Commit d1b0954f authored by tmikolov's avatar tmikolov


parent 3628abdd
make clean
if [ ! -e text8 ]; then
wget -O text8.gz
......@@ -8,5 +7,5 @@ echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Note that for the word analogy to perform well, the models should be trained on much larger data sets
echo Example input: paris france berlin
echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
time ./word2vec -train text8 -output vectors.bin -cbow 1 -size 200 -window 5 -negative 5 -hs 0 -sample 1e-3 -threads 12 -binary 1
time ./word2vec -train text8 -output vectors.bin -cbow 0 -size 200 -window 5 -negative 0 -hs 1 -sample 1e-3 -threads 12 -binary 1
./word-analogy vectors.bin
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