Commit a02aa143 authored by Matthew Hausknecht's avatar Matthew Hausknecht Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #41 from drallensmith/add_reorient

Add reorient - should be separated out from feedback
parents 8fc485f3 732c2b99
......@@ -16,13 +16,14 @@ RoboCup 2D Half Field Offense
- numpy
## Install
Note: There is no need for 'sudo' with 'make install' - the files will be installed below the starting directory.
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelwithDebInfo ..
make -j4
make install
Note: There is no need for 'sudo' with 'make install' - the files will be installed below the starting directory.
#### Python Install [required for python interface]
From the main HFO directory: `pip install [--user] .`
No preview for this file type
......@@ -573,9 +573,9 @@ faithfully report which action spaces were used.
\item{\textbf{Move}(): Re-positions the agent according to the
strategy given by Agent2D. The \textit{move} command works only when
agent does not have the ball. If the agent has the ball, another
command such as \textit{dribble}, \textit{shoot}, or \textit{pass}
strategy given by Agent2D. The \textit{Move} command works only when
the agent does not have the ball. If the agent has the ball, another
command such as \textit{Dribble}, \textit{Shoot}, or \textit{Pass}
should be used.}
\item{\textbf{Shoot}(): Executes the best available shot. This command
only works when the agent has the ball.}
......@@ -594,7 +594,8 @@ faithfully report which action spaces were used.
\item{\textbf{Go\_To\_Ball}(): Makes the agent go towards the ball.}
\item{\textbf{Mark\_Player}(uniform\_number): Moves the agent so as to mark the player
with the specified uniform number.}
\item{\textbf{Reorient}(): Deal with loss of self or ball localization information and
pay increased attention to surroundings.}
\subsection{Special Actions}
......@@ -611,29 +612,29 @@ below the table for the action abbreviations and notes.
\begin{tabular}{r | c c c c | c c c c | c c c c c c c c c}
Action & Da & Tu & Ta & K & KT & MT & DT & I & M & S & P & D & C & RG & DG & G & MP \\
\begin{tabular}{r | c c c c | c c c c | c c c c c c c c c c}
Action & Da & Tu & Ta & K & KT & MT & DT & I & M & S & P & D & C & RG & DG & G & MP & Re \\
\hline \hline
Self position invalid & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & N & N & N & N & N & N & Y & Y & N & N & N & N \\
Self velocity invalid & N & Y & Y & Y & N & N & N & N & N & N & Y & Y & Y & N & N & N & N \\
Ball position invalid & Y & Y & Y & N & N & Y & Y & N & N & N & N & Y & N & N & N & N & N \\
Ball velocity invalid & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & Y & N & Y & Y & N & N & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y \\
Teammate loc invalid & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y \\
Team. unum invalid & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y \\
Opponent loc invalid & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & Y & N & Y & Y & N & Y & Y & Y & Y & N \\
Opp. unum invalid & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & N \\
Self position invalid & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & N & N & N & N & N & N & Y & Y & N & N & N & N & Y \\
Self velocity invalid & N & Y & Y & Y & N & N & N & N & N & N & Y & Y & Y & N & N & N & N & Y \\
Ball position invalid & Y & Y & Y & N & N & Y & Y & N & N & N & N & Y & N & N & N & N & N & Y \\
Ball velocity invalid & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & Y & N & Y & Y & N & N & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y \\
Teammate loc invalid & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y \\
Team. unum invalid & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y \\
Opponent loc invalid & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & Y & N & Y & Y & N & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & Y \\
Opp. unum invalid & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & Y \\
Ball kickable & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & Y & N & * & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & N & N & Y \\
Ball not kickable & Y & Y & Y & N & N & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & N & N & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y \\
Ball kickable & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & Y & N & * & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & N & N & Y & N \\
Ball not kickable & Y & Y & Y & N & N & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & N & N & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y \\
Frozen & N & N & N & N & N & N & N & N & N & N & N & N & N & N & N & N & N \\
Colliding w/ball & Y & Y & N & N & Y & N & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & N & N & N \\
Colliding w/player & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y \\
Colliding w/post & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & Y & Y & Y & N & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y \\
Frozen & N & N & N & N & N & N & N & N & N & N & N & N & N & N & N & N & N & Y \\
Colliding w/ball & Y & Y & N & N & Y & N & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & N & N & N & N \\
Colliding w/player & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y \\
Colliding w/post & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & Y & Y & Y & N & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y \\
Offense & Y & Y & N & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & N & N & Y & N \\
Defense, not goalie & Y & Y & Y & N & N & Y & N & Y & Y & N & N & N & N & Y & Y & Y & Y \\
Goalie (defense) & Y & Y & Y & N & N & Y & N & Y & Y & N & N & N & Y & N & Y & N & N \\
Offense & Y & Y & N & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & N & N & Y & N & Y \\
Defense, not goalie & Y & Y & Y & N & N & Y & N & Y & Y & N & N & N & N & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y \\
Goalie (defense) & Y & Y & Y & N & N & Y & N & Y & Y & N & N & N & Y & N & Y & N & N & Y \\
......@@ -641,7 +642,7 @@ Goalie (defense) & Y & Y & Y & N & N & Y & N & Y & Y & N & N & N &
\item{Da:\,Dash; Tu:\,Turn; Ta:\,Tackle; K:\,Kick}
\item{KT:\,Kick\_To; MT:\,Move\_To; DT:\,Dribble\_To; I:\,Intercept}
\item{M:\,Move; S:\,Shoot; P:\,Pass; D:\,Dribble; C:\,Catch; RG:\,Reduce\_Angle\_To\_Goal; DG:\,Defend\_Goal; G:\,Go\_To\_Ball; MP:\,Mark\_Player}
\item{M:\,Move; S:\,Shoot; P:\,Pass; D:\,Dribble; C:\,Catch; RG:\,Reduce\_Angle\_To\_Goal; DG:\,Defend\_Goal; G:\,Go\_To\_Ball; MP:\,Mark\_Player; Re: Reorient}
