Commit e20696d1 authored by Matthew Hausknecht's avatar Matthew Hausknecht Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #22 from asiddharth/master

Include defense actions, update high level feature space, add sarsa/hand coded agents
parents 1b71c1e8 4aaebf7a
No preview for this file type
......@@ -289,8 +289,8 @@ features.
\item{\textbf{Y position} - The agent’s y-position on the field. See
Figure \ref{fig:playfieldCoords}.}
\item{\textbf{Orientation} - The global direction that the agent is facing.}
\item{\textbf{Ball Proximity} - Agent's proximity to the ball.}
\item{\textbf{Ball Angle} - The global angle to the ball. A relative angle to the ball can be determined by subtracting the agent's orientation (feature 2).}
\item{\textbf{Ball X} - The ball's x-position on the field.}
\item{\textbf{Ball Y} - The ball's y-position on the field.}
\item{\textbf{Able to Kick} - Boolean indicating if the agent can kick the ball.}
\item{\textbf{Goal Center Proximity} - Agent's proximity to the center of the goal.}
\item{\textbf{Goal Center Angle} - Angle from the agent to the center of the goal.}
......@@ -311,11 +311,11 @@ features.
angle available to pass to teammate i. Shown as $\theta_p$ in Figure
\ref{fig:openAngle}. If teammates are present but not detected, this
feature is considered invalid and given the value of -2.}
\item [$3T$] {\textbf{Proximity, Angle, and Uniform Number of
Teammates} - For each teammate i: the proximity, angle, and
\item [$3T$] {\textbf{X, Y, and Uniform Number of
Teammates} - For each teammate: the x-position, y-position and
uniform number of that teammate.}
\item [$3O$] {\textbf{Proximity, Angle, and Uniform Number of
Opponents} - For each opponent: the proximity, angle, and
\item [$3O$] {\textbf{X, Y, and Uniform Number of
Opponents} - For each opponent: the x-position, y-position and
uniform number of that opponent.}
......@@ -562,6 +562,15 @@ faithfully report which action spaces were used.
combination of short kicks and moves.}
\item{\textbf{Catch}(): This goalie-specific action may be used to
catch the ball.}
\item {\textbf{Reduce\_Angle\_To\_Goal} (): Moves the agent to a point on the field, such that the kicker has the least open angle to the goal. }
\item {\textbf{Defend\_Goal} () : Moves the agent to a point on a fixed line on the field, such that the kicker has the least open angle to the goal.}
\item {\textbf{Go\_To\_Ball} (): Makes the agent go towards the ball.}
\item {\textbf{Mark\_Player} (uniform\_number): Moves the agent so as to mark the player with the specified uniform number.}
\subsection{Special Actions}
This diff is collapsed.
# Run this file to create an executable of hand_coded_defense_agent.cpp
g++ -c hand_coded_defense_agent.cpp -I ../src/ -std=c++0x -pthread
g++ -L ../lib/ hand_coded_defense_agent.o -lhfo -pthread -o hand_coded_defense_agent -Wl,-rpath,../lib
FA_DIR = ./funcapprox
POLICY_DIR = ./policy
HFO_SRC_DIR = ../../src
HFO_LIB_DIR = ../../lib
FA_LIB = funcapprox
POLICY_LIB = policyagent
CXXFLAGS = -g -Wall -std=c++11 -pthread
LDFLAGS = -l$(FA_LIB) -l$(POLICY_LIB) -lhfo -pthread
CXX = g++
SRC = high_level_sarsa_agent.cpp
OBJ = $(SRC:.cpp=.o)
TARGET = high_level_sarsa_agent
all: $(TARGET)
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c -o $@ $(@F:%.o=%.cpp)
$(MAKE) -C $(FA_DIR)
$(MAKE) clean -C $(FA_DIR)
$(MAKE) clean -C $(POLICY_DIR)
clean: cleanfa cleanpolicy
rm -f $(TARGET) $(OBJ) *~
CXXFLAGS = -g -O3 -Wall
CXX = g++
SRCS = FuncApprox.cpp tiles2.cpp CMAC.cpp
OBJS = $(SRCS:.cpp=.o)
TARGET = libfuncapprox.a
all: $(TARGET)
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o $@ $(@F:%.o=%.cpp)
ar cq $@ $(OBJS)
rm -f $(TARGET) $(OBJS) *~
FA_DIR = ../funcapprox
