Commit f2a1319e authored by Matthew Hausknecht's avatar Matthew Hausknecht

Updated manual with video recording instructions.

parent 0bfa1d9e
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......@@ -142,6 +142,24 @@ soccerwindow2 visualizer. \\
\noindent To change the logging directory:\\
\verb+ > ./bin/HFO --log-dir /path/to/new/dir +
\section{Making Videos}
It is possible to make videos from logs by saving frames from
SoccerWindow2. It helps to full-screen SoccerWindow2 before making a
video as it will save higher quality images. There are also several
display options under View $\rightarrow$ View Preference $\rightarrow$
Show that toggle what will be displayed. Saving frames can be done by
File $\rightarrow$ Save Image. To convert the saved pngs into a
\noindent \verb+ avconv -r 10 -start_number 0 -i 3v3/image-%05d.png -f mp4 -c:v libx264+\\
\noindent \verb+ -s 1024x768 -qp 0 -vf "crop=iw/2.5:8.38*ih/10:iw/2:ih/10,transpose=1" +\\
\noindent \verb+ -pix_fmt yuv420p test.mp4 +\\
This command autocrops offensive half of the playfield and rotates it
90 degrees. Avconv can be replaced by ffmpeg. Start number specifies
the number of the first frame. yuv420p pix format for OSX
It is possible to record the low-level state perceptions, actions, and
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