Commit 770aa4cb authored by Sanchit's avatar Sanchit

Uploading user documentation

parent 81647fa5
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\begin{tabular}{ c c }
\textbf{Samarth Joshi} & 203059008 \\
\textbf{Sanchit Gupta} & 203050089 \\
\textbf{Roshan Sahu} & 203050048
\Large{18th November, 2020}
A basic quiz application allows you to conduct a quiz, but does not give the professor a clear picture about what topics students have understood thoroughly and topics in which students are lagging. And also afterquiz cribs is a quite cumbersome process. Hence our system Pariksha would provide a quiz hosting as well as afterquiz analysis for the professor as well as the students. Thus helping the professor analyse how much the students have grasped particular topics and which topics they are lagging. And also providing afterquiz cribs for faster resolution of doubts.
Due to global pandemic online education has seen an exponential increase, we need to leverage technology to test students.
Any test taking application should allow the professor to host a quiz which the students can take. \\
And after the quiz, analysis should be provided to both student and professor which contains details about various attributes related to the quiz. It is visualized using graphs and charts from which professors can make judgement about the students' understanding about the topic.\\
For professors, the dashboard would allow him to analyse students understanding about the topics using per quiz charts/graphs, which will give detailed description of the performance of enrolled students. Also the professor will be able to address the cribs for the quiz.\\
For students, they could take quiz hosted by professors. The student can raise doubts in afterquiz cribs session. Students can view their performance in all the quiz.
\item Python3
\item Django
\section{Using Pariksha}
Pariksha is very easy to use platform. You need to have installed the dependencies.
To install python3 on ubuntu, run the following command in your terminal.
\item \textbf{\textit{sudo apt-get install python3.8}}
To install Django on ubuntu, run the following command in your terminal.
\item \textbf{\textit{sudo apt-get install python3-django}}
One needs to git clone the project. After that open terminal in main directory and run following commands.
\item \textbf{\textit{python3 makemigrations}}
\item \textbf{\textit{python3 migrate}}
\item \textbf{\textit{python3 runserver}}
All the functionalities and how to use them is depicted ahead.
The student first needs to sign up.
\caption{Sign-up Page}
After successfully signing up student redirected to Student homepage.
\caption{Student Dashboard}
Next time a student only needs to login with previously using credentials.
\caption{Login Page}
A student can select from the list of ongoing quizzes the quiz of his/her choice.
\caption{Ongoing Quizzes}
The quiz starts at the scheduled time and a timer is started and students can attempt the quiz till the timer ends which will auto submit the quiz.
\caption{Ongoing Quizzes}
A student can also view details of marks obtained in the previous quizzes from homepage.
\caption{Previous Submissions}
A professor needs to sign up first as a professor.
After successfully signing-up the professor redirect to professor homepage.
\caption{Professor Dashboard}
Professor can create a new quiz by clicking on Create quiz in homepage.
A professor can add questions in the quiz in two ways.\\
1- Manually
\caption{Adding quiz questions manually}
2- By uploading CSV file
\caption{Adding quiz questions using CSV}
Professor can view how its students have performed in previous quizzes by an extensive analysis using various graphs.
Professor can also see corresponding cribs of students in that quiz.
\caption{Analysis Graphs and Cribs Table}
Professor can monitor its students in his/her currently ongoing quizzes.
\caption{Monitor Page}
\section{Future Scope}
\item The questions could be provided with \LaTeX\ editor.
\item Functionality to support numeric answer type.
\item Video proctoring of the student.
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