CXXFLAGS = -g -O3 -Wall
CXX = g++
SRCS = PolicyAgent.cpp SarsaAgent.cpp
OBJS = $(SRCS:.cpp=.o)
TARGET = libpolicyagent.a
all: $(TARGET)
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c -o $@ $(@F:%.o=%.cpp)
ar cq $@ $(OBJS)
rm -f $(TARGET) $(OBJS) *~
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <HFO.hpp>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <thread>
#include "SarsaAgent.h"
#include "CMAC.h"
#include <unistd.h>
// Before running this program, first Start HFO server:
// $./bin/HFO --offense-agents numAgents
void printUsage() {
std::cout<<"Usage:123 ./high_level_sarsa_agent [Options]"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<" --numAgents <int> Number of SARSA agents"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<" Default: 0"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<" --numEpisodes <int> Number of episodes to run"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<" Default: 10"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<" --basePort <int> SARSA agent base port"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<" Default: 6000"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<" --learnRate <float> Learning rate of SARSA agents"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<" Range: [0.0, 1.0]"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<" Default: 0.1"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<" --suffix <int> Suffix for weights files"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<" Default: 0"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<" --noOpponent Sets opponent present flag to false"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<" --step Sets the persistent step size"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<" --eps Sets the exploration rate"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<" --numOpponents Sets the number of opponents"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<" --weightId Sets the given Id for weight File"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<" --help Displays this help and exit"<<std::endl;
// Returns the reward for SARSA based on current state
double getReward(hfo::status_t status) {
double reward;
if (status==hfo::GOAL) reward = -1;
else if (status==hfo::CAPTURED_BY_DEFENSE) reward = 1;
else if (status==hfo::OUT_OF_BOUNDS) reward = 1;
else reward = 0;
return reward;
// Fill state with only the required features from state_vec
void purgeFeatures(double *state, const std::vector<float>& state_vec,
int numTMates, int numOpponents, bool oppPres) {
int stateIndex = 0;
// If no opponents ignore features Distance to Opponent
// and Distance from Teammate i to Opponent are absent
int tmpIndex = oppPres ? (9 + 3 * numTMates) : (9 + 2 * numTMates);
for(int i = 0; i < state_vec.size(); i++) {
// Ignore first six featues
if(i == 5 || i==8) continue;
if(i>9 && i<= 9+numTMates) continue; // Ignore Goal Opening angles, as invalid
if(i<= 9+3*numTMates && i > 9+2*numTMates) continue; // Ignore Pass Opening angles, as invalid
// Ignore Uniform Number of Teammates and opponents
int temp = i-tmpIndex;
if(temp > 0 && (temp % 3 == 0) )continue;
//if (i > 9+6*numTMates) continue;
state[stateIndex] = state_vec[i];
// Convert int to hfo::Action
hfo::action_t toAction(int action, const std::vector<float>& state_vec) {
hfo::action_t a;
switch (action) {
case 0: a = hfo::MOVE; break;
case 1: a = hfo::REDUCE_ANGLE_TO_GOAL; break;
case 2: a = hfo::GO_TO_BALL; break;
case 3: a = hfo::NOOP; break;
case 4: a = hfo::DEFEND_GOAL; break;
default : a = hfo::MARK_PLAYER; break;
return a;
void offenseAgent(int port, int numTMates, int numOpponents, int numEpi, double learnR,