\section{Developing a New Agent}
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
# Change to a different seed for different experiments!
./bin/HFO --offense-npcs=2 --defense-agents=1 --defense-npcs=1 --trials 5000 --headless --seed 1500348586 --no-logging --hfo-logging &
# Sleep is needed to make sure doesn't get connected too soon, as unum 1 (goalie)
sleep 15
./example/ &> agent1.txt &
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ def do_defense_action(state_vec, hfo_env,
# if get high_level working for invalid
if (min(agent_pos_x,agent_pos_y,ball_pos_x,ball_pos_y) < -1):
hfo_env.act(hfo.MOVE) # will be Reorient in that version
ball_toward_goal = ball_moving_toward_goal(ball_pos_x, ball_pos_y,
......@@ -118,11 +118,16 @@ def do_defense_action(state_vec, hfo_env,
if not ball_sorted_list: # unknown opponent positions/unums
print("No known opponent locations (btg {0!r}; bng {1!r}; ".format(ball_toward_goal,
ball_nearer_goal) +
"ball xy {0:n}, {1:n}; ball old xy {2:n}, {3:n})".format(ball_pos_x,
"ball xy {0:n}, {1:n}; ball old xy {2:n}, {3:n}; kickable {4:n})".format(ball_pos_x,
if ball_toward_goal:
if ((min(agent_pos_x,agent_pos_y,ball_pos_x,ball_pos_y) <= -1) or
(max(agent_pos_x,agent_pos_y,ball_pos_x,ball_pos_y) >= 1)):
# remove if get high-level working for invalid
elif ball_toward_goal:
if ball_nearer_goal:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
# encoding: utf-8
# Before running this program, first Start HFO server:
# $> ./bin/HFO --offense-agents 1
import argparse
import itertools
import random
import hfo
except ImportError:
print('Failed to import hfo. To install hfo, in the HFO directory'\
' run: \"pip install .\"')
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--port', type=int, default=6000,
help="Server port")
parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=None,
help="Python randomization seed; uses python default if 0 or not given")
parser.add_argument('--no-reorient', action='store_true',
help="Do not use the new Reorient action")
parser.add_argument('--record', action='store_true',
help="Doing HFO --record")
parser.add_argument('--rdir', type=str, default='log/',
help="Set directory to use if doing HFO --record")
if args.seed:
# Create the HFO Environment
hfo_env = hfo.HFOEnvironment()
# Connect to the server with the specified
# feature set. See feature sets in
if args.record:
'bin/teams/base/config/formations-dt', args.port,
'localhost', 'base_left', False,
'bin/teams/base/config/formations-dt', args.port,
'localhost', 'base_left', False)
if args.seed:
print("Python randomization seed: {0:d}".format(args.seed))
for episode in itertools.count():
num_reorient = 0
num_move = 0
num_had_ball = 0
status = hfo.IN_GAME
while status == hfo.IN_GAME:
# Get the vector of state features for the current state
state = hfo_env.getState()
# Perform the action
# 8 is frozen; 0 is self position valid, 1 is self velocity valid, 54 is ball velocity valid
if (((state[8] > 0) or (min(state[0],state[1],state[54]) < 0)) and not args.no_reorient):
num_reorient += 1
elif state[12] > 0: # State[12] is 1 when the player can kick the ball
