Commit e8a65730 authored by Matthew Hausknecht's avatar Matthew Hausknecht

Small changes to trainer printlines.

parent 6762c589
......@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ class Trainer(object):
self._allowedBallY = numpy.array([-0.5 * self.PITCH_WIDTH, 0.5 * self.PITCH_WIDTH])
# =============== COUNTERS =============== #
self._numFrames = 0 # Number of frames seen in HFO trials
self._numGoalFrames = 0 # Number of frames in goal-scoring HFO trials
self._frame = 0 # Current frame id
self._lastTrialStart = -1 # Frame Id in which the last trial started
self._lastFrameBallTouched = -1 # Frame Id in which ball was last touched
......@@ -589,6 +590,7 @@ class Trainer(object):
""" Updates the various members after a trial has ended. """
if self.isGoal():
self._numGoals += 1
self._numGoalFrames += self._frame - self._lastTrialStart
result = 'Goal'
self.send('(say GOAL)')
elif self.isOOB():
......@@ -606,9 +608,9 @@ class Trainer(object):
print '[Trainer] Error: Unable to detect reason for End of Trial!'
print '[Trainer] EndOfTrial: %2i /%2i %5i %s'%\
(self._numGoals, self._numTrials, self._frame, result)
self._numTrials += 1
print '[Trainer] EndOfTrial: %d / %d %d %s'%\
(self._numGoals, self._numTrials, self._frame, result)
self._numFrames += self._frame - self._lastTrialStart
self._lastTrialStart = self._frame
if (self._maxTrials > 0) and (self._numTrials >= self._maxTrials):
......@@ -628,12 +630,14 @@ class Trainer(object):
return self.isGoal() or self.isOOB() or self.isCaptured() or self.isOOT()
def printStats(self):
print 'Num frames in completed trials : %i' % (self._numFrames)
print 'Trials : %i' % self._numTrials
print 'Goals : %i' % self._numGoals
print 'Defense Captured : %i' % self._numBallsCaptured
print 'Balls Out of Bounds: %i' % self._numBallsOOB
print 'Out of Time : %i' % self._numOutOfTime
print '[Trainer] TotalFrames = %i, AvgFramesPerTrial = %.1f, AvgFramesPerGoal = %.1f'\
%(self._numFrames, self._numFrames / float(self._numTrials),
self._numGoalFrames / float(self._numGoals) if self._numGoals > 0 else float('nan'))
print '[Trainer] Trials : %i' % self._numTrials
print '[Trainer] Goals : %i' % self._numGoals
print '[Trainer] Defense Captured : %i' % self._numBallsCaptured
print '[Trainer] Balls Out of Bounds: %i' % self._numBallsOOB
print '[Trainer] Out of Time : %i' % self._numOutOfTime
def checkLive(self, necProcesses):
"""Returns true if each of the necessary processes is still alive and
......@@ -678,7 +682,7 @@ class Trainer(object):
except TimeoutError:
print '[Trainer] Haven\'t heard from the server for too long, Exiting'
except (KeyboardInterrupt, DoneError):
print '[Trainer] Exiting'
print '[Trainer] Finished'
for p in self._agentPopen:
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