Commit 4d074b06 authored by Nilanjan Daw's avatar Nilanjan Daw

Merge branch 'explicit_function_chaining'

parents 66dc57aa fb27d6a9
"registry_url" :"localhost:5000/",
"registry_url" :"",
"master_port": 8080,
"master_address": "localhost",
"grunt_host": "",
"couchdb_host": "localhost:5984",
"function_db_name": "serverless",
"metrics_db_name": "metrics",
"implicit_chain_db_name": "implicit_chain",
"couchdb_host": "",
"db": {
"function_meta": "serverless",
"metrics": "metrics",
"implicit_chain_meta": "implicit_chain",
"explicit_chain_meta": "explicit_chain"
"network": {
"network_bridge": "hybrid_kafka-serverless",
"use_bridge": false,
"internal": {
"kafka_host": "kafka:9092"
"kafka_host": ""
"external": {
"kafka_host": "localhost:29092"
"kafka_host": ""
"topics": {
......@@ -28,7 +32,10 @@
"autoscalar_metrics": {
"open_request_threshold": 100
"speculative_deployment": false,
"JIT_deployment": false,
"metrics": {
"alpha": 0.7
"speculative_deployment": true,
"JIT_deployment": true,
"id_size": 20
"registry_url" :"",
"master_port": 8080,
"master_address": "",
"grunt_host": "",
"couchdb_host": "",
"db": {
"function_meta": "serverless",
"metrics": "metrics",
"implicit_chain_meta": "implicit_chain",
"explicit_chain_meta": "explicit_chain"
"network": {
"network_bridge": "hybrid_kafka-serverless",
"internal": {
"kafka_host": "kafka:9092"
"external": {
"kafka_host": ""
"topics": {
"request_dm_2_rm": "request",
"heartbeat": "heartbeat",
"deployed": "deployed",
"remove_worker": "removeWorker",
"response_rm_2_dm": "RESPONSE_RM_2_DM_DUMMY",
"hscale": "hscale",
"log_channel": "LOG_COMMON"
"autoscalar_metrics": {
"open_request_threshold": 100
"metrics": {
"alpha": 0.7
"speculative_deployment": false,
"JIT_deployment": true,
"id_size": 20
......@@ -92,9 +92,15 @@ function runContainer(metadata) {
if (code != 0)
else {
const process = spawn('docker', ["run", "--rm", `--network=${}`, "-p", `${port}:${port}`,
"--name", resource_id, registry_url + imageName,
resource_id, imageName, port, "container",]);
let process = null;
if (
process = spawn('docker', ["run", "--rm", `--network=${}`, "-p", `${port}:${port}`,
"--name", resource_id, registry_url + imageName,
resource_id, imageName, port, "container",]);
process = spawn('docker', ["run", "--rm", "-p", `${port}:${port}`,
"--name", resource_id, registry_url + imageName,
resource_id, imageName, port, "container",]);
let result = "";
// timeStart =
process.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
......@@ -119,10 +125,15 @@ function runContainer(metadata) {
} else {"container starting at port", port);
const process = spawn('docker', ["run", "--rm", `--network=${}`,
"-p", `${port}:${port}`, "--name", resource_id,
registry_url + imageName, resource_id, imageName, port, "container",]);
let process = null;
if (
process = spawn('docker', ["run", "--rm", `--network=${}`,
"-p", `${port}:${port}`, "--name", resource_id,
registry_url + imageName, resource_id, imageName, port, "container",]);
process = spawn('docker', ["run", "--rm",
"-p", `${port}:${port}`, "--name", resource_id,
registry_url + imageName, resource_id, imageName, port, "container",]);
let result = "";
// timeStart =
process.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
......@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ function heartbeat() {
topic: "heartbeat",
messages: JSON.stringify({"address": node_id, "timestamp":})
producer.send(payload, function() {})
producer.send(payload, function(cb) {})
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ function updateConfig() {
function makeTopic(id) {
console.log("Using Primary IP", id, "as topic");
console.log("Using Primary IP", id, "as topic", "publishing to:",;
let client = new kafka.KafkaClient({
......@@ -10,18 +10,11 @@ const { spawn } = require('child_process');
const morgan = require('morgan');
const heap = require('heap');
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const swStats = require('swagger-stats');
