Commit c1ccb55a authored by kedar's avatar kedar

resolved bug with multiple worker nodes

parent 0212678f
echo $1
# python2 --client-port 8000 --closed 1 --offload 0 --req-count 50 --send-data 10 --fid $1
# sudo ip netns exec ns_server python --fid 369020 --c 1 --t 1 --n 2
# sudo ip netns exec ns_server python --fid $1 --c 1 --rps 2 --req_count 10
sudo ip netns exec ns_server python --fid $1 --c 20 --t 300 --rps $2
\ No newline at end of file
#! /bin/bash -ex
while getopts 'rn' flag; do
case "${flag}" in
r) rps_flag=1 ;;
n) n_flag=1 ;;
echo $1, $2, $3
if [[ $rps_flag -eq 1 ]]
sudo ip netns exec ns_server python --fid $2 --c 50 --t 30 --rps $3
if [[ $n_flag -eq 1 ]]
sudo ip netns exec ns_server python --fid $2 --c 50 --t 100 --n $3
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
"registry_url": "",
"master_port": 8080,
"master_address": "",
"daemon_port": 9000,
"daemon_mac": "00:22:22:22:22:22",
"grunt_host": "",
"couchdb_host": "",
"env": "env_udp2.js",
......@@ -15,7 +17,7 @@
"network_bridge": "xanadu_kafka-serverless",
"use_bridge": false,
"internal": {
"kafka_host": "kafka:9092"
"kafka_host": ""
"external": {
"kafka_host": ""
......@@ -29,10 +31,14 @@
"response_rm_2_dm": "RESPONSE_RM_2_DM_DUMMY",
"hscale": "hscale",
"metrics_worker": "metrics_worker",
"log_channel": "LOG_COMMON"
"log_channel": "LOG_COMMON",
"coldstart_worker": "COLDSTART_WORKER",
"check_autoscale": "CHECK_AUTOSCALE",
"autoscale": "AUTOSCALE"
"autoscalar_metrics": {
"open_request_threshold": 100
"open_request_threshold": 100,
"function_load_threshold": 5
"metrics": {
"alpha": 0.7
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -10,6 +10,11 @@ const execute = require('./execute')
const fs = require('fs')
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const os = require('os');
const dgram = require('dgram');
const server = dgram.createSocket('udp4');
let struct = require('jspack');
struct = struct.jspack
let metadataDB = `http://${secrets.couchdb_username}:${secrets.couchdb_password}@${constants.couchdb_host}`
metadataDB = metadataDB + "/" + constants.db.function_meta + "/"
......@@ -69,7 +74,6 @@ libSupport.makeTopic(node_id).then(() => {
logger.error("something went wrong" + err.toString())
......@@ -170,13 +174,149 @@ function heartbeat() {
topic: "heartbeat",
messages: JSON.stringify({
"address": node_id,
"port": constants.daemon_port,
"mac": constants.daemon_mac,
"system_info": info,
console.log("daemon system info : ", info)
// console.log("daemon system info : ", info)
producer.send(payload, function(cb) {})
// TODO 2: implement packer deparser for the udp packet
// TODO 3: create UPD server to get the coldstart request
server.on('error', (err) => {
console.log(`server error:\n${err.stack}`);
server.on('message', (msg, rinfo) => {
console.log("message", msg)
let payload = unpackPacket(msg)
console.log(payload, typeof payload);
// get the coldstart request and start the function
//"Received Deployment UDP request for resource_id: " + resource_id);
let functionHash = "function_" + payload.function_id
let resource_id = 'aaa'
let runtime = 'process'
let port = 9920
let mac = constants.daemon_mac"Received Deployment UPD request")
fetch(metadataDB + functionHash).then(res => res.json())
.then(json => {
console.log("metadata", json); + "/repository/" + functionHash + ".js", local_repository + functionHash + ".js").then(() => {
let metadata = {
resource_id, functionHash,
runtime, port, mac,
resources: {
