Commit 93e41dec authored by Bharath Radhakrishnan's avatar Bharath Radhakrishnan

deleted src folder

parent de3eae7c
package handler
import (
*Helper function to read value or cause timeout after READ_TIMEOUT seconds
*parameters: channel to read data from, threshold number of bytes to read
*returns: the value string and error state
func readValue(ch chan []byte, n uint64) ([]byte, bool) {
//now we need to read the value which should have been sent
valReadLength := uint64(0)
var v []byte
err := false
up := make(chan bool, 1)
//after 5 seconds passed reading value, we'll just send err to client
go func() {
time.Sleep(READ_TIMEOUT * time.Second)
up <- true
//use select for the data channel and the timeout channel
for valReadLength < n+2 {
select {
case temp := <-ch:
valReadLength += uint64(len(temp))
if valReadLength > n+2 {
err = true
v = append(v, temp...)
case <-up:
err = true
//will be true if timeout occurs
if err {
if err {
return []byte{0}, err
return v[:n], err
/*Copied from the bufio.Scanner (originally ScanLines). By default it splits by '\n' but now we want it to split by '\r\n'
*arguments: data in bytes, is eof reached
*return: next sequence of bytes, chunk of data found, err state
func CustomSplitter(data []byte, atEOF bool) (advance int, token []byte, err error) {
omega := 0
if atEOF && len(data) == 0 {
return 0, nil, nil
for {
if i := bytes.IndexByte(data[omega:], '\n'); i >= 0 {
//here we add omega as we are using the complete data array instead of the slice where we found '\n'
if i > 0 && data[omega+i-1] == '\r' {
//next byte begins at i+1 and data[0:i+1] returned
return omega + i + 1, data[:omega+i+1], nil
} else {
//move the omega index to the byte after \n
omega += i + 1
} else {
//need to break free the chains
// If we're at EOF, we have a final, non-terminated line. Return it.
if atEOF {
return len(data), data, nil
// Request more data.
return 0, nil, nil
/*Function to read data from the connection and put it on the channel so it could be read in a systematic fashion.
*arguments: channel shared between this go routine and other functions performing actions based on the commands given, client connection
*return: none
func MyRead(ch chan []byte, conn net.Conn) {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(conn)
for {
if ok := scanner.Scan(); !ok {
} else {
temp := scanner.Bytes()
ch <- temp
/*Simple write function to send information to the client
*arguments: client connection, msg to send to the client
*return: none
func Write(conn net.Conn, msg string) {
buf := []byte(msg)
buf = append(buf, []byte(CRLF)...)
func HandleClient(conn net.Conn, rft *raft.SharedLog) {
defer conn.Close()
//channel for every connection for every client
ch := make(chan []byte)
go MyRead(ch, conn)
for {
command := new(Command)
msg := <-ch
if len(msg) == 0 {
command.cmd = msg
if kvstore.IsCasOrSet(string(msg)) {
if v, err := readValue(ch, n); err {
Write(conn, kvstore.ERR_CMD_ERR)
} else {
command.val = v
//command.isVal = true
buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
// writing
enc := gob.NewEncoder(buffer)
err := enc.Encode(command)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("encode error:", err)
logEntry, err := rft.Append(buffer.Bytes())
package kvstore
import (
/*Constants used throughout the program to identify commands, request, response, and error messages*/
const (
SET = "set"
GET = "get"
GETM = "getm"
CAS = "cas"
DELETE = "delete"
NOREPLY = "noreply"
// //response
OK = "OK"
CRLF = "\r\n"
//represents the value in the main hashtable (key, value) pair
type Data struct {
numBytes uint64 //number of bytes of the value bytes
version uint64 //current version of the key
expTime uint64 //time offset in seconds after which the key should expire
value []byte //bytes representing the actual content of the value
isPerpetual bool //specifies that the key does not expire
//represents the main hashtable where the dance actually happens
type KeyValueStore struct {
dictionary map[string]*Data //the hashtable that stores the (key, value) pairs
sync.RWMutex //mutex for synchronization when reading or writing to the hashtable
//pointer to custom logger
var logger *log.Logger
var table *KeyValueStore
/*Function to start the server and accept connections.
*arguments: none
*return: none
//func startServer() {
// logger.Println("Server started")
// listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":5000")
// if err != nil {
// logger.Println("Could not start server!")
