Commit b2c1fd1c authored by kedar's avatar kedar

added test script

parent 654c03a8
import socket
import struct
import time
import threading
import random
import time
import numpy as np
import argparse
import csv
import json
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Mininet demo')
parser.add_argument('--fid', help='Funtion id',
type=int, action="store", required=False)
parser.add_argument('--c', help='Concurrency',
type=int, action="store", required=True)
parser.add_argument('--t', help='Runtime',
type=int, action="store", required=True)
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument('--rps', help='Requests per second',
type=int, action="store")
group.add_argument('--n', help='Number of requests to send',
type=int, action="store")
args = parser.parse_args()
# fids_file = open("fids.json")
# fids = json.loads(fids_file)
# console.log("fids : ", fids)
PORT = 8000
dataInt = 0
fid = args.fid
runtime = args.t
concurrency = args.c
# packet_holder = [None] * 11
packet_holder = [[] for i in range(12)]
ingress_time = {}
stop_thread = False
fids = []
with open('fids.txt') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
# fids.append(lines.split('\n')[0])
for line in lines:
# def receive(i):
# global stop_thread, packet_holder
# CLIENT_IP = ""
# port = 10000 + i
# #print i
# s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
# # s.setblocking(0)
# s.bind((CLIENT_IP, port))
# # s.setblocking(0)
# print("listening to {} at port {}".format(CLIENT_IP, port))
# run_status = {}
# packet_holder[i] = []
# while True:
# if stop_thread:
# print "stop thread r"
# break
# packet, addr = s.recvfrom(1024)
# #print "packet received : ", packet
# packet_holder[i].append((packet, time.time() ))
# # print "r", "{0:f}".format((time.time() * 1000)), "{0:f}".format(ingress_time[exec_id])
def genPacket(fid):
# global fid
packet = None
exec_id = random.randint(0, 2 ** 30)
chain_id = 1
function_count = 5
function_id = fid if (fid) else 1
f0 = 0; f1 = 1; f2 = 2; f3 = 0; f4 = 0
# print chain_id, exec_id, "function_id", function_id, function_count, \
# f0, f1, f2, f3, f4,
chain_id = struct.pack(">I", chain_id) # chain id
exec_id_packed = struct.pack(">I", exec_id) # execution id
dataInt =1
# print " dataInt", dataInt
data = struct.pack(">I", dataInt) # data
function_count = struct.pack("B", function_count) # function count
function_id = struct.pack(">I", function_id)
f0 = struct.pack("B", f0) # f0
f1 = struct.pack("B", f1) # f1
f2 = struct.pack("B", f2) # f2 -> f0
f3 = struct.pack("B", f3) # f3 -> f1 f2
f4 = struct.pack("B", f4) # f4 -> f3
packet = chain_id + exec_id_packed + function_id + data + function_count + f0 + f1 + f2 + f3 + f4
# print dataInt, offload_status
return packet, exec_id
def sendThread(start_time, runtime, sleep_time):
global ingress_time
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
while True:
if time.time() - start_time > runtime:
packet, exec_id = genPacket()
if exec_id in ingress_time:
s.sendro(packet, (SERVER_IP, PORT))
ingress_time[exec_id] = time.time()
def send():
global egress_time, ingress_time, concurrency, runtime, stop_thread
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
print("Sending packet to %s at port %s" % (SERVER_IP, PORT))
print("Runtime: %d Concurrency %d" % (runtime, concurrency))
print("chain id, exec id, data, function count, functions dependencies...")
# op = struct.unpack("B", packet[0])
print("server IP ", SERVER_IP, PORT)
if args.n is not None:
for i in range(args.n):
packet, exec_id = genPacket(fids[i])
s.sendto(packet, (SERVER_IP, PORT))
ingress_time[exec_id] = time.time() * 1000
print("send", "{0:f}".format(ingress_time[exec_id]))
elif args.rps is not None:
start_time = time.time()
sleep_time = concurrency / float(args.rps)
print("calculated inter-arrival time, offload mode", sleep_time)
for i in range(concurrency):
t = threading.Thread(target=sendThread, args=[
start_time, runtime, sleep_time])
t.daemon = True
print "stoppping thread"
stop_thread = True
print "thread stopped"
# s.sendto(packet, (SERVER_IP, PORT))
# r.join()
def printStatistics():
global runtime
e2e_time = []
for packetThread in packet_holder:
for packetTuple in packetThread:
packet = packetTuple[0]
base = 0
chain_id = struct.unpack(">I", packet[base:base + 4])[0]
base += 4
exec_id = struct.unpack(">I", packet[base:base + 4])[0]
e2e_time.append((packetTuple[1] - ingress_time[exec_id])* 1000)
#print e2e_time
data = np.array(e2e_time, dtype=float)