memory: json.memory
startWorker(local_repository, producer, metadata)
}).catch(err => {
logger.error("something went wrong" + err.toString())
// lastRequest =
// console.log("network stack time", lastRequest - payload.t1)
// totalRequest++
// executor(msg).then(result => {
// result = packPacket(msg)
// let port = 10000 + getRandomInt(0, 10)
// try {
// udpProxy.send(msg, 0, msg.length, port, rinfo.address, function (err, bytes) {
// if (err)
// console.log(err)
// console.log("response via UDP")
// })
// } catch (e) {
// console.log(e)
// }
// })
function unpackPacket(packet) {
// let buffer = new Array(1024)
let chain_id = null, exec_id = null, function_count = null, function_id = null, data = null
let base = 0, f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, t1, t2, t3, t4
chain_id = struct.Unpack(">I", packet, base)
base += 4
exec_id = struct.Unpack(">I", packet, base)
base += 4
function_id = struct.Unpack(">I", packet, base)
base += 4
data = struct.Unpack(">I", packet, base)
base += 4
function_count = struct.Unpack("I", packet, base)
base += 4
f0 = struct.Unpack("B", packet, base)
base += 1
f1 = struct.Unpack("B", packet, base)
base += 1
f2 = struct.Unpack("B", packet, base)
base += 1
f3 = struct.Unpack("B", packet, base)
base += 1
f4 = struct.Unpack("B", packet, base)
base += 1
t1 = struct.Unpack("I", packet, base)
base += 8
t2 = struct.Unpack("I", packet, base)
base += 8
t3 = struct.Unpack("I", packet, base)
base += 8
t4 = struct.Unpack("I", packet, base)
console.log("chain_id", chain_id, "exec_id", exec_id, "data", data, "function_count", function_count, "function_id", function_id)
return {
chain_id: chain_id[0],
exec_id: exec_id[0],
data: data[0],
function_count: function_count[0],
function_id: function_id[0],
f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, t1, t2, t3, t4
function packPacket(dataPacket) {
let message = new Array(1024)
let base = 0, chain_id, exec_id, function_id, data, function_count
chain_id = struct.PackTo(">I", message, base, [dataPacket.chain_id])
base += 4
exec_id = struct.PackTo(">I", message, base, [dataPacket.exec_id])
base += 4
function_id = struct.PackTo(">I", message, base, [dataPacket.function_id])
base += 4
data = struct.PackTo(">I", message, base, [])
base += 4
function_count = struct.PackTo("B", message, base, [dataPacket.function_count])
message = Buffer.from(message)
return message
server.on('listening', () => {
const address = server.address();
console.log(`server listening ${address.address}:${address.port}`);
// server.bind(port, "");
setInterval(heartbeat, 1000);
......@@ -134,6 +134,21 @@ const logger = winston.createLogger({
function getPort(usedPort) {
let port = -1, ctr = 0
do {
let min = Math.ceil(30000);
let max = Math.floor(60000);
port = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
ctr += 1;
if (ctr > 30000) {
port = -1
} while (usedPort.has(port))
return port
module.exports = {
download, makeid, updateConfig, makeTopic, returnPort, logger
const secrets = require('./secrets.json')
const constants = require('.././constants_local.json')
let db = new Map(), // queue holding request to be dispatched
resourceMap = new Map(), // map between resource_id and resource details like node_id, port, associated function etc
functionToResource = new Map(), // a function to resource map. Each map contains a minheap of
// resources associated with the function
workerNodes = new Map(), // list of worker nodes currently known to the DM