int suffix, bool oppPres, double eps, int step, std::string weightid) {
// Number of features
int numF = oppPres ? (8 + 3 * numTMates + 2*numOpponents) : (3 + 3 * numTMates);
// Number of actions
int numA = 5 + numOpponents; //DEF_GOAL+MOVE+GTB+NOOP+RATG+MP(unum)
// Other SARSA parameters
eps = 0.01;
double discFac = 1;
double lambda=0.9375;
// Tile coding parameter
double resolution = 0.1;
double range[numF];
double min[numF];
double res[numF];
for(int i = 0; i < numF; i++) {
min[i] = -1;
range[i] = 2;
res[i] = resolution;
// Weights file
char *wtFile;
std::string s = "weights_" + std::to_string(port) +
"_" + std::to_string(numTMates + 1) +
"_" + std::to_string(suffix) +
"_" + std::to_string(step) +
"_" + weightid;
wtFile = &s[0u];
CMAC *fa = new CMAC(numF, numA, range, min, res);
SarsaAgent *sa = new SarsaAgent(numF, numA, learnR, eps, lambda, fa, wtFile, wtFile);
hfo::HFOEnvironment hfo;
hfo::status_t status;
hfo::action_t a;
double state[numF];
int action = -1;
double reward;
int no_of_offense = numTMates + 1;
for (int episode=0; episode < numEpi; episode++) {
int count = 0;
status = hfo::IN_GAME;
action = -1;
int count_steps = 0;
double unum = -1;
const std::vector<float>& state_vec = hfo.getState();
int num_steps_per_epi = 0;
while (status == hfo::IN_GAME) {
//std::cout << "::::::"<< hfo::ActionToString(a) <<" "<<count_steps <<std::endl;
if (count_steps != step && action >=0 && (a != hfo :: MARK_PLAYER || unum>0)) {
count_steps ++;
if (a == hfo::MARK_PLAYER) {
//std::cout << "MARKING" << unum <<"\n";
} else {
status = hfo.step();
} else {
count_steps = 0;
if(action != -1) {
reward = getReward(status);
sa->update(state, action, reward, discFac);
// Fill up state array
purgeFeatures(state, state_vec, numTMates, numOpponents, oppPres);
// Get raw action
action = sa->selectAction(state);
// Get hfo::Action
a = toAction(action, state_vec);
if (a== hfo::MARK_PLAYER) {
unum = state_vec[(state_vec.size()-1 - (action-5)*3)];
} else {
std::string s = std::to_string(action);
for (int state_vec_fc=0; state_vec_fc < state_vec.size(); state_vec_fc++) {
s+=std::to_string(state_vec[state_vec_fc]) + ",";
s+="UNUM" +std::to_string(unum) +"\n";;
status = hfo.step();
// std::cout <<s;
//std :: cout <<":::::::::::::" << num_steps_per_epi<< " "<<step << " "<<"\n";
// End of episode
if(action != -1) {
reward = getReward(status);
sa->update(state, action, reward, discFac);
delete sa;
delete fa;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int numAgents = 0;
int numEpisodes = 10;
int basePort = 6000;
double learnR = 0.1;
int suffix = 0;
bool opponentPresent = true;
int numOpponents = 0;
double eps = 0.01;
int step = 10;
std::string weightid;
for (int i = 0; i<argc; i++) {
std::string param = std::string(argv[i]);
for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
std::string param = std::string(argv[i]);
if(param == "--numAgents") {
numAgents = atoi(argv[++i]);
}else if(param == "--numEpisodes") {
numEpisodes = atoi(argv[++i]);
}else if(param == "--basePort") {
basePort = atoi(argv[++i]);
}else if(param == "--learnRate") {
learnR = atof(argv[++i]);
if(learnR < 0 || learnR > 1) {
return 0;
}else if(param == "--suffix") {
suffix = atoi(argv[++i]);
}else if(param == "--noOpponent") {
opponentPresent = false;
}else if(param=="--eps"){
}else if(param=="--numOpponents"){
}else if(param=="--step"){
}else if(param=="--weightId"){
}else {
return 0;
int numTeammates = numAgents; //using goalie npc
std::thread agentThreads[numAgents];
for (int agent = 0; agent < numAgents; agent++) {
agentThreads[agent] = std::thread(offenseAgent, basePort + agent,
numTeammates, numOpponents, numEpisodes, learnR,
suffix, opponentPresent, eps, step, weightid);
