bind "" "" 0 1 2 '45' 1 0
F 6 Describe P ""
F 9 Execute "" 0
F 38 Parse "" "SELECT generate_series(42, $1)" 0
F 20 Bind "" "" 0 1 2 '46' 1 0
F 6 Describe P ""
F 9 Execute "" 0
F 4 Sync
B 4 ParseComplete
B 4 BindComplete
B 40 RowDescription 1 "generate_series" NNNN 0 NNNN 4 -1 0
B 12 DataRow 1 2 '42'
B 12 DataRow 1 2 '43'
B 12 DataRow 1 2 '44'
B 13 CommandComplete "SELECT 3"
B 4 ParseComplete
B 4 BindComplete
B 40 RowDescription 1 "generate_series" NNNN 0 NNNN 4 -1 0
B 12 DataRow 1 2 '42'
B 12 DataRow 1 2 '43'
B 12 DataRow 1 2 '44'
B 12 DataRow 1 2 '45'
B 13 CommandComplete "SELECT 4"
B 4 ParseComplete
B 4 BindComplete
B 40 RowDescription 1 "generate_series" NNNN 0 NNNN 4 -1 0
B 12 DataRow 1 2 '42'
B 12 DataRow 1 2 '43'
B 12 DataRow 1 2 '44'
B 12 DataRow 1 2 '45'
B 12 DataRow 1 2 '46'
B 13 CommandComplete "SELECT 5"
B 5 ReadyForQuery I
F 4 Terminate
F 27 Query "SET lc_messages TO "C""
B 8 CommandComplete "SET"
B 5 ReadyForQuery I
F 79 Query "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pq_pipeline_tst;CREATE TABLE pq_pipeline_tst (id int)"
B 122 NoticeResponse S "NOTICE" V "NOTICE" C "00000" M "table "pq_pipeline_tst" does not exist, skipping" F "SSSS" L "SSSS" R "SSSS" \x00
B 15 CommandComplete "DROP TABLE"
B 17 CommandComplete "CREATE TABLE"
B 5 ReadyForQuery I
F 24 Parse "rollback" "ROLLBACK" 0
F 13 Parse "" "BEGIN" 0
F 14 Bind "" "" 0 0 1 0
F 6 Describe P ""
F 9 Execute "" 0
F 18 Parse "" "SELECT 0/0" 0
F 14 Bind "" "" 0 0 1 0
F 6 Describe P ""
F 9 Execute "" 0
F 22 Bind "" "rollback" 0 0 1 1
F 6 Describe P ""
F 9 Execute "" 0
F 46 Parse "" "INSERT INTO pq_pipeline_tst VALUES (1)" 0
F 14 Bind "" "" 0 0 1 0
F 6 Describe P ""
F 9 Execute "" 0
F 4 Sync
F 46 Parse "" "INSERT INTO pq_pipeline_tst VALUES (2)" 0
F 14 Bind "" "" 0 0 1 0
F 6 Describe P ""
F 9 Execute "" 0
F 4 Sync
F 22 Bind "" "rollback" 0 0 1 1
F 6 Describe P ""
F 9 Execute "" 0
F 46 Parse "" "INSERT INTO pq_pipeline_tst VALUES (3)" 0
F 14 Bind "" "" 0 0 1 0
F 6 Describe P ""
F 9 Execute "" 0
F 4 Sync
F 4 Sync
B 4 ParseComplete
B 4 ParseComplete
B 4 BindComplete
B 4 NoData
B 10 CommandComplete "BEGIN"
B 4 ParseComplete
B 65 ErrorResponse S "ERROR" V "ERROR" C "22012" M "division by zero" F "SSSS" L "SSSS" R "SSSS" \x00
B 5 ReadyForQuery E
B 145 ErrorResponse S "ERROR" V "ERROR" C "25P02" M "current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block" F "SSSS" L "SSSS" R "SSSS" \x00
B 5 ReadyForQuery E
B 4 BindComplete
B 4 NoData
B 13 CommandComplete "ROLLBACK"
B 4 ParseComplete
B 4 BindComplete
B 4 NoData
B 15 CommandComplete "INSERT 0 1"
B 5 ReadyForQuery I
B 5 ReadyForQuery I
F 34 Query "SELECT * FROM pq_pipeline_tst"
B 27 RowDescription 1 "id" NNNN 1 NNNN 4 -1 0
B 11 DataRow 1 1 '3'
B 13 CommandComplete "SELECT 1"
B 5 ReadyForQuery I
F 4 Terminate
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