functionBranchTree = new Map(), // a tree to store function branch predictions
conditionProbabilityExplicit = new Map(), // tree holding conditional probabilities for explicit chains
requestFlightQueue = new Map()// map to store in flight requests
* URL to the couchdb database server used to store data
module.exports = {
db, functionBranchTree, functionToResource, workerNodes, resourceMap,
conditionProbabilityExplicit, requestFlightQueue
const Heap = require('heap');
var heap = new Heap(function(a, b) {
return -;
let map = new Map();
// a = {foo : 3};
// b = {foo : 4};
// c = {foo : 2};
arr = [{foo : 4},{foo : 5},{foo : 2}]
// map.set("foo1", a);
// map.set("foo2", b);
// map.set("foo3", c);
// heap.push({foo: 3});
// heap.push({foo: 1});
// heap.push({foo: 2});
arr[0].foo = 1;
// heap.pop(b);
......@@ -144,7 +144,8 @@'/serverless/deploy', (req, res) => {
else {
let func_id = parseInt(functionHash.slice(0,5),16)
let func_id = functionHash
// let func_id = parseInt(functionHash.slice(0,5),16)
console.log("Function id to be used is: ", func_id)
idToFunchashMap.set(func_id, functionHash)
......@@ -422,11 +423,11 @@ consumer.on('message', function (message) {
// console.log(topic, message)
if (topic === "response") {"response " + message);
} else if (topic === constants.topics.heartbeat) {
message = JSON.parse(message)
// console.log(message)
console.log("node_to_resource_mapping : ", node_to_resource_mapping)
if ( - message.timestamp < 1000)
if (!workerNodes.has(message.address)) {
workerNodes.set(message.address, message.timestamp)
......@@ -436,10 +437,10 @@ consumer.on('message', function (message) {
if(node_to_resource_mapping.has(message.address)) {
let resource_id = node_to_resource_mapping.get(message.address)
} else if (topic == constants.topics.deployed) {
try {
......@@ -487,12 +488,11 @@ consumer.on('message', function (message) {
} else if (topic == constants.topics.hscale) {
message = JSON.parse(message)
let resource_id = libSupport.makeid(constants.id_size), // each function resource request is associated with an unique ID
runtime = message.runtime,
functionHash = message.functionHash
runtime = message.runtime,
functionHash = message.functionHash`Generated new resource ID: ${resource_id} for runtime: ${runtime}`);
console.log("Resource Status: ", functionToResource);
if (!functionToResource.has(functionHash + runtime) && !db.has(functionHash + runtime)) {
......@@ -587,13 +587,16 @@ function autoscalar() {
function heapUpdate() {
console.log("functionToResource : ", functionToResource)
console.log("resource_to_cpu_util : ", resource_to_cpu_util)
functionToResource.forEach((resourceArray, functionKey) => {
//resourceArray = resourceList.toArray()
console.log("Function being updated: ",functionKey)
// console.log("Function being updated: ",functionKey)
for (let i = 0; i < resourceArray.length; i++) {
let res_i = resourceArray[i].resource_id;
resourceArray[i].cpu_utilization = resource_to_cpu_util.get(res_i);
console.log("Avg load on resource-worker ",i, ": ", resourceArray[i].cpu_utilization)
console.log("Avg load on resource-worker ",i, ": ", resourceArray[i])
heap.heapify(resourceArray, libSupport.compare_uti)
......@@ -713,8 +716,8 @@ async function speculative_deployment(req, runtime) {
setInterval(libSupport.metrics.broadcastMetrics, 5000)
// setInterval(libSupport.metrics.broadcastMetrics, 5000)
// setInterval(autoscalar, 1000);
setInterval(dispatch, 1000);