for (int agent = 0; agent < numAgents; agent++) {
return 0;
#include "SarsaAgent.h"
SarsaAgent::SarsaAgent(int numFeatures, int numActions, double learningRate, double epsilon, FunctionApproximator *FA, char *loadWeightsFile, char *saveWeightsFile):PolicyAgent(numFeatures, numActions, learningRate, epsilon, FA, loadWeightsFile, saveWeightsFile){
//add lambda as parameter to sarsaagent
SarsaAgent::SarsaAgent(int numFeatures, int numActions, double learningRate, double epsilon, double lambda, FunctionApproximator *FA, char *loadWeightsFile, char *saveWeightsFile):PolicyAgent(numFeatures, numActions, learningRate, epsilon, FA, loadWeightsFile, saveWeightsFile){
this->lambda = lambda;
episodeNumber = 0;
lastAction = -1;
//have memory for lambda
void SarsaAgent::update(double state[], int action, double reward, double discountFactor){
......@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ void SarsaAgent::update(double state[], int action, double reward, double discou
FA->updateWeights(delta, learningRate);
//Assume gamma, lambda are 0.
FA->decayTraces(discountFactor*lambda);//replace 0 with gamma*lambda
for(int i = 0; i < getNumFeatures(); i++){
lastState[i] = state[i];
......@@ -59,8 +60,8 @@ void SarsaAgent::endEpisode(){
double delta = lastReward - oldQ;
FA->updateWeights(delta, learningRate);
//Assume lambda is 0.
//Assume lambda is 0. this comment looks wrong.
FA->decayTraces(0);//remains 0
if(toSaveWeights && (episodeNumber + 1) % 5 == 0){
......@@ -12,10 +12,11 @@ class SarsaAgent:public PolicyAgent{
double lastState[MAX_STATE_VARS];
int lastAction;
double lastReward;
double lambda;
SarsaAgent(int numFeatures, int numActions, double learningRate, double epsilon, FunctionApproximator *FA, char *loadWeightsFile, char *saveWeightsFile);
SarsaAgent(int numFeatures, int numActions, double learningRate, double epsilon, double lambda, FunctionApproximator *FA, char *loadWeightsFile, char *saveWeightsFile);
int argmaxQ(double state[]);
double computeQ(double state[], int action);
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ void purgeFeatures(double *state, const std::vector<float>& state_vec,
// Ignore Angle and Uniform Number of Teammates
int temp = i-tmpIndex;
if(temp > 0 && (temp % 3 == 2 || temp % 3 == 0)) continue;
if (i > 9+6*numTMates) continue;
state[stateIndex] = state_vec[i];
......@@ -107,9 +107,9 @@ void offenseAgent(int port, int numTMates, int numEpi, double learnR,
"_" + std::to_string(numTMates + 1) +
"_" + std::to_string(suffix);
wtFile = &s[0u];
double lambda = 0;
CMAC *fa = new CMAC(numF, numA, range, min, res);
SarsaAgent *sa = new SarsaAgent(numF, numA, learnR, eps, fa, wtFile, wtFile);
SarsaAgent *sa = new SarsaAgent(numF, numA, learnR, eps, lambda, fa, wtFile, wtFile);
hfo::HFOEnvironment hfo;
hfo::status_t status;
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ LOW_LEVEL_FEATURE_SET, HIGH_LEVEL_FEATURE_SET = range(2)
NOOP(): Do Nothing
QUIT(): Quit the game '''
''' Possible game status
[IN_GAME] Game is currently active
......@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
#include <rcsc/param/param_map.h>
#include <rcsc/param/cmd_line_parser.h>
#include <algorithm> // std::sort
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
......@@ -81,10 +82,12 @@
#include <cstdlib>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <vector>
#include <poll.h>
using namespace rcsc;
......@@ -302,6 +305,18 @@ void Agent::actionImpl() {
std::cout << "Got quit from agent." << std::endl;
case GO_TO_BALL:
std::cerr << "ERROR: Unsupported Action: "
<< requested_action << std::endl;
......@@ -777,6 +792,171 @@ Agent::doMove()
* This Action marks the player with the specified uniform number.
