I pledge on my honour that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment or any previous task.
Percent contributed - 100%
(Shriram S B, 150050099)
I pledge on my honour that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment or any previous task.
Percent contributed - 100%
(Anubhaw Kuntal Xess, 150050100)
I pledge on my honour that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment or any previous task.
Percent contributed - 100%
Task A :
- command in line 3 of 'taskA.txt' finds the file and opens it in sublime editor.
Task B:
- We used 'grep' with options -E (--extended-regexp) and -i (--ignore-case).
- since case insensitivity does not matter for condition 3, using -i option will give desired result.
Task C :
- "cat *" concatenates files in ascending order of names by default
- full contents of ultraball is not visible in terminal because almost all characters of main content is followed by a [BS](backspace) ascii character. So characters get deleted when output to terminal.
Task E :
- command on Laptop-Slowpoke is run first.
- Laptop-Slowpoke waits to recieve data and Laptop-Bulbasaur sends Bulbasaur.
- After this Laptop-Slowpoke sleeps for 1 second giving time for Laptop Bulbasaur to get ready to recieve Slowpoke, and then they transfer Slowpoke.
Task F :
- (To find different mime types)
> file --mime-type -b * | sort -u | less
- (To compile all c files)
> gcc *.c
- (To redirect stdout and stderr)
> ./a.out &> masterball
Task G :
- (To print out after converting to chars)
> ls -ltr | sed 1d | awk '{ printf "%c", $5 }' | less
("sed 1d" is to delete first line in stdout of "ls -ltr", which is total no of files)