// }
// //initialize key value store
// table = &KeyValueStore{dictionary: make(map[string]*Data)}
// //infinite loop
// for {
// conn, err := listener.Accept()
// if err != nil {
// logger.Println(err)
// continue
// }
// go handleClient(conn) //client connection handler
// }
/*Function to read data from the connection and put it on the channel so it could be read in a systematic fashion.
*arguments: channel shared between this go routine and other functions performing actions based on the commands given, client connection
*return: none
//func myRead(ch chan []byte, conn net.Conn) {
// scanner := bufio.NewScanner(conn)
// scanner.Split(CustomSplitter)
// for {
// if ok := scanner.Scan(); !ok {
// break
// } else {
// temp := scanner.Bytes()
// ch <- temp
// logger.Println(temp, "$$")
// }
// }
///*Simple write function to send information to the client
// *arguments: client connection, msg to send to the client
// *return: none
// */
//func write(conn net.Conn, msg string) {
// buf := []byte(msg)
// buf = append(buf, []byte(CRLF)...)
// logger.Println(buf, len(buf))
// conn.Write(buf)
/*After initial establishment of the connection with the client, this go routine handles further interaction
*arguments: client connection
*return: none
//func handleClient(conn net.Conn) {
// defer conn.Close()
// //channel for every connection for every client
// ch := make(chan []byte)
// go myRead(ch, conn)
// for {
// msg := <-ch
// logger.Println("Channel: ", msg, string(msg))
// if len(msg) == 0 {
// continue
// }
// parseInput(conn, string(msg), table, ch)
// }
/*Basic validations for various commands
*arguments: command to check against, other parmameters sent with the command (excluding the value), client connection
*return: integer representing error state
func isValid(cmd string, tokens []string, conn net.Conn) int {
switch cmd {
case SET:
if len(tokens) > 5 || len(tokens) < 4 {
logger.Println(cmd, ":Invalid no. of tokens")
write(conn, ERR_CMD_ERR)
return 1
if len([]byte(tokens[1])) > 250 {
logger.Println(cmd, ":Invalid size of key")
write(conn, ERR_CMD_ERR)
return 1
if len(tokens) == 5 && tokens[4] != NOREPLY {
logger.Println(cmd, ":optional arg incorrect")
write(conn, ERR_CMD_ERR)
return 1
if _, err := strconv.ParseUint(tokens[2], 10, 64); err != nil {
logger.Println(cmd, ":expiry time invalid")
write(conn, ERR_CMD_ERR)
return 1
if _, err := strconv.ParseUint(tokens[3], 10, 64); err != nil {
logger.Println(cmd, ":numBytes invalid")
write(conn, ERR_CMD_ERR)
return 1
case GET:
if len(tokens) != 2 {
logger.Println(cmd, ":Invalid number of arguments")
write(conn, ERR_CMD_ERR)
return 1
if len(tokens[1]) > 250 {
logger.Println(cmd, ":Invalid key size")
write(conn, ERR_CMD_ERR)
return 1
case GETM:
if len(tokens) != 2 {
logger.Println(cmd, ":Invalid number of tokens")
write(conn, ERR_CMD_ERR)
return 1
if len(tokens[1]) > 250 {
logger.Println(cmd, ":Invalid key size")
write(conn, ERR_CMD_ERR)
return 1
case CAS:
if len(tokens) > 6 || len(tokens) < 5 {
logger.Println(cmd, ":Invalid number of tokens")
write(conn, ERR_CMD_ERR)
return 1
if len([]byte(tokens[1])) > 250 {
logger.Println(cmd, ":Invalid size of key")
write(conn, ERR_CMD_ERR)
return 1
if len(tokens) == 6 && tokens[5] != NOREPLY {
logger.Println(cmd, ":optional arg incorrect")
write(conn, ERR_CMD_ERR)
return 1
if _, err := strconv.ParseUint(tokens[2], 10, 64); err != nil {
logger.Println(cmd, ":expiry time invalid")
write(conn, ERR_CMD_ERR)
return 1
if _, err := strconv.ParseUint(tokens[3], 10, 64); err != nil {
logger.Println(cmd, ":version invalid")
write(conn, ERR_CMD_ERR)
return 1
if _, err := strconv.ParseUint(tokens[4], 10, 64); err != nil {
logger.Println(cmd, ":numbytes invalid")
write(conn, ERR_CMD_ERR)
return 1
case DELETE:
if len(tokens) != 2 {
logger.Println(cmd, ":Invalid number of tokens")
write(conn, ERR_CMD_ERR)
return 1
if len([]byte(tokens[1])) > 250 {
logger.Println(cmd, ":Invalid size of key")
write(conn, ERR_CMD_ERR)
return 1
return 0
//compiler is happy
return 0
/*Function parses the command provided by the client and delegates further action to command specific functions.