if random.random() < 0.5: # more efficient than random.choice for 2
num_had_ball += 1
# 50 is ball position valild
elif (state[50] < 0) and not args.no_reorient:
num_reorient += 1
num_move += 1
# Advance the environment and get the game status
status = hfo_env.step()
# Check the outcome of the episode
print("Episode {0:d} ended with status {1}".format(episode,
print("\tHad ball: {0:d}; Reorient: {1:d}; Move: {2:d}".format(num_had_ball,
# Quit if the server goes down
if status == hfo.SERVER_DOWN:
if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
# encoding: utf-8
# Before running this program, first Start HFO server:
......@@ -23,9 +24,9 @@ def main():
parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=None,
help="Python randomization seed; uses python default if 0 or not given")
parser.add_argument('--record', action='store_true',
help="Doing HFO --record")
help="If doing HFO --record")
parser.add_argument('--rdir', type=str, default='log/',
help="Set directory to use if doing HFO --record")
help="Set directory to use if doing --record")
if args.seed:
......@@ -42,6 +43,10 @@ def main():
'bin/teams/base/config/formations-dt', args.port,
'localhost', 'base_left', False)
if args.seed:
print("Python randomization seed: {0:d}".format(args.seed))
for episode in itertools.count():
status = hfo.IN_GAME
while status == hfo.IN_GAME:
......@@ -59,8 +64,9 @@ def main():
status = hfo_env.step()
# Check the outcome of the episode
end_status = hfo_env.statusToString(status)
print("Episode {} ended with {}".format(episode, end_status))
print("Episode {0:n} ended with {1:s}".format(episode, end_status))
# Quit if the server goes down
if status == hfo.SERVER_DOWN:
......@@ -2,10 +2,11 @@
./bin/HFO --offense-agents=2 --defense-npcs=3 --offense-npcs=1 --trials 20 --headless &
sleep 5
# -x is needed to skip first line - otherwise whatever default python version is will run
python -x ./example/ --port 6000 &> agent1.txt &
python ./example/ --port 6000 &> agent1.txt &
sleep 5
python -x ./example/ --port 6000 &> agent2.txt &
python ./example/ --port 6000 &> agent2.txt &
# The magic line
# $$ holds the PID for this script
......@@ -2,10 +2,12 @@
./bin/HFO --offense-agents=2 --defense-npcs=3 --offense-npcs=1 --trials 20 --headless &
sleep 5
# -x is needed to skip first line - otherwise whatever default python version is will run
python -x ./example/ --eps 0.2 --port 6000 &> agent1.txt &
# If wanting to test below with different python versions, add -x to avoid
# the #!/usr/bin/env python initial line.
python ./example/ --eps 0.2 --port 6000 &> agent1.txt &
sleep 5
python -x ./example/ --eps 0.2 --port 6000 &> agent2.txt &
python ./example/ --eps 0.2 --port 6000 &> agent2.txt &
# The magic line
# $$ holds the PID for this script
./bin/HFO --offense-agents=2 --defense-npcs=3 --offense-npcs=1 --trials 20 --headless &
sleep 5
# -x is needed to skip first line - otherwise whatever default python version is will run
python2.7 -x ./example/ --numTeammates=2 --numOpponents=3 --rand-pass --port 6000 &> agent1.txt &
sleep 5
python3 -x ./example/ --numTeammates=2 --numOpponents=3 --rand-pass --port 6000 &> agent2.txt &