// setInterval(heapUpdate, 1000);
// setInterval(heapUpdate, 5000);
app.listen(port, () =>`Server listening on port ${port}!`))
......@@ -75,10 +75,13 @@ function generateExecutor(functionPath, functionHash) {
let output = input.slice(0, insertIndex) + functionFile + input.slice(insertIndex)
let hash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(output).digest("hex");
let func_id = parseInt(hash.slice(0,5),16)
fs.writeFileSync(functionPath + hash + ".js", output)
return hash
// fs.writeFileSync(functionPath + hash + ".js", output)
fs.writeFileSync(functionPath + "function_" + func_id + ".js", output )
return "function_"+func_id
// return hash
......@@ -89,41 +92,42 @@ function generateExecutor(functionPath, functionHash) {
function generateMicrocExecutor(functionPath, functionName, jsfunctionhash) {
//creating function.c
let function_temp = fs.readFileSync(`./repository/worker_env/function_temp.c`)
let function_def = fs.readFileSync(functionPath + functionName)
let searchSize = "//ADD_FUNCTION".length
let fid = parseInt(jsfunctionhash.slice(0,5), 16)
let insertIndex = function_temp.indexOf("//ADD_FUNCTION") + searchSize
let function_name = "void function_"+ fid +"(PIF_PLUGIN_map_hdr_T *mapHdr)"
// let function_temp = fs.readFileSync(`./repository/worker_env/function_temp.c`)
// let function_def = fs.readFileSync(functionPath + functionName)
// let searchSize = "//ADD_FUNCTION".length
// let fid = parseInt(jsfunctionhash.slice(0,5), 16)
// let insertIndex = function_temp.indexOf("//ADD_FUNCTION") + searchSize
// let function_name = "void function_"+ fid +"(PIF_PLUGIN_map_hdr_T *mapHdr)"
let full_function = function_temp.slice(0, insertIndex) +"\n"+ function_name + "{\n" +function_def +"\n}"+ function_temp.slice(insertIndex)
// let full_function = function_temp.slice(0, insertIndex) +"\n"+ function_name + "{\n" +function_def +"\n}"+ function_temp.slice(insertIndex)
// let hash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(full_function).digest("hex");
// console.log(hash);
fs.writeFileSync(functionPath +"offload/"+ jsfunctionhash + ".c", full_function)
// // let hash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(full_function).digest("hex");
// // console.log(hash);
// console.log(full_function);
// fs.writeFileSync(functionPath +"offload/"+ jsfunctionhash + ".c", full_function)
//adding call to function when match with fid
return new Promise((resolve) => {
let main_function_temp = fs.readFileSync(functionPath +"offload/"+ "static_dispatch_function.c")
// let client_function = fs.readFileSync(functionPath + "offload/"+jsfunctionhash+".c")
searchSize = "//ADD_FUNCTION_EXTERNS".length
insertIndex = main_function_temp.indexOf("//ADD_FUNCTION_EXTERNS") + searchSize
let extern_name = "extern void function_"+fid +"(PIF_PLUGIN_map_hdr_T *mapHdr)"
let main_function = main_function_temp.slice(0, insertIndex) +"\n"+ extern_name+";\n"+ main_function_temp.slice(insertIndex)
console.log("MAIN FUNCTION : \n",main_function)
let hash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(full_function).digest("hex");
// console.log(hash);
searchSize = "//ADD_FUNCTION_CONDITION".length
insertIndex = main_function.indexOf("//ADD_FUNCTION_CONDITION") + searchSize
let inc_pkt_count = "function_packet_count["+fid+"-10000]++;"
let if_else_cond = "else if( fid == "+fid + " ) {\n "+inc_pkt_count +"\nfunction_"+fid+"(mapHdr);\n}"
let main_function_full = main_function.slice(0, insertIndex) +"\n"+ if_else_cond +"\n"+ main_function.slice(insertIndex)