*Based on the return values of those functions, send appropriate messages to the client.
*arguments: client connection, message from client, channel shared with myRead function
*return: none
func ParseInput(conn net.Conn, msg string, ch chan []byte) {
tokens := strings.Fields(msg)
//general error, don't check for commands, avoid the pain ;)
if len(tokens) > MAX_CMD_ARGS || len(tokens) < MIN_CMD_ARGS {
write(conn, ERR_CMD_ERR)
//for efficient string concatenation
var buffer bytes.Buffer
switch tokens[0] {
case SET:
if isValid(SET, tokens, conn) != 0 {
if ver, ok, r := performSet(conn, tokens[1:len(tokens)], table, ch); ok {
if r {
buffer.WriteString(" ")
buffer.WriteString(strconv.FormatUint(ver, 10))
write(conn, buffer.String())
case GET:
if isValid(GET, tokens, conn) != 0 {
if data, ok := performGet(conn, tokens[1:len(tokens)], table); ok {
logger.Println("sending", tokens[1], "data")
buffer.WriteString(" ")
buffer.WriteString(strconv.FormatUint(data.numBytes, 10))
write(conn, buffer.String())
write(conn, buffer.String())
} else {
write(conn, buffer.String())
case GETM:
if isValid(GETM, tokens, conn) != 0 {
if data, ok := performGetm(conn, tokens[1:len(tokens)], table); ok {
logger.Println("sending", tokens[1], "metadata")
buffer.WriteString(" ")
buffer.WriteString(strconv.FormatUint(data.version, 10))
buffer.WriteString(" ")
if data.isPerpetual {
} else {
buffer.WriteString(strconv.FormatUint(data.expTime-uint64(time.Now().Unix()), 10))
buffer.WriteString(" ")
buffer.WriteString(strconv.FormatUint(data.numBytes, 10))
write(conn, buffer.String())
write(conn, buffer.String())
} else {
write(conn, buffer.String())
case CAS:
if isValid(CAS, tokens, conn) != 0 {
if ver, ok, r := performCas(conn, tokens[1:len(tokens)], table, ch); r {
if r {
switch ok {
case 0:
buffer.WriteString(" ")
buffer.WriteString(strconv.FormatUint(ver, 10))
write(conn, buffer.String())
case 1:
write(conn, buffer.String())
case 2:
write(conn, buffer.String())
case 3:
write(conn, buffer.String())
case DELETE:
if isValid(DELETE, tokens, conn) != 0 {
if ok := performDelete(conn, tokens[1:len(tokens)], table); ok == 0 {
write(conn, DELETED)
} else {
write(conn, ERR_NOT_FOUND)
write(conn, buffer.String())
/*Delegate function responsible for all parsing and hashtable interactions for the SET command sent by client
*arguments: client connection, tokenized command sent by the client, channel shared with myRead
*return: version of inserted key (if successful, 0 otherwise), success or failure, whether to send reply to client
func performSet(conn net.Conn, tokens []string, ch chan []byte) (uint64, bool, bool) {
k := tokens[0]
//expiry time offset
e, _ := strconv.ParseUint(tokens[1], 10, 64)
n, _ := strconv.ParseUint(tokens[2], 10, 64)
r := true
if len(tokens) == 4 && tokens[3] == NOREPLY {
r = false
if v, err := readValue(ch, n); err {
write(conn, ERR_CMD_ERR)
return 0, false, r
} else {
defer table.Unlock()
//critical section start
var val *Data
if _, ok := table.dictionary[k]; ok {
val = table.dictionary[k]
} else {
val = new(Data)
table.dictionary[k] = val
val.numBytes = n
if e == 0 {
val.isPerpetual = true
val.expTime = 0
} else {
val.isPerpetual = false
val.expTime = e + uint64(time.Now().Unix())
val.value = v
return val.version, true, r
/*Delegate function reponsible for activities related to the GET command sent by the client.
