Commit 64ce4f2a authored by Shreyas's avatar Shreyas


parent 1ef7f515
;; -*- coding: utf-8; mode: Lisp; -*-
;; style file for xindy
;; filename: LICRcyr2utf8.xdy
;; description: style file for xindy which maps back LaTeX Internal
;; Character Representation of Cyrillic to utf-8
;; usage: for use with pdflatex produced .idx files.
;; Contributed by the Sphinx team, July 2018.
(merge-rule "\IeC {\'\CYRG }" "Ѓ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\'\CYRK }" "Ќ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\'\cyrg }" "ѓ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\'\cyrk }" "ќ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRA }" "А" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRB }" "Б" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRC }" "Ц" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRCH }" "Ч" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRD }" "Д" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRDJE }" "Ђ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRDZE }" "Ѕ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRDZHE }" "Џ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRE }" "Е" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYREREV }" "Э" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRERY }" "Ы" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRF }" "Ф" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRG }" "Г" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRGUP }" "Ґ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRH }" "Х" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRHRDSN }" "Ъ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRI }" "И" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRIE }" "Є" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRII }" "І" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRISHRT }" "Й" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRJE }" "Ј" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRK }" "К" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRL }" "Л" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRLJE }" "Љ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRM }" "М" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRN }" "Н" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRNJE }" "Њ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRO }" "О" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRP }" "П" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRR }" "Р" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRS }" "С" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRSFTSN }" "Ь" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRSH }" "Ш" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRSHCH }" "Щ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRT }" "Т" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRTSHE }" "Ћ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRU }" "У" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRUSHRT }" "Ў" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRV }" "В" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRYA }" "Я" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRYI }" "Ї" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRYO }" "Ё" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRYU }" "Ю" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRZ }" "З" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\CYRZH }" "Ж" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyra }" "а" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrb }" "б" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrc }" "ц" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrch }" "ч" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrd }" "д" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrdje }" "ђ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrdze }" "ѕ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrdzhe }" "џ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyre }" "е" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrerev }" "э" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrery }" "ы" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrf }" "ф" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrg }" "г" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrgup }" "ґ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrh }" "х" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrhrdsn }" "ъ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyri }" "и" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrie }" "є" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrii }" "і" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrishrt }" "й" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrje }" "ј" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrk }" "к" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrl }" "л" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrlje }" "љ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrm }" "м" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrn }" "н" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrnje }" "њ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyro }" "о" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrp }" "п" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrr }" "р" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrs }" "с" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrsftsn }" "ь" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrsh }" "ш" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrshch }" "щ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrt }" "т" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrtshe }" "ћ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyru }" "у" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrushrt }" "ў" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrv }" "в" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrya }" "я" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyryi }" "ї" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyryo }" "ё" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyryu }" "ю" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrz }" "з" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\cyrzh }" "ж" :string)
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# Makefile for Sphinx LaTeX output
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\ No newline at end of file
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This is makeindex, version 2.15 [TeX Live 2017] (kpathsea + Thai support).
Scanning style file ./ (7 attributes redefined, 0 ignored).
Scanning input file digiMED.idx....done (236 entries accepted, 0 rejected).
Sorting entries.....done (1992 comparisons).
Generating output file digiMED.ind....done (293 lines written, 0 warnings).
Output written in digiMED.ind.
Transcript written in digiMED.ilg.
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This diff is collapsed.
