Commit 028e3da2 authored by Tom Lane's avatar Tom Lane

Fix pg_get_indexdef()'s behavior for included index columns.

The multi-argument form of pg_get_indexdef() failed to print anything when
asked to print a single index column that is an included column rather than
a key column.  This seems an unintentional result of someone having tried
to take a short-cut and use the attrsOnly flag for two different purposes.
To fix, split said flag into two flags, attrsOnly which suppresses
non-attribute info, and keysOnly which suppresses included columns.
Add a test case using psql's \d command, which relies on that function.

(It's mighty tempting at this point to replace pg_get_indexdef_worker's
mess of boolean flag arguments with a single bitmask-of-flags argument,
which would allow making the call sites much more self-documenting.
But I refrained for the moment.)

parent 1573995f
......@@ -320,7 +320,8 @@ static void decompile_column_index_array(Datum column_index_array, Oid relId,
static char *pg_get_ruledef_worker(Oid ruleoid, int prettyFlags);
static char *pg_get_indexdef_worker(Oid indexrelid, int colno,
const Oid *excludeOps,
bool attrsOnly, bool showTblSpc, bool inherits,
bool attrsOnly, bool keysOnly,
bool showTblSpc, bool inherits,
int prettyFlags, bool missing_ok);
static char *pg_get_statisticsobj_worker(Oid statextid, bool missing_ok);
static char *pg_get_partkeydef_worker(Oid relid, int prettyFlags,
......@@ -1097,7 +1098,9 @@ pg_get_indexdef(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
res = pg_get_indexdef_worker(indexrelid, 0, NULL, false, false, false,
res = pg_get_indexdef_worker(indexrelid, 0, NULL,
false, false,
false, false,
prettyFlags, true);
if (res == NULL)
......@@ -1117,8 +1120,10 @@ pg_get_indexdef_ext(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
res = pg_get_indexdef_worker(indexrelid, colno, NULL, colno != 0, false,
false, prettyFlags, true);
res = pg_get_indexdef_worker(indexrelid, colno, NULL,
colno != 0, false,
false, false,
prettyFlags, true);
if (res == NULL)
......@@ -1134,10 +1139,13 @@ pg_get_indexdef_ext(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
char *
pg_get_indexdef_string(Oid indexrelid)
return pg_get_indexdef_worker(indexrelid, 0, NULL, false, true, true, 0, false);
return pg_get_indexdef_worker(indexrelid, 0, NULL,
false, false,
true, true,
0, false);
/* Internal version that just reports the column definitions */
/* Internal version that just reports the key-column definitions */
char *
pg_get_indexdef_columns(Oid indexrelid, bool pretty)
......@@ -1145,7 +1153,9 @@ pg_get_indexdef_columns(Oid indexrelid, bool pretty)
return pg_get_indexdef_worker(indexrelid, 0, NULL, true, false, false,
return pg_get_indexdef_worker(indexrelid, 0, NULL,
true, true,
false, false,
prettyFlags, false);
......@@ -1158,7 +1168,8 @@ pg_get_indexdef_columns(Oid indexrelid, bool pretty)
static char *
pg_get_indexdef_worker(Oid indexrelid, int colno,
const Oid *excludeOps,
bool attrsOnly, bool showTblSpc, bool inherits,
bool attrsOnly, bool keysOnly,
bool showTblSpc, bool inherits,
int prettyFlags, bool missing_ok)
/* might want a separate isConstraint parameter later */
......@@ -1297,15 +1308,13 @@ pg_get_indexdef_worker(Oid indexrelid, int colno,
Oid keycolcollation;
* attrsOnly flag is used for building unique-constraint and
* exclusion-constraint error messages. Included attrs are meaningless
* there, so do not include them in the message.
* Ignore non-key attributes if told to.
if (attrsOnly && keyno >= idxrec->indnkeyatts)
if (keysOnly && keyno >= idxrec->indnkeyatts)
/* Report the INCLUDED attributes, if any. */
if ((!attrsOnly) && keyno == idxrec->indnkeyatts)
/* Otherwise, print INCLUDE to divide key and non-key attrs. */
if (!colno && keyno == idxrec->indnkeyatts)
appendStringInfoString(&buf, ") INCLUDE (");
sep = "";
......@@ -1352,13 +1361,12 @@ pg_get_indexdef_worker(Oid indexrelid, int colno,
keycolcollation = exprCollation(indexkey);
if (!attrsOnly && (!colno || colno == keyno + 1))
/* Print additional decoration for (selected) key columns */
if (!attrsOnly && keyno < idxrec->indnkeyatts &&
(!colno || colno == keyno + 1))
Oid indcoll;
if (keyno >= idxrec->indnkeyatts)
/* Add collation, if not default for column */
indcoll = indcollation->values[keyno];
if (OidIsValid(indcoll) && indcoll != keycolcollation)
......@@ -2197,6 +2205,7 @@ pg_get_constraintdef_worker(Oid constraintId, bool fullCommand,
......@@ -19,6 +19,16 @@ WHERE i.indrelid = 'tbl_include_reg'::regclass ORDER BY c.relname;
CREATE INDEX tbl_include_reg_idx ON public.tbl_include_reg USING btree (c1, c2) INCLUDE (c3, c4)
(2 rows)
\d tbl_include_reg_idx
Index "public.tbl_include_reg_idx"
Column | Type | Definition
c1 | integer | c1
c2 | integer | c2
c3 | integer | c3
c4 | box | c4
btree, for table "public.tbl_include_reg"
-- Unique index and unique constraint
CREATE TABLE tbl_include_unique1 (c1 int, c2 int, c3 int, c4 box);
INSERT INTO tbl_include_unique1 SELECT x, 2*x, 3*x, box('4,4,4,4') FROM generate_series(1,10) AS x;
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ CREATE INDEX ON tbl_include_reg (c1, c2) INCLUDE (c1, c3);
SELECT pg_get_indexdef(i.indexrelid)
FROM pg_index i JOIN pg_class c ON i.indexrelid = c.oid
WHERE i.indrelid = 'tbl_include_reg'::regclass ORDER BY c.relname;
\d tbl_include_reg_idx
-- Unique index and unique constraint
CREATE TABLE tbl_include_unique1 (c1 int, c2 int, c3 int, c4 box);
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