*arguments: client connection, tokenized command sent by the client
*return: pointer to value corresponding to the key given by client, success or failure
func performGet(conn net.Conn, tokens []string) (*Data, bool) {
k := tokens[0]
defer table.Unlock()
//lock because if key is expired, we'll delete it
//critical section begin
if v, ok := table.dictionary[k]; ok {
if !v.isPerpetual && v.expTime < uint64(time.Now().Unix()) {
//delete the key
delete(table.dictionary, k)
return nil, false
data := new(Data)
data.numBytes = v.numBytes
data.value = v.value[:]
return data, true
} else {
return nil, false
/*Delegate function reponsible for activities related to the GETM command sent by the client.
*arguments: client connection, tokenized command sent by the client
*return: pointer to value corresponding to the key given by client, success or failure
func performGetm(conn net.Conn, tokens []string) (*Data, bool) {
k := tokens[0]
defer table.Unlock()
//critical section begin
if v, ok := table.dictionary[k]; ok {
if !v.isPerpetual && v.expTime < uint64(time.Now().Unix()) {
//delete the key
delete(table.dictionary, k)
return nil, false
data := new(Data)
data.version = v.version
data.expTime = v.expTime
data.numBytes = v.numBytes
data.value = v.value[:]
data.isPerpetual = v.isPerpetual
return data, true
} else {
return nil, false
/*Delegate function reponsible for activities related to the CAS command sent by the client.
*arguments: client connection, tokenized command sent by the client, channel shared with myRead
*return: new version of updated key (if it is updated), error status {0: error while reading new value, 1: key found and changed,
*2: version mismatch with key, 3: key not found}, whether to reply to client
func performCas(conn net.Conn, tokens []string, ch chan []byte) (uint64, int, bool) {
k := tokens[0]
e, _ := strconv.ParseUint(tokens[1], 10, 64)
ve, _ := strconv.ParseUint(tokens[2], 10, 64)
n, _ := strconv.ParseUint(tokens[3], 10, 64)
r := true
logger.Println(k, e, ve, n, r)
if len(tokens) == 5 && tokens[4] == NOREPLY {
r = false
//read value
if v, err := readValue(ch, n); err {
return 0, 1, r
} else {
defer table.Unlock()
if val, ok := table.dictionary[k]; ok {
if val.version == ve {
if val.isPerpetual || val.expTime >= uint64(time.Now().Unix()) {
//if expiry time is zero, key should not be deleted
if e == 0 {
val.isPerpetual = true
val.expTime = 0
} else {
val.isPerpetual = false
val.expTime = e + uint64(time.Now().Unix())
val.numBytes = n
val.value = v
//key found and changed
return val.version, 0, r
} else {
logger.Println("expired key found!")
//version found but key expired, can delete key safely and tell client that it does not exist
delete(table.dictionary, k)
return 0, 3, r
//version mismatch
return 0, 2, r
//key not found
return 0, 3, r
/*Delegate function reponsible for activities related to the DELETE command sent by the client.
*arguments: client connection, tokenized command sent by the client
*return: integer secifying error state {0: found and deleted, 1: found but expired (deleted but client told non-existent, 2: key not found}
func performDelete(conn net.Conn, tokens []string) int {
k := tokens[0]
flag := 1
defer table.Unlock()
//begin critical section
if v, ok := table.dictionary[k]; ok {
if v.isPerpetual || v.expTime >= uint64(time.Now().Unix()) {
//found not expired
flag = 0
//delete anyway as expired or needs to be deleted
delete(table.dictionary, k)
return flag
//key not found
return 2
/*Simple function that dumps the contents of the hashtable
*arguments: none
*return: none
func debug() {
logger.Println("----start debug----")
for key, val := range (*table).dictionary {
logger.Println(key, val)
logger.Println("----end debug----")
/*Entry point of this program. Initializes the start of ther server and sets up the logger.