\BOOKMARK [0][-]{chapter.1}{\376\377\000s\000o\000u\000r\000c\000e}{}% 1
\BOOKMARK [0][-]{chapter.2}{\376\377\000I\000n\000d\000i\000c\000e\000s\000\040\000a\000n\000d\000\040\000t\000a\000b\000l\000e\000s}{}% 2
\BOOKMARK [0][-]{section*.205}{\376\377\000P\000y\000t\000h\000o\000n\000\040\000M\000o\000d\000u\000l\000e\000\040\000I\000n\000d\000e\000x}{}% 3
\BOOKMARK [0][-]{section*.206}{\376\377\000I\000n\000d\000e\000x}{}% 4
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\babel@toc {english}{}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {1}source}{1}{chapter.1}
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.1}Account package}{1}{section.1.1}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.1.1}Subpackages}{1}{subsection.1.1.1}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.1.2}Submodules}{1}{subsection.1.1.2}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.1.3}Account.admin module}{1}{subsection.1.1.3}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.1.4}Account.apps module}{1}{subsection.1.1.4}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.1.5}Account.models module}{1}{subsection.1.1.5}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.1.6}Account.tests module}{2}{subsection.1.1.6}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.1.7}Account.urls module}{2}{subsection.1.1.7}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.1.8}Account.views module}{2}{subsection.1.1.8}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.1.9}Module contents}{3}{subsection.1.1.9}
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.2}db\_models module}{3}{section.1.2}
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.3}digiMED package}{3}{section.1.3}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.3.1}Submodules}{3}{subsection.1.3.1}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.3.2}digiMED.asgi module}{3}{subsection.1.3.2}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.3.3}digiMED.settings module}{3}{subsection.1.3.3}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.3.4}digiMED.urls module}{3}{subsection.1.3.4}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.3.5}digiMED.wsgi module}{3}{subsection.1.3.5}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.3.6}Module contents}{4}{subsection.1.3.6}
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.4}doctor package}{4}{section.1.4}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.4.1}Subpackages}{4}{subsection.1.4.1}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.4.2}Submodules}{4}{subsection.1.4.2}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.4.3}doctor.admin module}{4}{subsection.1.4.3}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.4.4}doctor.apps module}{4}{subsection.1.4.4}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.4.5}doctor.models module}{4}{subsection.1.4.5}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.4.6}doctor.tests module}{5}{subsection.1.4.6}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.4.7}doctor.urls module}{5}{subsection.1.4.7}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.4.8}doctor.views module}{5}{subsection.1.4.8}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.4.9}Module contents}{6}{subsection.1.4.9}
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.5}lab package}{6}{section.1.5}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.5.1}Subpackages}{6}{subsection.1.5.1}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.5.2}Submodules}{6}{subsection.1.5.2}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.5.3}lab.admin module}{6}{subsection.1.5.3}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.5.4}lab.apps module}{6}{subsection.1.5.4}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.5.5}lab.models module}{6}{subsection.1.5.5}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.5.6}lab.tests module}{7}{subsection.1.5.6}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.5.7}lab.urls module}{7}{subsection.1.5.7}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.5.8}lab.views module}{7}{subsection.1.5.8}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.5.9}Module contents}{7}{subsection.1.5.9}
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.6}manage module}{7}{section.1.6}
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.7}patient package}{7}{section.1.7}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.7.1}Subpackages}{7}{subsection.1.7.1}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.7.2}Submodules}{7}{subsection.1.7.2}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.7.3}patient.admin module}{7}{subsection.1.7.3}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.7.4}patient.apps module}{7}{subsection.1.7.4}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.7.5}patient.models module}{8}{subsection.1.7.5}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.7.6}patient.tests module}{19}{subsection.1.7.6}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.7.7}patient.urls module}{19}{subsection.1.7.7}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.7.8}patient.views module}{19}{subsection.1.7.8}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.7.9}Module contents}{19}{subsection.1.7.9}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {2}Indices and tables}{21}{chapter.2}
\contentsline {chapter}{Python Module Index}{23}{section*.205}
\contentsline {chapter}{Index}{25}{section*.206}
[2017/03/07 v1.6 hyperref aware footnote.sty for sphinx (JFB)]
%% Package: footnotehyper-sphinx
%% Version: based on footnotehyper.sty 2017/03/07 v1.0
%% as available at
%% License: the one applying to Sphinx
%% Refer to the PDF documentation at for
%% the code comments.
