if a command is not found , bash invokes the function command_not_found_handle
Note that This function must be present
Bash use hashtables to remember Built in command. if the command is not found in hash table then a full search of the directories of the path . if this is unsuccessful bash calls command_not_found_handle
Bash has inbuilt complete function to defime a completion mechanism for any input command in bash. The readline library present to manage the command editing.this function along with complete function is called when tab is called
| Make an executable file Command : chmod +x infiniteLoop.sh
| Run Command : ./infiniteLoop.sh &
| Capture Process ID : INFINITE_LOOP_ID=$!
| Kill Command : kill $INFINITE_LOOP_ID
The command for running a background process is mentioned in the explaination of the question (adding & parameter)
We figured the the kill command from the net , as this uses an process id we are storing it in an environmental variable and then using that var to destroy using kill command , We verified that kill command is truely killing the process by using the kill command twice consecutively -> It gave error in the second attempt infering that the process was killed in the first attempt
I declared that I have not taken any illegal help . I have done everything with the help of my group or the sited which i have mentioned in the cittaitons part
Akshith Reddy Donthula:
pledge on Gita that I have not committed any malpratices and have done my work with true honest. We neither gave nor received any unauthorized help .
I gave my full contribution to the team. Everything written by me is absolutely true.
Yashasvi SriRam:
I pledge on my honour that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment or any previous task.I have done all of my work with
I declare that I have not taken any help from any sources. I have done everything with the help of my group and the references cited.
Akshith Reddy Donthula:
I pledge on Gita that I have not committed any malpractices and have done my work with true honest. We neither gave nor received any unauthorized help . I gave my full contribution to the team. Everything written by me is absolutely true.
Yashasvi Sriram:
I pledge on my honour that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment or any previous task.I have done all of my work with high respect and passion.
Reason for opening in web browser : The concatenated output contains html tags and some special characters which make sense only when they are arranged in a html document and NOT OTHERWISE