bool Agent::doMarkPlayer(int unum) {
const WorldModel & wm = this->world();
Vector2D kicker_pos = Vector2D :: INVALIDATED;
Vector2D player_pos = Vector2D :: INVALIDATED;
int kicker_unum = -1;
const PlayerPtrCont::const_iterator o_end = wm.opponentsFromSelf().end();
int count = 0;
for ( PlayerPtrCont::const_iterator it = wm.opponentsFromSelf().begin(); it != o_end; ++it ) {
if ( (*it)->distFromBall() < 5 ) {
kicker_pos = (*it)->pos();
kicker_unum = (*it)->unum();
for ( PlayerPtrCont::const_iterator it = wm.opponentsFromSelf().begin(); it != o_end; ++it ) {
if ( (*it)-> unum() == unum ) {
player_pos = (*it)->pos();
if (!player_pos.isValid()) {
//Player to be marked not found
return false;
if (!kicker_pos.isValid()) {
//Kicker not found
return false;
if (unum == kicker_unum || kicker_pos.equals(player_pos)) {
//Player to be marked is kicker
return false;
double x = player_pos.x + (kicker_pos.x - player_pos.x)*0.1;
double y = player_pos.y + (kicker_pos.y - player_pos.y)*0.1;
Body_GoToPoint(Vector2D(x,y), 0.25, ServerParam::i().maxDashPower()).execute(this);
return true;
* This action cuts off the angle between the shooter and the goal the players always move to a dynamic line in between the kicker and the goal.
/* Comparator for sorting teammated based on y positions.*/
bool compare_y_pos (PlayerObject* i, PlayerObject* j) {
return i->pos().y < j->pos().y;
bool Agent::doReduceAngleToGoal() {
const WorldModel & wm = this->world();
Vector2D goal_pos1( -ServerParam::i().pitchHalfLength(), ServerParam::i().goalHalfWidth() );
Vector2D goal_pos2( -ServerParam::i().pitchHalfLength(), -ServerParam::i().goalHalfWidth() );
const PlayerPtrCont::const_iterator o_end = wm.opponentsFromSelf().end();
Vector2D ball_pos = wm.ball().pos();
double nearRatio = 0.9;
const PlayerPtrCont::const_iterator o_t_end = wm.teammatesFromSelf().end();
std::vector<PlayerObject*> teammatesBetweenBallAndGoal;
Vector2D self_pos = wm.self().pos();
Line2D goal_line_1 (goal_pos1, ball_pos);
Line2D goal_line_2 (goal_pos2, ball_pos);
Vector2D max_angle_end_pt1 = goal_pos2;
Vector2D max_angle_end_pt2 = goal_pos1;
//filter out points not lie in the cone
for (PlayerPtrCont::const_iterator it1 = wm.teammatesFromSelf().begin(); it1 != o_t_end; ++it1 ) {
Vector2D teammate_pos = (*it1)->pos();
double y1 = goal_line_1.getY(teammate_pos.x);
double y2 = goal_line_2.getY(teammate_pos.x);
//check x coordinate
if (teammate_pos.x >= ball_pos.x ) {
// check y coordinate
if (teammate_pos.y <= ((y1>y2)?y2:y1) || teammate_pos.y >= ((y1>=y2)?y1:y2)) {
//push into vector if it passes both tests
sort(teammatesBetweenBallAndGoal.begin(), teammatesBetweenBallAndGoal.end(), compare_y_pos);
double max_angle = 0;
/* find max angle and choose endpoints*/
for (int i = 0; i < teammatesBetweenBallAndGoal.size() + 1; i++) {