%% Differences:
%% 1. a partial tabulary compatibility layer added (enough for Sphinx mark-up),
%% 2. use of \spx@opt@BeforeFootnote from sphinx.sty,
%% 3. use of \sphinxunactivateextrasandspace from sphinx.sty,
%% 4. macro definition \sphinxfootnotemark,
%% 5. macro definition \sphinxlongtablepatch
\DeclareOption*{\PackageWarning{footnotehyper-sphinx}{Option `\CurrentOption' is unknown}}%
\AtBeginDocument {%
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\let\endfootnote \FNH@endfntext
\def\FNH@fntext #1{%
% these two lines modified for Sphinx (tabulary compatibility):
{\ifx\equation$\expandafter\@gobbletwo\fi #1}%$
\protected@edef\@currentlabel{\csname p@\@mpfn\endcsname\@thefnmark}%
\let\@footnotetext \FNH@hyper@fntext
\let\@mpfootnotetext \FNH@hyper@fntext
\def\FNH@spewnotes {%
\def\FNH@footnote@envname {footnote}%
% this line added for Sphinx:
% this line added for Sphinx (footnotes in parsed literal blocks):
\catcode13=5 \sphinxunactivateextrasandspace
\FNH@footnoteenv@i %]
\csname c@\@mpfn\endcsname #1\relax
\FNH@footnotetextenv@i %]
\csname c@\@mpfn\endcsname #1\relax
\def\FNH@endfntext {%
\FNH@endfntext@fntext {\unvbox\z@}%
{\ifFBFrenchFootnotes \let\FNH@@makefntext\@makefntextFB \else
\long\def\FNH@check@a #11.2!3?4,#2\FNH@@@#3{%
\def\FNH@check@b #1\relax{%
\def\FNH@check@c #11.2!3?4,#2#3\relax{%
% slight reformulation for Sphinx
{Footnotes will be sub-optimal, sorry. This is due to the document class or^^J
some package modifying macro \string\@makefntext.^^J
You can try to report this incompatibility at^^J with this info:}%
% this macro from original footnote.sty is not used anymore by Sphinx
% but for simplicity sake let's just keep it as is
\def\FNH@msne@i #1{%
\expandafter\let\csname FNH$#1\expandafter\endcsname %$
\csname #1\endcsname
\expandafter\let\csname endFNH$#1\expandafter\endcsname %$
\csname end#1\endcsname
\expandafter\edef\csname end#1\endcsname{%
\expandafter\noexpand\csname end#2\endcsname
% end of footnotehyper 2017/02/16 v0.99
% some extras for Sphinx :
% \sphinxfootnotemark: usable in section titles and silently removed from TOCs.
\def\sphinxfootnotemark [#1]%
% let hyperref less complain
\pdfstringdefDisableCommands{\def\sphinxfootnotemark [#1]{}}%
% to obtain hyperlinked footnotes in longtable environment we must replace
% hyperref's patch of longtable's patch of \@footnotetext by our own
% this *requires* longtable to be used always wrapped in savenotes environment
%% End of file `footnotehyper-sphinx.sty'.
$latex = 'platex ' . $ENV{'LATEXOPTS'} . ' -kanji=utf8 %O %S';
$dvipdf = 'dvipdfmx %O -o %D %S';
$makeindex = 'rm -f %D; mendex -U -f -d %B.dic -s %S || echo "mendex exited with error code $? (ignoring)" && : >> %D';
add_cus_dep( "glo", "gls", 0, "makeglo" );
sub makeglo {
return system( "mendex -J -f -s -o '$_[0].gls' '$_[0].glo'" );
$latex = 'latex ' . $ENV{'LATEXOPTS'} . ' %O %S';
$pdflatex = 'pdflatex ' . $ENV{'LATEXOPTS'} . ' %O %S';
$lualatex = 'lualatex ' . $ENV{'LATEXOPTS'} . ' %O %S';
$xelatex = 'xelatex --no-pdf ' . $ENV{'LATEXOPTS'} . ' %O %S';
$makeindex = 'makeindex -s %O -o %D %S';
add_cus_dep( "glo", "gls", 0, "makeglo" );
sub makeglo {
return system( "makeindex -s -o '$_[0].gls' '$_[0].glo'" );
\ No newline at end of file
REM Command file for Sphinx documentation
pushd %~dp0
set PDFLATEX=latexmk -pdf -dvi- -ps-
if "%1" == "" goto all-pdf
if "%1" == "all-pdf" (
for %%i in (*.tex) do (
goto end
if "%1" == "all-pdf-ja" (
goto all-pdf
if "%1" == "clean" (
del /q /s *.dvi *.log *.ind *.aux *.toc *.syn *.idx *.out *.ilg *.pla *.ps *.tar *.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar.xz *.fls *.fdb_latexmk
goto end
\ No newline at end of file
line_max 100
headings_flag 1
heading_prefix " \\bigletter "
preamble "\\begin{sphinxtheindex}
postamble "\n\n\\end{sphinxtheindex}\n"
symhead_positive "{Symbols}"
numhead_positive "{Numbers}"
This diff is collapsed.
;;; -*- mode: lisp; coding: utf-8; -*-
;; Unfortunately xindy is out-of-the-box hyperref-incompatible. This
;; configuration is a workaround, which requires to pass option
;; hyperindex=false to hyperref.