*arguments: none
*return: none
//func main() {
// toLog := ""
// if len(os.Args) > 1 {
// toLog = os.Args[1]
// }
// //toLog = "s"
// if toLog != "" {
// logf, _ := os.OpenFile("serverlog.log", os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0666)
// defer logf.Close()
// logger = log.New(logf, "SERVER: ", log.Ltime|log.Lshortfile)
// //logger = log.New(os.Stdout, "SERVER: ", log.Ltime|log.Lshortfile)
// } else {
// logger = log.New(ioutil.Discard, "SERVER: ", log.Ldate)
// }
// go startServer()
// var input string
// fmt.Scanln(&input)
func InitKVStore() {
toLog := ""
if len(os.Args) > 1 {
toLog = os.Args[1]
//toLog = "s"
if toLog != "" {
logf, _ := os.OpenFile("serverlog.log", os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0666)
defer logf.Close()
logger = log.New(logf, "SERVER: ", log.Ltime|log.Lshortfile)
//logger = log.New(os.Stdout, "SERVER: ", log.Ltime|log.Lshortfile)
} else {
logger = log.New(ioutil.Discard, "SERVER: ", log.Ldate)
//initialize key value store
table = &KeyValueStore{dictionary: make(map[string]*Data)}
func IsCasOrSet(msg string) bool {
tokens := strings.Fields(msg)
if len(tokens) >= 1 {
return tokens[0] == SET || tokens[0] == CAS
//server will not call this, we'll call it from test cases to clear the map
func ReInitServer() {
defer table.Unlock()
for key, _ := range table.dictionary {
delete(table.dictionary, key)
package raft
import (
//constant values used
const (
type Lsn uint64 //Log sequence number, unique for all time.
type ErrRedirect int // See Log.Append. Implements Error interface.
type LogEntry interface {
Lsn() Lsn
Data() []byte
Committed() bool
type LogEntryData struct {
id Lsn
data []byte
committed bool
type ServerConfig struct {
Id int // Id of server. Must be unique
Hostname string // name or ip of host
ClientPort int // port at which server listens to client messages.
LogPort int // tcp port for inter-replica protocol messages.
type ClusterConfig struct {
Path string // Directory for persistent log
Servers []ServerConfig // All servers in this cluster
type SharedLog interface {
Append(data []byte) (LogEntry, error)
type Raft struct {
log_array []*LogEntryData
commitCh chan LogEntry
cluster_config *ClusterConfig //cluster
id int //this server id
func NewRaft(config *ClusterConfig, thisServerId int, commitCh chan LogEntry) (*Raft, error) {
rft := new(Raft)
rft.commitCh = commitCh
rft.cluster_config = config = thisServerId
return rft, nil
//goroutine that monitors channel for commiting log entry
func monitorCommitChannel(raft *Raft) { //unidirectional -- can only read from the channel
for {
//var temp LogEntry
temp := <-raft.commitCh //receive from the channel
raft.log_array[temp.(*LogEntryData).id].committed = true //commit the value
//update the kv store here
//goroutine that monitors channel to check if the majority of servers have replied
func monitorAckChannel(rft *Raft, ack_ch <-chan int, log_entry LogEntry, majEventCh chan int) {
acks_received := 0
num_servers := len(rft.cluster_config.Servers)
required_acks := num_servers / 2
up := make(chan bool, 1)
err := false
go func() {
time.Sleep(ACK_TIMEOUT * time.Second)
up <- true
for {
select {
case temp := <-ack_ch:
acks_received += temp
if acks_received == required_acks {
rft.commitCh <- log_entry
majEventCh <- 1
err = true
case <-up:
err = true
if err {
//make LogEntryData implement the
func (entry *LogEntryData) Lsn() Lsn {
func (entry *LogEntryData) Data() []byte {
func (entry *LogEntryData) Committed() bool {
return entry.committed
//make raft implement the append function
func (raft *Raft) Append(data []byte) (LogEntry, error) {
if != 1 {
return nil, ErrRedirect(1)
temp := new(LogEntryData) = 1
temp.committed = false = data
raft.log_array = append(raft.log_array, temp)
ackChan := make(chan int)
majEventCh := make(chan int)
go monitorAckChannel(raft, ackChan, temp, majEventCh)
go monitorCommitChannel(raft)
for _, server := range cluster_config.Servers[1:] {
go func(ackChan chan int) {
client, err := rpc.Dial("tcp", server.Hostname+":"+strconv.Itoa(server.LogPort))