const apiSpec = require('./swagger.json');
// const swStats = require('swagger-stats');
// const apiSpec = require('./swagger.json');
const util = require('util')
const sharedMeta = require('./shared_meta')
* URL to the couchdb database server used to store function metadata
let metadataDB = `http://${secrets.couchdb_username}:${secrets.couchdb_password}@${constants.couchdb_host}`
metadataDB = metadataDB + "/" + constants.function_db_name + "/"
let metricsDB = `http://${secrets.couchdb_username}:${secrets.couchdb_password}@${constants.couchdb_host}`
metricsDB = metricsDB + "/" + constants.metrics_db_name + "/"
const app = express()
const libSupport = require('./lib')
......@@ -30,13 +23,15 @@ let date = new Date();
let log_channel = constants.topics.log_channel
let usedPort = new Map(), // TODO: remove after integration with RM
db = new Map(), // queue holding request to be dispatched
resourceMap = new Map(), // map between resource_id and resource details like node_id, port, associated function etc
functionToResource = new Map(), // a function to resource map. Each map contains a minheap of
db = sharedMeta.db, // queue holding request to be dispatched
resourceMap = sharedMeta.resourceMap, // map between resource_id and resource details like node_id, port, associated function etc
functionToResource = sharedMeta.functionToResource, // a function to resource map. Each map contains a minheap of
// resources associated with the function
workerNodes = new Map(), // list of worker nodes currently known to the DM
functionBranchTree = new Map() // a tree to store function branch predictions
workerNodes = sharedMeta.workerNodes, // list of worker nodes currently known to the DM
functionBranchTree = sharedMeta.functionBranchTree, // a tree to store function branch predictions
metricsDB = sharedMeta.metricsDB,
metadataDB = sharedMeta.metadataDB
let kafka = require('kafka-node'),
Producer = kafka.Producer,
......@@ -64,11 +59,10 @@ app.use(morgan('combined', {
app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
const file_path = __dirname + "/repository/"
app.use('/repository', express.static(file_path)); // file server hosting deployed functions
app.use(swStats.getMiddleware({ swaggerSpec: apiSpec })); // statistics middleware
app.use('/serverless/chain', chainHandler); // chain router (explicit_chain_handler.js) for handling explicit chains
// app.use(swStats.getMiddleware({ swaggerSpec: apiSpec })); // statistics middleware
app.use('/serverless/chain', chainHandler.router); // chain router (explicit_chain_handler.js) for handling explicit chains
let requestQueue = []
const WINDOW_SIZE = 10
......@@ -225,7 +219,7 @@'/serverless/execute/:id', (req, res) => {
res.timestamp =
if (functionToResource.has(id)) {
res.start = 'warmstart'
libSupport.reverseProxy(req, res, functionToResource, resourceMap, functionBranchTree)
libSupport.reverseProxy(req, res)
} else {
res.start = 'coldstart'
......@@ -334,17 +328,14 @@ function postDeploy(message) {
"reason": "deployment",
"status": true,
starttime: ( - resource.deploy_request_time)
}, message.resource_id, resourceMap)
}, message.resource_id)
if (db.has(id)) {
let sendQueue = db.get(id)"forwarding request via reverse proxy to: " + JSON.stringify(resource));
while (sendQueue && sendQueue.length != 0) {
let { req, res } = sendQueue.shift()
libSupport.reverseProxy(req, res, functionToResource, resourceMap, functionBranchTree)
.then(() => {
libSupport.reverseProxy(req, res)
......@@ -410,7 +401,7 @@ consumer.on('message', function (message) {
"reason": "terminate",
"total_request": message.total_request,
"status": true
}, message.resource_id, resourceMap)
}, message.resource_id)
.then(() => {
if (resourceArray.length == 0)
......@@ -428,7 +419,11 @@ consumer.on('message', function (message) {
functionHash = message.functionHash`Generated new resource ID: ${resource_id} for runtime: ${runtime}`);