Vector2D first_pos = Vector2D::INVALIDATED;
if (i == 0) {
first_pos = goal_pos2;
} else {
first_pos = teammatesBetweenBallAndGoal[i-1] -> pos();
Vector2D second_pos = Vector2D::INVALIDATED;
if ( i== teammatesBetweenBallAndGoal.size()) {
second_pos = goal_pos1;
} else {
second_pos = teammatesBetweenBallAndGoal[i] -> pos();
double angle1 = atan2(ball_pos.y - first_pos.y, ball_pos.x - first_pos.x);
double angle2 = atan2(ball_pos.y - second_pos.y, ball_pos.x - second_pos.x);
AngleDeg open_angle;
double open_angle_value = fabs(open_angle.normalize_angle(open_angle.rad2deg(angle1-angle2)));
if ( open_angle_value > max_angle) {
max_angle = open_angle_value;
max_angle_end_pt1 = first_pos;
max_angle_end_pt2 = second_pos;
/*Calculate and go to target point */
Vector2D targetLineEnd1 = max_angle_end_pt1*(1-nearRatio) + ball_pos*nearRatio;
Vector2D targetLineEnd2 = max_angle_end_pt2*(1-nearRatio) + ball_pos*nearRatio;
double dist_to_end1 = targetLineEnd1.dist2(ball_pos);
double dist_to_end2 = targetLineEnd2.dist2(ball_pos);
double ratio = dist_to_end2/(dist_to_end1+dist_to_end2);
Vector2D target = targetLineEnd1 * ratio + targetLineEnd2 * (1-ratio);
Body_GoToPoint(target, 0.25, ServerParam::i().maxDashPower()).execute(this);
return true;
* This action cuts off the angle between the shooter and the goal the players always moves on a fixed line.
bool Agent::doDefendGoal() {
const WorldModel & wm = this->world();
Vector2D goal_pos1( -ServerParam::i().pitchHalfLength() + ServerParam::i().goalAreaLength(), ServerParam::i().goalHalfWidth() );
Vector2D goal_pos2( -ServerParam::i().pitchHalfLength() + ServerParam::i().goalAreaLength(), -ServerParam::i().goalHalfWidth() );
Vector2D ball_pos = wm.ball().pos();
double dist_to_post1 = goal_pos1.dist2(ball_pos);
double dist_to_post2 = goal_pos2.dist2(ball_pos);
double ratio = dist_to_post2/(dist_to_post1+dist_to_post2);
Vector2D target = goal_pos1 * ratio + goal_pos2 * (1-ratio);
Body_GoToPoint(target, 0.25, ServerParam::i().maxDashPower()).execute(this);
return true;
* This action makes the agent head directly head towards the ball.
bool Agent::doGoToBall() {
const WorldModel & wm = this->world();
Body_GoToPoint(wm.ball().pos(), 0.25, ServerParam::i().maxDashPower()).execute(this);
return true;
......@@ -84,6 +84,13 @@ protected:
bool doMove();
bool doForceKick();
bool doHeardPassReceive();
bool doMarkPlayer(int unum);
bool doMarkPlayerNearIndex(int near_index);
bool doReduceAngleToGoal();
bool doDefendGoal();
bool doGoToBall();
bool doNewAction1();
Communication::Ptr M_communication;
FieldEvaluator::ConstPtr M_field_evaluator;
......@@ -33,7 +33,11 @@ enum action_t
DRIBBLE, // [High-Level] Dribble(): Offensive dribble
CATCH, // [High-Level] Catch(): Catch the ball (Goalie only!)
