Commit 0813216c authored by Simon Riggs's avatar Simon Riggs

Add 18 new recovery TAP tests

Add new tests for physical repl slots and hot standby feedback.

Craig Ringer, reviewed by Aleksander Alekseev and Simon Riggs
parent fb093e4c
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use strict;
use warnings;
use PostgresNode;
use TestLib;
use Test::More tests => 4;
use Test::More tests => 22;
# Initialize master node
my $node_master = get_new_node('master');
......@@ -58,3 +58,106 @@ is($node_standby_1->psql('postgres', 'INSERT INTO tab_int VALUES (1)'),
3, 'read-only queries on standby 1');
is($node_standby_2->psql('postgres', 'INSERT INTO tab_int VALUES (1)'),
3, 'read-only queries on standby 2');
diag "switching to physical replication slot";
# Switch to using a physical replication slot. We can do this without a new
# backup since physical slots can go backwards if needed. Do so on both
# standbys. Since we're going to be testing things that affect the slot state,
# also increase the standby feedback interval to ensure timely updates.
my ($slotname_1, $slotname_2) = ('standby_1', 'standby_2');
$node_master->append_conf('postgresql.conf', "max_replication_slots = 4\n");
is($node_master->psql('postgres', qq[SELECT pg_create_physical_replication_slot('$slotname_1');]), 0, 'physical slot created on master');
$node_standby_1->append_conf('recovery.conf', "primary_slot_name = $slotname_1\n");
$node_standby_1->append_conf('postgresql.conf', "wal_receiver_status_interval = 1\n");
$node_standby_1->append_conf('postgresql.conf', "max_replication_slots = 4\n");
is($node_standby_1->psql('postgres', qq[SELECT pg_create_physical_replication_slot('$slotname_2');]), 0, 'physical slot created on intermediate replica');
$node_standby_2->append_conf('recovery.conf', "primary_slot_name = $slotname_2\n");
$node_standby_2->append_conf('postgresql.conf', "wal_receiver_status_interval = 1\n");
sub get_slot_xmins
my ($node, $slotname) = @_;
my $slotinfo = $node->slot($slotname);
return ($slotinfo->{'xmin'}, $slotinfo->{'catalog_xmin'});
# There's no hot standby feedback and there are no logical slots on either peer
# so xmin and catalog_xmin should be null on both slots.
my ($xmin, $catalog_xmin) = get_slot_xmins($node_master, $slotname_1);
is($xmin, '', 'non-cascaded slot xmin null with no hs_feedback');
is($catalog_xmin, '', 'non-cascaded slot xmin null with no hs_feedback');
($xmin, $catalog_xmin) = get_slot_xmins($node_standby_1, $slotname_2);
is($xmin, '', 'cascaded slot xmin null with no hs_feedback');
is($catalog_xmin, '', 'cascaded slot xmin null with no hs_feedback');
# Replication still works?
$node_master->safe_psql('postgres', 'CREATE TABLE replayed(val integer);');
sub replay_check
my $newval = $node_master->safe_psql('postgres', 'INSERT INTO replayed(val) SELECT coalesce(max(val),0) + 1 AS newval FROM replayed RETURNING val');
$node_master->wait_for_catchup($node_standby_1, 'replay', $node_master->lsn('insert'));
$node_standby_1->wait_for_catchup($node_standby_2, 'replay', $node_standby_1->lsn('replay'));
$node_standby_1->safe_psql('postgres', qq[SELECT 1 FROM replayed WHERE val = $newval])
or die "standby_1 didn't replay master value $newval";
$node_standby_2->safe_psql('postgres', qq[SELECT 1 FROM replayed WHERE val = $newval])
or die "standby_2 didn't replay standby_1 value $newval";
diag "enabling hot_standby_feedback";
# Enable hs_feedback. The slot should gain an xmin. We set the status interval
# so we'll see the results promptly.
$node_standby_1->safe_psql('postgres', 'ALTER SYSTEM SET hot_standby_feedback = on;');
$node_standby_2->safe_psql('postgres', 'ALTER SYSTEM SET hot_standby_feedback = on;');
($xmin, $catalog_xmin) = get_slot_xmins($node_master, $slotname_1);
isnt($xmin, '', 'non-cascaded slot xmin non-null with hs feedback');
is($catalog_xmin, '', 'non-cascaded slot xmin still null with hs_feedback');
($xmin, $catalog_xmin) = get_slot_xmins($node_standby_1, $slotname_2);
isnt($xmin, '', 'cascaded slot xmin non-null with hs feedback');
is($catalog_xmin, '', 'cascaded slot xmin still null with hs_feedback');
diag "doing some work to advance xmin";
for my $i (10000..11000) {
$node_master->safe_psql('postgres', qq[INSERT INTO tab_int VALUES ($i);]);
$node_master->safe_psql('postgres', 'VACUUM;');
$node_master->safe_psql('postgres', 'CHECKPOINT;');
my ($xmin2, $catalog_xmin2) = get_slot_xmins($node_master, $slotname_1);
diag "new xmin $xmin2, old xmin $xmin";
isnt($xmin2, $xmin, 'non-cascaded slot xmin with hs feedback has changed');
is($catalog_xmin2, '', 'non-cascaded slot xmin still null with hs_feedback unchanged');
($xmin2, $catalog_xmin2) = get_slot_xmins($node_standby_1, $slotname_2);
diag "new xmin $xmin2, old xmin $xmin";
isnt($xmin2, $xmin, 'cascaded slot xmin with hs feedback has changed');
is($catalog_xmin2, '', 'cascaded slot xmin still null with hs_feedback unchanged');
diag "disabling hot_standby_feedback";
# Disable hs_feedback. Xmin should be cleared.
$node_standby_1->safe_psql('postgres', 'ALTER SYSTEM SET hot_standby_feedback = off;');
$node_standby_2->safe_psql('postgres', 'ALTER SYSTEM SET hot_standby_feedback = off;');
($xmin, $catalog_xmin) = get_slot_xmins($node_master, $slotname_1);
is($xmin, '', 'non-cascaded slot xmin null with hs feedback reset');
is($catalog_xmin, '', 'non-cascaded slot xmin still null with hs_feedback reset');
($xmin, $catalog_xmin) = get_slot_xmins($node_standby_1, $slotname_2);
is($xmin, '', 'cascaded slot xmin null with hs feedback reset');
is($catalog_xmin, '', 'cascaded slot xmin still null with hs_feedback reset');
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