Changed code such that Skip Gram (negative sampling) model will use only one embedding per word

parent d83ccfba
......@@ -518,12 +518,12 @@ void *TrainModelThread(void *id) {
l2 = target * layer1_size;
f = 0;
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) f += syn0[c + l1] * syn1neg[c + l2];
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) f += syn0[c + l1] * syn0[c + l2];
if (f > MAX_EXP) g = (label - 1) * alpha;
else if (f < -MAX_EXP) g = (label - 0) * alpha;
else g = (label - expTable[(int)((f + MAX_EXP) * (EXP_TABLE_SIZE / MAX_EXP / 2))]) * alpha;
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) neu1e[c] += g * syn1neg[c + l2];
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) syn1neg[c + l2] += g * syn0[c + l1];
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) neu1e[c] += g * syn0[c + l2];
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) syn0[c + l2] += g * syn0[c + l1];
// Learn weights input -> hidden
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) syn0[c + l1] += neu1e[c];
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