np.savetxt("bm_static_1.csv", data, delimiter=' ', header='')
p50 = np.percentile(data, 50)
p95 = np.percentile(data, 95)
p99 = np.percentile(data, 99)
mean = np.mean(data)
print("mean \t p50 \t p95 \t p99")
print(mean, p50, p95, p99)
fields=[args.rps, mean, len(e2e_time) / runtime, len(ingress_time), p50, p95, p99]
with open('speedo_data_static2_1f_host.csv', 'a') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
print("rps", len(e2e_time) / runtime, len(ingress_time))
return 0
#! /bin/bash -ex
echo $1, $2
while getopts 'snd' flag; do
case "${flag}" in
s) deploy_flag=1 ;;
n) req_flag=1 ;;
d) rm_flag=1 ;;
# echo $1, $2, $3
if [[ $deploy_flag -eq 1 ]]
for (( i=1; $i <= $2; i++ ))
echo "console.log('running test $i')" > "testjs"$i".js"
for (( i=1; $i <= $2; i++ ))
curl -X POST -F runtime=container -F serverless="@/home/ub-01/mahendra/xanadu_coldstart/testfiles/testjs"$i".js" -F nicfunction=@/home/ub-01/mahendra/xanadu_coldstart/testfiles/test5nic.c >> curl_output.txt
echo "\n" >> curl_output.txt
cat curl_output.txt | awk '{ print substr( $0, 84 ) }' | grep [0-9]* -o >> fids.txt
echo "{'fids':[" >> fids.json
while IFS="" read -r p || [ -n "$p" ]
# printf '%s\n' "$p"
# sudo ip netns exec ns_server python --fid $p --c 50 --t 100 --n 1
echo $p" , " >> fids.json
done < fids.txt
echo "]}" >> fids.json
# ####
if [[ $req_flag -eq 1 ]]
sudo ip netns exec ns_server python --c 1 --t 2 --n $2
# python --c 1 --t 2 --n $2
if [[ $rm_flag -eq 1 ]]
rm -f curl_output.txt fids.txt
# curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/serverless/deploy -F runtime=container -F serverless=@/home/pcube/mahendra/speedo_basic_coldstart/xanadu/testfiles/test1.js -F nicfunction=@/home/pcube/nilanjan/xanadu/testfiles/test5nic.c >> curl_output.txt
# echo "\n" >> curl_output.txt
# curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/serverless/deploy -F runtime=container -F serverless=@/home/pcube/mahendra/speedo_basic_coldstart/xanadu/testfiles/test2.js -F nicfunction=@/home/pcube/nilanjan/xanadu/testfiles/test5nic.c >> curl_output.txt
# echo "\n" >> curl_output.txt
# curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/serverless/deploy -F runtime=container -F serverless=@/home/pcube/mahendra/speedo_basic_coldstart/xanadu/testfiles/test3.js -F nicfunction=@/home/pcube/nilanjan/xanadu/testfiles/test5nic.c >> curl_output.txt
# echo "\n" >> curl_output.txt
# curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/serverless/deploy -F runtime=container -F serverless=@/home/pcube/mahendra/speedo_basic_coldstart/xanadu/testfiles/test4.js -F nicfunction=@/home/pcube/nilanjan/xanadu/testfiles/test5nic.c >> curl_output.txt
# echo "\n" >> curl_output.txt
# curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/serverless/deploy -F runtime=container -F serverless=@/home/pcube/mahendra/speedo_basic_coldstart/xanadu/testfiles/test5.js -F nicfunction=@/home/pcube/nilanjan/xanadu/testfiles/test5nic.c >> curl_output.txt
# echo "\n" >> curl_output.txt
# curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/serverless/deploy -F runtime=container -F serverless=@/home/pcube/mahendra/speedo_basic_coldstart/xanadu/testfiles/test6.js -F nicfunction=@/home/pcube/nilanjan/xanadu/testfiles/test5nic.c >> curl_output.txt
# echo "\n" >> curl_output.txt
# curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/serverless/deploy -F runtime=container -F serverless=@/home/pcube/mahendra/speedo_basic_coldstart/xanadu/testfiles/test7.js -F nicfunction=@/home/pcube/nilanjan/xanadu/testfiles/test5nic.c >> curl_output.txt
# echo "\n" >> curl_output.txt
# curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/serverless/deploy -F runtime=container -F serverless=@/home/pcube/mahendra/speedo_basic_coldstart/xanadu/testfiles/test8.js -F nicfunction=@/home/pcube/nilanjan/xanadu/testfiles/test5nic.c >> curl_output.txt
# echo "\n" >> curl_output.txt
# curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/serverless/deploy -F runtime=container -F serverless=@/home/pcube/mahendra/speedo_basic_coldstart/xanadu/testfiles/test9.js -F nicfunction=@/home/pcube/nilanjan/xanadu/testfiles/test5nic.c >> curl_output.txt
# echo "\n" >> curl_output.txt
# curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/serverless/deploy -F runtime=container -F serverless=@/home/pcube/mahendra/speedo_basic_coldstart/xanadu/testfiles/test10.js -F nicfunction=@/home/pcube/nilanjan/xanadu/testfiles/test5nic.c >> curl_output.txt
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