;; textit and emph not currently used, spxpagem replaces former textbf
(define-attributes (("textbf" "textit" "emph" "spxpagem" "default")))
(markup-locref :open "\textbf{\hyperpage{" :close "}}" :attr "textbf")
(markup-locref :open "\textit{\hyperpage{" :close "}}" :attr "textit")
(markup-locref :open "\emph{\hyperpage{" :close "}}" :attr "emph")
(markup-locref :open "\spxpagem{\hyperpage{" :close "}}" :attr "spxpagem")
(markup-locref :open "\hyperpage{" :close "}" :attr "default")
(require "numeric-sort.xdy")
;; xindy base module latex.xdy loads tex.xdy and the latter instructs
;; xindy to ignore **all** TeX macros in .idx entries, except those
;; explicitely described in merge rule. But when after applying all
;; merge rules an empty string results, xindy raises an error:
;; ERROR: CHAR: index 0 should be less than the length of the string
;; For example when using pdflatex with utf-8 characters the index
;; file will contain \IeC macros and they will get ignored except if
;; suitable merge rules are loaded early. The texindy script coming
;; with xindy provides this, but only for Latin scripts. The texindy
;; man page says to use rather xelatex or lualatex in case of Cyrillic
;; scripts.
;; Sphinx contributes LICRcyr2utf8.xdy to provide support for Cyrillic
;; scripts for the pdflatex engine.
;; Another issue caused by xindy ignoring all TeX macros except those
;; explicitely declared reveals itself when attempting to index ">>>",
;; as the ">" is converted to "\textgreater{}" by Sphinx's LaTeX
;; escaping.
;; To fix this, Sphinx does **not** use texindy, and does not even
;; load the xindy latex.xdy base module.
;(require "latex.xdy")
;; Rather it incorporates some suitable extracts from latex.xdy and
;; tex.xdy with additional Sphinx contributed rules.
;; But, this means for pdflatex and Latin scripts that the xindy file
;; tex/inputenc/uf8.xdy is not usable because it refers to the macro
;; \IeC only sporadically, and as tex.xdy is not loaded, a rule such as
;; (merge-rule "\'e" "é" :string)
;; does not work, it must be
;; (merge-rule "\IeC {\'e}" "é" :string)
;; So Sphinx contributes LICRlatin2utf8.xdy to mitigate that problem.
;;;;;;;; extracts from tex.xdy (discarding most original comments):
;;; TeX conventions
;; Discard leading and trailing white space. Collapse multiple white
;; space characters to blank.
(merge-rule "^ +" "" :eregexp)
(merge-rule " +$" "" :eregexp)
(merge-rule " +" " " :eregexp)
;; Handle TeX markup
(merge-rule "\\([{}$%&#])" "\1" :eregexp)
;;;;;;;; end of extracts from xindy's tex.xdy
;;;;;;;; extracts from latex.xdy:
;; Standard location classes: arabic and roman numbers, and alphabets.
(define-location-class "arabic-page-numbers" ("arabic-numbers"))
(define-location-class "roman-page-numbers" ("roman-numbers-lowercase"))
(define-location-class "Roman-page-numbers" ("roman-numbers-uppercase"))
(define-location-class "alpha-page-numbers" ("alpha"))
(define-location-class "Alpha-page-numbers" ("ALPHA"))
;; Output Markup
(markup-letter-group-list :sep "~n~n \indexspace~n")
(markup-indexentry :open "~n \item " :depth 0)
(markup-indexentry :open "~n \subitem " :depth 1)
(markup-indexentry :open "~n \subsubitem " :depth 2)
(markup-locclass-list :open ", " :sep ", ")
(markup-locref-list :sep ", ")
;;;;;;;; end of extracts from latex.xdy
;; The LaTeX \index command turns \ into normal character so the TeX macros
;; written to .idx files are not followed by a blank. This is different
;; from non-ascii letters which end up (with pdflatex) as \IeC macros in .idx
;; file, with a blank space after \IeC
;; Details of the syntax are explained at
;; In absence of :string, "xindy uses an auto-detection mechanism to decide,
;; if the pattern is a regular expression or not". But it is not obvious to
;; guess, for example "\\_" is not detected as RE but "\\P\{\}" is, so for
;; being sure we apply the :string switch everywhere and do not use \\ etc...