if err != nil {
Info.Fatal("Dialing:", err)
reply := new(Reply)
args := &Args{7}
appendCall := client.Go("AppendEntries.AppendEntriesRPC", args, reply, nil) //let go allocate done channel
appendCall = <-appendCall.Done
ackChan <- reply.X
//channel will return 1 if majority
if <-majEventCh == 1 {
raft.commitCh <- temp
return temp, nil
func NewServerConfig(server_id int) (*ServerConfig, error) {
server := new(ServerConfig)
server.Id = server_id
server.Hostname = ""
server.ClientPort = CLIENT_PORT
server.LogPort = CLIENT_PORT + server_id
return server, nil
func NewClusterConfig(num_servers int) (*ClusterConfig, error) {
config := new(ClusterConfig)
config.Path = ""
config.Servers = make([]ServerConfig, num_servers)
for i := 1; i <= num_servers; i++ {
curr_server, _ := NewServerConfig(i)
config.Servers[i-1] = *(curr_server)
return config, nil
func (e ErrRedirect) Error() string {
return "Redirect to server " + strconv.Itoa(0)
package main
import (
//constant values used
const (
func TestServersCommunic(i int) {
cmd := exec.Command("go", "run", "server.go", strconv.Itoa(i+1), strconv.Itoa(NUM_SERVERS))
f, err := os.OpenFile(strconv.Itoa(i), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0666)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error opening file: %v", err)
defer f.Close()
cmd.Stdout = f
cmd.Stderr = f
/*if err != nil {
func main() {
for i := 0; i < NUM_SERVERS; i++ {
go TestServersCommunic(i)
var dummy_input string
// server.go
package main
import (
// Logger
var Info *log.Logger
// Flag for enabling/disabling logging functionality
var DEBUG = true
type Args struct {
X int
type Reply struct {
X int
type AppendEntries struct{}
func (t *AppendEntries) AppendEntriesRPC(args *Args, reply *Reply) error {
reply.X = args.X
return nil
func initInterServerCommunication(server *raft.ServerConfig, rft *raft.SharedLog) {
appendRpc := new(AppendEntries)
listener, e := net.Listen("tcp", ":"+strconv.Itoa(this_server.LogPort))
if e != nil {
Info.Fatal("listen error:", e)
for {
if conn, err := listener.Accept(); err != nil {
Info.Fatal("accept error: " + err.Error())
} else {
Info.Printf("new connection established\n")
go rpc.ServeConn(conn)
// Initialize Logger
func initLogger(serverId int) {
// Logger Initializaion
if !DEBUG {
Info = log.New(ioutil.Discard, "INFO: ", log.Ldate|log.Ltime|log.Lshortfile)
} else {
Info = log.New(os.Stdout, "INFO: ", log.Ldate|log.Ltime|log.Lshortfile)
Info.Println("Initialized server")
func initClientCommunication(server *raft.ServerConfig, rft *raft.SharedLog) {
listener, e := net.Listen("tcp", ":"+strconv.Itoa(server.ClientPort))
if e != nil {
Info.Fatal("client listen error:", e)
for {
if conn, err := listener.Accept(); err != nil {
Info.Fatal("client accept error: " + err.Error())
} else {
Info.Printf("client new connection established\n")
go handler.HandleClient(conn, rft)
func main() {
sid, err := strconv.Atoi(os.Args[1])
if err != nil {
Info.Println("argument ", os.Args[1], "is not string")
serverCount, err2 := strconv.Atoi((os.Args[2]))
if err2 != nil {
Info.Println("argument ", os.Args[2], "is not string")
server, _ := raft.NewServerConfig(sid)
clusterConfig, _ := raft.NewClusterConfig(serverCount)
commitCh := make(chan raft.LogEntry)
rft := raft.NewRaft(clusterConfig, sid, commitCh)
initClientCommunication(server, rft)
initInterServerCommunication(server, rft)
var dummy string
// utils
package utils
import (
type Command struct {
cmd []byte
val []byte
func (d *Command) GobEncode() ([]byte, error) {
w := new(bytes.Buffer)
encoder := gob.NewEncoder(w)
err := encoder.Encode(d.cmd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = encoder.Encode(d.val)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return w.Bytes(), nil
func (d *Command) GobDecode(buf []byte) error {
r := bytes.NewBuffer(buf)
decoder := gob.NewDecoder(r)
err := decoder.Decode(&d.cmd)
if err != nil {
return err
return decoder.Decode(&d.val)
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