Commit b9548574 authored by Matthew Hausknecht's avatar Matthew Hausknecht

Updated low level angle-to-ball feature.

parent 6b188358
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......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
\title{RoboCup 2D Half Field Offense \\ Technical Manual}
\author{Matthew Hausknecht}
......@@ -273,9 +274,10 @@ the magnitude of self velocity will be set to zero.
\subsubsection{Angular Features}
\textit{Angular features} (e.g. the angle to the ball), are encoded as two
floating point numbers -- the $sin(\theta)$ and $cos(\theta)$ where
$\theta$ is the original angle.
\textit{Angular features} (e.g. the angle to the ball), are encoded as
two floating point numbers -- the $sin(\theta)$ and $cos(\theta)$
where $\theta$ is the original angle in radians. Figure
\ref{fig:ang_example} provides examples of the angular encoding.
This encoding allows the angle to vary smoothly for all possible
angular values. Other encodings such as radians or degrees have a
......@@ -283,6 +285,34 @@ discontinuity that when normalized, could cause the feature value to
flip between the maximum and minimum value in response to small
changes in $\theta$.
Given an angular feature $\langle \alpha_1, \alpha_2 \rangle$ we can
recover the original angle $\theta$ (in radians) by taking the
$cos^{-1}(\alpha_2)$ and multiplying by the sign of $\alpha_1$.
\subcaptionbox{Angular Encoding}{
\subcaptionbox{Additional Examples}{
\caption{\textbf{Angular Encoding:} Objects on the agents left/right
side result in a negative/positive $sin(\theta)$. $cos(\theta)$ is
positive in front of the player and negative behind. For example,
an object directly in front of the player would have angular
features of $sin(\theta)=0, cos(\theta)=1$. Additional examples:
\textbf{Angle to ball} $\theta=60^\circ$ or $1.0472$ radians. This
results in angular features $\langle sin(\theta)=.86,
cos(\theta)=.49 \rangle$. \textbf{Angle to teammate}:
$\theta=135^\circ, 2.35$ radians. $\langle sin(\theta)=.71,
cos(\theta)=-.71 \rangle$. \textbf{Angle to Opponent}:
$\theta=-90^\circ$ or $-1.57$ radians. $\langle sin(\theta)=-1,
cos(\theta)=0 \rangle$.}
\subsubsection{Distance Features}
\textit{Distance features} encode the distance to objects of
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ void FeatureExtractor::addLandmarkFeatures(const rcsc::Vector2D& landmark,
} else {
Vector2D vec_to_landmark = landmark - self_pos;
addAngFeature(self_ang -;
addAngFeature( - self_ang);
addDistFeature(vec_to_landmark.r(), maxHFORadius);
......@@ -127,8 +127,9 @@ const std::vector<float>& LowLevelFeatureExtractor::ExtractFeatures(
// Angle and distance to the ball
addFeature(ball.rposValid() ? FEAT_MAX : FEAT_MIN);
if (ball.rposValid()) {
addDistFeature(ball.distFromSelf(), maxHFORadius);
addLandmarkFeatures(ball.pos(), self_pos, self_ang);
// addAngFeature(ball.angleFromSelf());
// addDistFeature(ball.distFromSelf(), maxHFORadius);
} else {
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