Commit bb06cf28 authored by Sushant Mahajan's avatar Sushant Mahajan

removed old model file

parent bf87ab8c
Pipeline #292 skipped
#! /usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import os
import csv
from random import seed, random
from pprint import pprint as pp
from math import log, exp
import numpy as np
params = {"layers":[57, int(57/2), 1], "test":"TestX.csv", "train":"Train.csv"}
def doNormalize(X):
#do 0 mean 1 std normalization
x1 = np.array(X,dtype=float)
for i in range(len(X[0])):
col = x1[:,i]
mean,std = col.mean(),col.std()
std = std if std!=0.0 else 1.0
x1[:,i] = (x1[:,i]-mean)/std
return x1.tolist()
def getData(srcF, isTrain=True, addBias=True, normalize=True):
with open(srcF) as src:
reader = csv.reader(src, delimiter=',')
for i,row in enumerate(reader):
temp = []
if addBias:
end = -1 if isTrain else len(row)
#correct data type
X.append([x for x in map(float, temp)])
if isTrain:
if normalize:
X = doNormalize(X)
return (X,y)
def sigmoid(v):
return 1.0/(1+exp(-v))
def sigmoidGradient(v):
return [a*b for a,b in zip([sigmoid(x) for x in v], [1-sigmoid(x) for x in v])]
def regularization(cost, w1, w2, lamb, m):
reg = sum(w1*w1)+sum(w2*w2)
reg = reg*lamb/(2*m)
return cost+reg
def gradient(del1, del2, w1, w2, lamb, m):
del1,del2 = del1/m, del2/m
tgrad1 = del1[:,1:] + lamb*w1[:,1:]/m
tgrad2 = del2[:,1:] + lamb*w2[:,1:]/m
w1[:,1:] = np.copy(tgrad1)
w2[:,1:] = np.copy(tgrad2)
return np.append(w1.reshape(w1.size), w2.reshape(w2.size))
def cost(li, lh, lo, weights, X, y, lamb):
w1 = weights[:(li+1)*lh] #28x58
w2 = weights[(li+1)*lh:] #1x29
#28x58, 1x29
tdel1,tdel2 = np.zeros((lh,li+1),dtype=float), np.zeros((lo,lh+1),dtype=float)
#w1,w2 = getMatrix(lh, li+1, w1t), getMatrix(lo, lh+1, w2t)
# w1 = np.array(w1t)
# w2 = np.array(w2t)
m = len(X)
J = 0.0
for i in range(m):
a1 = X[i] #1x58
z2 =,li+1)), a1) #28x58 * 58x1 = 28x1
a2 = [1.0] #bias for hidden
a2.extend([sigmoid(x) for x in z2]) #29x1
z3 =,lh+1)), a2) #1x29 *29x1 = 1x1
z3 = z3[0]
h = sigmoid(z3)
# J += -y[i]*log(fw) - (1-y[i])*log(1-fw)
del3 = h-y[i] #1x1
z2 = [1]+z2.tolist() #29x1
del2 = w2.reshape((lo,lh+1))*del3*np.array(sigmoidGradient(z2)).reshape((1,29)) #1x29 x 1x1 x 1x29 = 1x29
del2 = del2.reshape(lh+1,lo).tolist()
del(del2[0]) #28x1
tdel1 =,lo),np.array(a1).reshape(lo,li+1))+tdel1 #28x1 x 1x58
tdel2 = np.multiply(np.array(a2).reshape((lo,lh+1)), del3)+tdel2 #1x29 * 1x1 + 1x29 = 1x29
J += y[i]*log(h) + (1-y[i])*log(1-h)
J = -J/m
J = regularization(J, w1, w2, lamb, m)
#calculate gradient
grad = gradient(tdel1, tdel2, w1.reshape((lh,li+1)), w2.reshape((lo,lh+1)), lamb, m)
return J,grad
def fit(X, y, li, lh, lo, weight, lamb, eta, passes=1000, verbose=True):
weights = np.copy(weight)
for i in range(1,passes+1):
J, dw = cost(li, lh, lo, weights, X, y, lamb)
#print(weights.shape, dw.shape)
weights += -eta*dw
print(i,"\r", end='')
if verbose and i%(passes/10) == 0:
return weights
def predict(x, w1, w2):
#x=[1]+x #58x1
x = np.array(x)
h1 = [sigmoid(z) for z in,x).tolist()] #28x58 * 58x1 = 28x1
h1 = [1]+h1
h2 = sigmoid(,h1).tolist()[0]) #1x29 * 29x1 = 1x1
return h2
def setWeightsFromFile(weights):
if os.path.isfile("weights"):
with open("weights","rb") as wfile:
weights = np.load(wfile)
return True
return False
if __name__ == "__main__":
X,y = getData(params["train"])
tX,ty = getData(params["test"], isTrain=False)
# print(len(X), len(X[0]), len(y), X[0])
# print(len(tX), len(ty), tX[0])
li,lh,lo = tuple(params["layers"])
weights = np.random.rand(lh*(li+1)+lo*(lh+1))
lamb,eta = 0.1,0.1
if not setWeightsFromFile(weights):
weights = fit(X, y, li, lh, lo, weights, lamb, eta, passes=300)
with open("weights","wb") as wfile:, weights)
w1 = weights[:(li+1)*lh].reshape(lh,li+1) #28x58
w2 = weights[(li+1)*lh:].reshape(lo,lh+1) #1x29
py = []
for x in X:
# print("train accuracy", len(list(filter(lambda z:z==0,[a-b for a,b in zip(py,y)])))*1.0/len(y))
# pty = []
# for x in tX:
# pty.append(predict(x,w1,w2))
# with open("answer.txt","w") as dest:
# writer = csv.writer(dest)
# for i,ans in enumerate(pty):
# writer.writerow([i,ans])
# J,grad = cost(li, lh, lo, weights, X, y, 0.1)
# print(J,grad)
#print(len(w1), len(w1[0]), len(w2), len(w2[0]))
\ No newline at end of file
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