Commit a38a16ae authored by NILANJAN DAW's avatar NILANJAN DAW

Updated Readme

-- Added Server Install guidelines
parent ce3d339d
......@@ -151,10 +151,11 @@ to run and execute the function on the specified worker node.
After nodejs has been installed
- Install the dependencies: execute `npm install` from within the project folder
- Modify the constants.json file as required.
- For Worker nodes modify the config.json in dispatch_daemon to provide an unique ID to each node.
- Run the Master and Worker server as `npm start` or `node index.js`
- Install the dependencies: execute `npm install` from within the project folder, dispatch_manager folder and dispatch_daemon folder on each node the daemon is going to run.
- Modify the constants.json file as required to reflect the dispatch manager and other services IP addresses.
- Update Speculation related parameters as required in the constants.json file.
- Create a folder named local_repository in the dispatch_daemon folder on all the nodes it is running.
- Start the Dispatch Manager and Dispatch Daemon server as `node index.js` and the Resource Manager as `node rm.js`in separate terminals.
### Internal Communication Interfaces
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