fs.writeFileSync(functionPath +"offload/"+ "static_dispatch_function.c", main_function_full)
return hash
// //adding call to function when match with fid
// return new Promise((resolve) => {
// let main_function_temp = fs.readFileSync(functionPath +"offload/"+ "static_dispatch_function.c")
// // let client_function = fs.readFileSync(functionPath + "offload/"+jsfunctionhash+".c")
// searchSize = "//ADD_FUNCTION_EXTERNS".length
// insertIndex = main_function_temp.indexOf("//ADD_FUNCTION_EXTERNS") + searchSize
// let extern_name = "extern void function_"+fid +"(PIF_PLUGIN_map_hdr_T *mapHdr)"
// let main_function = main_function_temp.slice(0, insertIndex) +"\n"+ extern_name+";\n"+ main_function_temp.slice(insertIndex)
// console.log("MAIN FUNCTION : \n",main_function)
// let hash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(full_function).digest("hex");
// // console.log(hash);
// searchSize = "//ADD_FUNCTION_CONDITION".length
// insertIndex = main_function.indexOf("//ADD_FUNCTION_CONDITION") + searchSize
// let inc_pkt_count = "function_packet_count["+fid+"-10000]++;"
// let if_else_cond = "else if( fid == "+fid + " ) {\n "+inc_pkt_count +"\nfunction_"+fid+"(mapHdr);\n}"
// let main_function_full = main_function.slice(0, insertIndex) +"\n"+ if_else_cond +"\n"+ main_function.slice(insertIndex)
// console.log(main_function_full);
// fs.writeFileSync(functionPath +"offload/"+ "static_dispatch_function.c", main_function_full)
// return 'xyz';
// return hash
// });
# Generated Makefile for orchestrator_speedo
# Generated Makefile for orchestrator
ifndef SDKDIR
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ ifneq ($(NFAS_FOUND),found)
$(warning warning: nfas not found or not executable, on windows please run nfp4term.bat)
$(OUTDIR)/orchestrator_speedo.nffw: $(OUTDIR)/nfd_pcie0_pd0.list/nfd_pcie0_pd0.list \
$(OUTDIR)/orchestrator.nffw: $(OUTDIR)/nfd_pcie0_pd0.list/nfd_pcie0_pd0.list \
$(OUTDIR)/nfd_pcie0_pci_in_issue1.list/nfd_pcie0_pci_in_issue1.list \
$(OUTDIR)/nfd_pcie0_pci_out_me0.list/nfd_pcie0_pci_out_me0.list \
$(OUTDIR)/nbi_init_csr.list/nbi_init_csr.list \
......@@ -186,17 +186,17 @@ $(PIFOUTDIR)/build_info.json: $(MAKEFILE_LIST)
# Generate IR from P4
$(OUTDIR)/orchestrator_speedo.yml: p4src/orchestrator_speedo.p4 \
$(OUTDIR)/orchestrator.yml: p4src/orchestrator.p4 \
@echo ---------
@echo compiling p4 $@
@echo ---------
@mkdir -p $(PIFOUTDIR)
$(SDKP4DIR)/bin/nfp4c -o $(OUTDIR)/orchestrator_speedo.yml \
$(SDKP4DIR)/bin/nfp4c -o $(OUTDIR)/orchestrator.yml \
--p4-version 16 \
--p4-compiler p4c-nfp \
--source_info \
......@@ -229,16 +229,16 @@ $(PIFOUTDIR)/pif_pkt_clone%h \
$(PIFOUTDIR)/pif_flcalc%c \
$(PIFOUTDIR)/pif_flcalc%h \
$(PIFOUTDIR)/pif_field_lists%h \
$(PIFOUTDIR)/pif_parrep_pvs_sync%c : $(OUTDIR)/orchestrator_speedo%yml $(MAKEFILE_LIST)
$(PIFOUTDIR)/pif_parrep_pvs_sync%c : $(OUTDIR)/orchestrator%yml $(MAKEFILE_LIST)
@echo ---------
@echo generating pif $@
@echo ---------
@mkdir -p $(PIFOUTDIR)
$(SDKP4DIR)/bin/nfirc -o $(PIFOUTDIR)/ \
--p4info $(OUTDIR)/orchestrator_speedo.p4info.json \
--p4info $(OUTDIR)/orchestrator.p4info.json \
--debugpoints \
--mac_ingress_timestamp \
......@@ -707,8 +707,6 @@ $(OUTDIR)/pif_app_nfd.list/pif_app_nfd.list: $(SDKP4DIR)/components/nfp_pif/me/a
$(SDKP4DIR)/components/nfp_pif/me/lib/pif/src/pif_flcalc_algorithms.c \
$(SDKP4DIR)/components/nfp_pif/me/lib/pif/src/pif_memops.c \