console.log("Resource Status: ", functionToResource);
if (!functionToResource.has(functionHash + runtime) && !db.has(functionHash + runtime)) {
console.log("adding db");
db.set(functionHash + runtime, [])
* Request RM for resource
......@@ -451,6 +446,7 @@ consumer.on('message', function (message) {
partition: 0
producer.send(payloadToRM, () => {
// db.set(functionHash + runtime, { req, res })
console.log("sent rm");
......@@ -521,7 +517,7 @@ function autoscalar() {
async function speculative_deployment(req, runtime) {
if (constants.speculative_deployment && req.headers['x-resource-id'] === undefined) {
// console.log(functionBranchTree,;
if (functionBranchTree.has( {
let branchInfo = functionBranchTree.get(
......@@ -558,7 +554,7 @@ async function speculative_deployment(req, runtime) {
setInterval(libSupport.metrics.broadcastMetrics, 5000)
setInterval(libSupport.viterbi, 1000, functionBranchTree)
// setInterval(libSupport.viterbi, 1000)
setInterval(autoscalar, 1000);
setInterval(dispatch, 1000);
app.listen(port, () =>`Server listening on port ${port}!`))
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -5,11 +5,12 @@ const secrets = require('./secrets.json')
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const util = require('util')
const prom = require('prom-client');
const sharedMeta = require('./shared_meta');
const Registry = prom.Registry;
const register = new Registry();
const alpha = 0.99
const alpha = constants.metrics.alpha
let log_channel = constants.topics.log_channel,
metrics = { }
......@@ -29,8 +30,7 @@ register.registerMetric(coldstartMetric);
let metricsDB = `http://${secrets.couchdb_username}:${secrets.couchdb_password}@${constants.couchdb_host}`
metricsDB = metricsDB + "/" + constants.metrics_db_name + "/"
let metricsDB = sharedMeta.metricsDB
let kafka = require('kafka-node'),
Producer = kafka.Producer,
client = new kafka.KafkaClient({
......@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ async function broadcastMetrics() {
warmstart: metric.longterm.warmstart,
starttime: metric.longterm.starttime
let payload = {
method: 'put',
body: JSON.stringify(dbData),
......@@ -136,6 +137,7 @@ async function broadcastMetrics() {
await fetch(metricsDB + functionHash, payload)
metric.timestamp =
const secrets = require('./secrets.json')
const constants = require('.././constants.json')
let db = new Map(), // queue holding request to be dispatched
resourceMap = new Map(), // map between resource_id and resource details like node_id, port, associated function etc
functionToResource = new Map(), // a function to resource map. Each map contains a minheap of
// resources associated with the function
workerNodes = new Map(), // list of worker nodes currently known to the DM
functionBranchTree = new Map(), // a tree to store function branch predictions
conditionProbabilityExplicit = new Map() // tree holding conditional probabilities for explicit chains
* URL to the couchdb database server used to store data
let metadataDB = `http://${secrets.couchdb_username}:${secrets.couchdb_password}@${constants.couchdb_host}`
metadataDB = metadataDB + "/" + constants.db.function_meta + "/"
let metricsDB = `http://${secrets.couchdb_username}:${secrets.couchdb_password}@${constants.couchdb_host}`
metricsDB = metricsDB + "/" + constants.db.metrics + "/"
let implicitChainDB = `http://${secrets.couchdb_username}:${secrets.couchdb_password}@${constants.couchdb_host}`
implicitChainDB = implicitChainDB + "/" + constants.db.implicit_chain_meta + "/"
let explicitChainDB = `http://${secrets.couchdb_username}:${secrets.couchdb_password}@${constants.couchdb_host}`
explicitChainDB = explicitChainDB + "/" + constants.db.explicit_chain_meta + "/"
module.exports = {
db, functionBranchTree, functionToResource, workerNodes, resourceMap,
metadataDB, metricsDB, implicitChainDB, explicitChainDB
\ No newline at end of file
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