;; Go back from sphinx.util.texescape TeX macros to UTF-8
(merge-rule "\sphinxleftcurlybrace{}" "{" :string)
(merge-rule "\sphinxrightcurlybrace{}" "}" :string)
(merge-rule "\_" "_" :string)
(merge-rule "{[}" "[" :string)
(merge-rule "{]}" "]" :string)
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(merge-rule "\(\sp{\text{9}}\)" "⁹" :string)
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(merge-rule "\IeC {\textdelta }" "δ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textepsilon }" "ε" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textzeta }" "ζ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\texteta }" "η" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\texttheta }" "θ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textiota }" "ι" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textkappa }" "κ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textlambda }" "λ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textmu }" "μ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textnu }" "ν" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textxi }" "ξ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textomicron }" "ο" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textpi }" "π" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textrho }" "ρ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textsigma }" "σ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\texttau }" "τ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textupsilon }" "υ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textphi }" "φ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textchi }" "χ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textpsi }" "ψ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textomega }" "ω" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textAlpha }" "Α" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textBeta }" "Β" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textGamma }" "Γ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textDelta }" "Δ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textEpsilon }" "Ε" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textZeta }" "Ζ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textEta }" "Η" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textTheta }" "Θ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textIota }" "Ι" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textKappa }" "Κ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textLambda }" "Λ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textMu }" "Μ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textNu }" "Ν" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textTheta }" "Θ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textIota }" "Ι" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textKappa }" "Κ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textLambda }" "Λ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textMu }" "Μ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textNu }" "Ν" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textXi }" "Ξ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textOmicron }" "Ο" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textPi }" "Π" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textRho }" "Ρ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textSigma }" "Σ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textTau }" "Τ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textUpsilon }" "Υ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textPhi }" "Φ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textChi }" "Χ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textPsi }" "Ψ" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textOmega }" "Ω" :string)
(merge-rule "\IeC {\textohm }" "Ω" :string)
;; This xindy module provides some basic support for "see"
(require "makeindex.xdy")
;; This creates one-letter headings and works fine with utf-8 letters.
;; For Cyrillic with pdflatex works thanks to LICRcyr2utf8.xdy
(require "latin-lettergroups.xdy")
;; currently we don't (know how to easily) separate "Numbers" from
;; "Symbols" with xindy as is the case with makeindex.
(markup-index :open "\begin{sphinxtheindex}
:close "
% refs:
[2018/11/21 v2.0 support for Cyrillic in non-Cyrillic documents]
\SetupKeyvalOptions{prefix=spx@cyropt@} % use \spx@cyropt@ prefix
\ProcessLocalKeyvalOptions* % ignore class options
% original code by user egreg (updated 2019/10/28):
% 159 Cyrillic glyphs as available in X2 TeX 8bit font encoding
% This assumes inputenc loaded with utf8 option, or LaTeX release
% as recent as 2018/04/01 which does it automatically.
\@ifl@t@r{\fmtversion}{2019/10/01}{\csname u8:\next\endcsname}{\next}}%
% original code by user jfbu:
% 63*2+1=127 Cyrillic glyphs as found in T2A 8bit TeX font-encoding
{\csname cyr\@tempa\endcsname}{T2A}%
{\csname CYR\@tempa\endcsname}{T2A}%
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% Same for the indices.
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% sphinxmanual.cls for Sphinx (
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% sphinxmessages.sty
% message resources for Sphinx
\ProvidesPackage{sphinxmessages}[2019/01/04 v2.0 Localized LaTeX macros (Sphinx team)]
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Login details For Project/digiMED :
For admin/Lab:
Username: digimed
password: digimed
For Samidha(Doctor):
Username: Samidha
Password: ramanujan
For Parijat(Doctor):
Username: Parijat
Password: ramanujan
For Tarunima(Patient):
Username: Tarunima
Password: srinivasa
For Viplab(Patient):
Username: Viplab
Password: ramanujan
For PingaJhaveri(Patient):
Username: PingaJhaveri
Password: ramanujan
How to use:
-Download python (.exe) file from the python website(
-During Installation do select the checkbox "Add Python 3.9 to PATH"
-Run the following commands after this:
pip install virtualenvwrapper-win
mkvirtualenv digimed
workon digimed
pip install django
pip install Pillow
- After the installation process is over clone the project and change the directory into the source directory.
-Then run the following commands:
python makemigrations
python migrate
python runserver
To access the login page open the web browser and go to "localhost:8000"
- Here if you login as Patient/Doctor/Lab Technician it will display the respective dashboards for the users.
- Here as Doctor we can add prescription for patients, ask patients permission to view their history and view
history of patients.
- When logged in as Patient we can view our history, request labtest, give and revoke permission to doctors to
view history
- When logged in as a Lab technician we can add the results for labtests that were requested bu patients.
\ No newline at end of file
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This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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