Commit 5690254b authored by Samarth Joshi's avatar Samarth Joshi

Merging conflicts

parents c7fbda92 2117467a
......@@ -8,9 +8,10 @@
<h1>Hello Everyone</h1>
<form><input type="hidden" id="quizId" name="quizId" value="123"></form>
<div id="dashboard">
{{ graph|safe }}
{{ graph1|safe }}
{{ graph2|safe }}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -141,13 +141,15 @@ def upload_file(request):
def instructor(request):
q_id = request.GET['quizId']
students = result.objects.all().filter(quizId=q_id).values('studentId')
marks = result.objects.all().filter(quizId=q_id).values('marks')
print('Hello World')
q_id = request.GET['quiz_id']
students = results.objects.all().filter(quizId=q_id).values('studentId')
marks = results.objects.all().filter(quizId=q_id).values('marks')
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter([1, 10], [5, 9])
html_graph = mpld3.fig_to_html(fig)
return render(request, 'instructor.html', {"graph": html_graph, "graph1": html_graph, "graph2": html_graph})
return render(request, 'instructor.html',{"graph": html_graph, "graph1": html_graph, "graph2": html_graph,'quiz_id':q_id})
def handle_uploaded_file(f,q1):
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