NOOP, // Do nothing
QUIT // Special action to quit the game
QUIT, // Special action to quit the game
REDUCE_ANGLE_TO_GOAL, // [High-Level] Reduce_Angle_To_Goal : Reduces the shooting angle
MARK_PLAYER, // [High-Level] Mark_Player(opponent_unum [0,11]) : Moves to the position in between the kicker and a given player
// Status of a HFO game
......@@ -105,6 +109,14 @@ inline int NumParams(const action_t action) {
return 0;
case QUIT:
return 0;
return 0;
return 1;
return 0;
case GO_TO_BALL:
return 0;
std::cerr << "Unrecognized Action: " << action << std::endl;
return -1;
......@@ -145,6 +157,14 @@ inline std::string ActionToString(action_t action) {
return "No-op";
case QUIT:
return "Quit";
return "Reduce_Angle_To_Goal";
return "Mark_Player";
return "Defend_Goal";
case GO_TO_BALL:
return "Go_To_Ball";
return "Unknown";
......@@ -55,10 +55,13 @@ const std::vector<float>& HighLevelFeatureExtractor::ExtractFeatures(
// Features about the ball
Vector2D ball_pos = wm.ball().pos();
angleDistToPoint(self_pos, ball_pos, th, r);
// Feature[3]: Dist to ball
addNormFeature(r, 0, maxR);
// Feature[4]: Ang to ball
addNormFeature(th, -M_PI, M_PI);
// Feature[3] and [4]: (x,y) postition of the ball
if (playingOffense) {
addNormFeature(ball_pos.x, -tolerance_x, SP.pitchHalfLength() + tolerance_x);
} else {
addNormFeature(ball_pos.x, -SP.pitchHalfLength()-tolerance_x, tolerance_x);
addNormFeature(ball_pos.y, -SP.pitchHalfWidth() - tolerance_y, SP.pitchHalfWidth() + tolerance_y);
// Feature[5]: Able to kick
addNormFeature(self.isKickable(), false, true);
......@@ -131,14 +134,17 @@ const std::vector<float>& HighLevelFeatureExtractor::ExtractFeatures(
// Features [9+3T - 9+6T]: dist, angle, unum of teammates
// Features [9+3T - 9+6T]: x, y, unum of teammates
detected_teammates = 0;
for (PlayerCont::const_iterator it=teammates.begin(); it != teammates.end(); ++it) {
const PlayerObject& teammate = *it;
if (valid(teammate) && detected_teammates < numTeammates) {
angleDistToPoint(self_pos, teammate.pos(), th, r);
if (playingOffense) {
addNormFeature(teammate.pos().x, -tolerance_x, SP.pitchHalfLength() + tolerance_x);
} else {
addNormFeature(teammate.pos().x, -SP.pitchHalfLength()-tolerance_x, tolerance_x);
addNormFeature(teammate.pos().y, -tolerance_y - SP.pitchHalfWidth(), SP.pitchHalfWidth() + tolerance_y);
......@@ -150,14 +156,17 @@ const std::vector<float>& HighLevelFeatureExtractor::ExtractFeatures(
// Features [9+6T - 9+6T+3O]: dist, angle, unum of opponents
// Features [9+6T - 9+6T+3O]: x, y, unum of opponents
int detected_opponents = 0;
for (PlayerCont::const_iterator it = opponents.begin(); it != opponents.end(); ++it) {
const PlayerObject& opponent = *it;
if (valid(opponent) && detected_opponents < numOpponents) {
angleDistToPoint(self_pos, opponent.pos(), th, r);
if (playingOffense) {
addNormFeature(opponent.pos().x, -tolerance_x, SP.pitchHalfLength() + tolerance_x);
} else {
addNormFeature(opponent.pos().x, -SP.pitchHalfLength()-tolerance_x, tolerance_x);
addNormFeature(opponent.pos().y, -tolerance_y - SP.pitchHalfWidth(), SP.pitchHalfWidth() + tolerance_y);
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