$(SDKP4DIR)/components/dcfl/me/lib/dcfl/libdcfl.c \
p4src/static_dispatch_function.c \
p4src/nic_function_test.c \
$(PIFOUTDIR)/pif_design.h \
@echo ---------
......@@ -817,9 +815,7 @@ $(OUTDIR)/pif_app_nfd.list/pif_app_nfd.list: $(SDKP4DIR)/components/nfp_pif/me/a
$(SDKP4DIR)/components/nfp_pif/me/lib/pif/src/pif_init.c \
$(SDKP4DIR)/components/nfp_pif/me/lib/pif/src/pif_flcalc_algorithms.c \
$(SDKP4DIR)/components/nfp_pif/me/lib/pif/src/pif_memops.c \
$(SDKP4DIR)/components/dcfl/me/lib/dcfl/libdcfl.c \
p4src/static_dispatch_function.c \
......@@ -51,3 +51,12 @@ sudo ip netns exec ns_server ifconfig vf0_2 mtu 9000
# sudo ip addr add dev bridgek0
# sudo ip link set bridgek0 up
# create veth cable for kafka
sudo ip link add veth_nnic0 type veth peer name veth_nnic1
sudo ip link set veth_nnic0 netns ns_server
sudo ip netns exec ns_server ip addr add dev veth_nnic0
sudo ip netns exec ns_server ip link set dev veth_nnic0 up
sudo ip addr add dev veth_nnic1
sudo ip link set dev veth_nnic1 up
......@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ fi
if [[ $offload_flag -eq 1 ]]
# move to p4 bin
cd /opt/netronome/p4/bin/
# cd /home/ub-01/mahendra/nfp-sdk-6.1.0-preview/p4/bin/
# offload
sudo ./rtecli design-load -f $location/p4src/orchestrator.nffw -c $location/p4src/echo.p4cfg -p $location/p4src/out/pif_design.json
sudo /opt/netronome/p4/bin/rtecli design-load -f $location/p4src/orchestrator.nffw -c $location/p4src/echo.p4cfg -p $location/p4src/out/pif_design.json
# returning back to base
cd $location
......@@ -45,4 +45,4 @@ then
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) || true
#assigning IPs to network interfaces
sudo ./
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ header map_hdr_t {
bit<8> f2;
bit<8> f3;
bit<8> f4;
bit<8> autoscaling;
// bit<8> batch_count;
......@@ -62,7 +62,8 @@
["f1", 8, false],
["f2", 8, false],
["f3", 8, false],
["f4", 8, false]
["f4", 8, false],
["autoscaling", 8, false]
......@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ map_hdr:
- f2: 8
- f3: 8
- f4: 8
- autoscaling: 8
type: header
......@@ -427,7 +428,7 @@ layout:
date: 2021/12/15 05:37:07
date: 2022/02/04 11:27:23
output_file: p4src/orchestrator.yml
p4_version: '16'
#include <core.p4>
#define V1MODEL_VERSION 20200408
#include <v1model.p4>
#include "includes/defines.p4"
#include "includes/headers.p4"
#include "includes/parsers.p4"
//extern void prime();
//extern void prime2();
extern void static_dispatch_function();
//extern void countpacket();
//struct digest_t {
// bit<32> index;
// bit<48> dstAddr;
// bit<48> srcAddr;
//bit<16> etherType;
//struct digest_time_t {
// bit<64> igt;
// bit<64> cgt;
// bit<64> time_taken;
//struct digest_t2 {
// bit<32> req_fid;
struct digest_check_udp_port{
bit<16> udp_port;
bit<32> fid;
bit<4> packet_count;
bit<32> src_ip;
bit<32> dst_ip;
control ingress(inout headers hdr, inout metadata meta, inout standard_metadata_t standard_metadata) {
//register<bit<8>>(10000) function_id_check;
register<bit<4>>(1) fwd_checks;
//bit<8> pc;
bit<4> pc2=0;
bit<1> static=1w1;
@name(".fwd_act") action fwd_act(bit<16> port) {
standard_metadata.egress_spec = port;
@name(".fwd") table fwd {
actions = {
key = {
standard_metadata.ingress_port : exact;
@name(".dispatch_act") action dispatch_act(bit<32> dstAddr, bit<16> dstPort, bit<48> ethernetAddr , bit<16> egress_port) {
hdr.ipv4.dstAddr = dstAddr;
hdr.udp.dstPort = dstPort;
hdr.ethernet.dstAddr = ethernetAddr;
//digest_t d0;