# The magic line
# $$ holds the PID for this script
# Negation means kill by process group id instead of PID
trap "kill -TERM -$$" SIGINT
./bin/HFO --offense-agents=2 --defense-npcs=1 --trials 20 --headless &
sleep 5
python2.7 -x example/ --port 6000 &> agent1.txt &
sleep 5
python3 -x example/ --port 6000 &> agent2.txt &
# The magic line
# $$ holds the PID for this script
# Negation means kill by process group id instead of PID
trap "kill -TERM -$$" SIGINT
......@@ -2,9 +2,13 @@
./bin/HFO --offense-agents=2 --defense-npcs=1 --trials 20 --headless &
sleep 5
python -x example/ --port 6000 &> agent1.txt &
# If wanting to test below with different python versions, add -x to avoid
# the #!/usr/bin/env python initial line.
python example/ --port 6000 &> agent1.txt &
sleep 5
python -x example/ --port 6000 &> agent2.txt &
python example/ --port 6000 &> agent2.txt &
# The magic line
# $$ holds the PID for this script
......@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ LOW_LEVEL_FEATURE_SET, HIGH_LEVEL_FEATURE_SET = list(range(NUM_FEATURE_SETS))
[High-Level] Catch(): Catch the ball (Goalie Only)
NOOP(): Do Nothing
QUIT(): Quit the game '''
ACTION_STRINGS = ["Dash", "Turn", "Tackle", "Kick", "KickTo", "MoveTo", "DribbleTo", "Intercept", "Move", "Shoot", "Pass", "Dribble", "Catch", "No-op", "Quit", "Reduce_Angle_To_Goal", "Mark_Player", "Defend_Goal", "Go_To_Ball"]
ACTION_STRINGS = ["Dash", "Turn", "Tackle", "Kick", "KickTo", "MoveTo", "DribbleTo", "Intercept", "Move", "Shoot", "Pass", "Dribble", "Catch", "No-op", "Quit", "Reduce_Angle_To_Goal", "Mark_Player", "Defend_Goal", "Go_To_Ball", "Reorient"]
''' Possible game status
[IN_GAME] Game is currently active
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class HFOEnvironment(object):
Connect to the server on the specified port. The
Connects to the server on the specified port. The
following information is provided by the ./bin/HFO
feature_set: High or low level state features
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ class HFOEnvironment(object):
hfo_lib.act(self.obj, action_type, params.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_float)))
def say(self, message):
""" Transmit a message """
""" Transmits a message """
hfo_lib.say(self.obj, message.encode('utf-8'))
def hear(self):
......@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ class HFOEnvironment(object):
return STATUS_STRINGS[status]
def getUnum(self):
""" Return the uniform number of the agent """
""" Returns the uniform number of the agent """
return hfo_lib.getUnum(self.obj)
def getNumTeammates(self):
......@@ -247,6 +247,13 @@ void Agent::actionImpl() {
<< " parameters, given " << params.size() << std::endl;
// For now let's not worry about turning the neck or setting the vision.
// However, do this now so doesn't override anything changed by the requested action.
// TODO for librcsc: setViewActionDefault, setNeckActionDefault that will not overwrite if already set.
this->setViewAction(new View_Tactical());
this->setNeckAction(new Neck_TurnToBallOrScan());
switch(requested_action) {
case DASH:
this->doDash(params[0], params[1]);
......@@ -317,14 +324,15 @@ void Agent::actionImpl() {
case GO_TO_BALL:
std::cerr << "ERROR: Unsupported Action: "
<< requested_action << std::endl;
// For now let's not worry about turning the neck or setting the vision.
this->setViewAction(new View_Tactical());
this->setNeckAction(new Neck_TurnToBallOrScan());
......@@ -600,7 +608,7 @@ Agent::doPreprocess()
__FILE__": (doPreProcess)" );
// freezed by tackle effect
// frozen by tackle effect
if ( wm.self().isFrozen() )
......@@ -698,6 +706,115 @@ Agent::doPreprocess()
return false;
Alternative high-level action to always doing "Move"; usable by either side, although
probably more useful for offense. Variant of doPreprocess (above), which is called by doDribble.
// check tackle expires
// check self position accuracy
// ball search
// check queued intention
const WorldModel & wm = this->world();
dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
__FILE__": (doPreProcessAsAction)" );
// frozen by tackle effect
if ( wm.self().isFrozen() )
dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
__FILE__": tackle wait. expires= %d",
wm.self().tackleExpires() );
return Bhv_Emergency().execute( this ); // includes change view
// BeforeKickOff or AfterGoal. jump to the initial position
if ( wm.gameMode().type() == GameMode::BeforeKickOff
|| wm.gameMode().type() == GameMode::AfterGoal_ )
dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
__FILE__": before_kick_off" );
Vector2D move_point = Strategy::i().getPosition( wm.self().unum() );
Bhv_CustomBeforeKickOff( move_point ).execute( this );
this->setViewAction( new View_Tactical() );
return true;
// self localization error
if ( ! ( wm.self().posValid() && wm.self().velValid() ) )
if (! wm.self().posValid() ) {
dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
__FILE__": invalid my pos" );
} else {
dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
__FILE__": invalid my vel" );
return Bhv_Emergency().execute( this ); // includes change view
// set default change view
this->setViewAction( new View_Tactical() );
// ball localization error
const int count_thr = ( wm.self().goalie()
? 10
: 5 );
if ( wm.ball().posCount() > count_thr
|| ( wm.gameMode().type() != GameMode::PlayOn
&& wm.ball().seenPosCount() > count_thr + 10 ) )
dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
__FILE__": search ball" );
return Bhv_NeckBodyToBall().execute( this );
// check pass message
if ( doHeardPassReceive() )
return true;
const BallObject& ball = wm.ball();
if (! ( ball.rposValid() && ball.velValid() )) {
dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
__FILE__": search ball" );
return Bhv_NeckBodyToBall().execute( this );
// check queued action
if ( this->doIntention() )
dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
__FILE__": do queued intention" );
return true;
return false;
......@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ protected:
bool doPreprocess();
bool doReorient();
bool doSmartKick();
bool doShoot();
bool doPass();
......@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ enum action_t
REDUCE_ANGLE_TO_GOAL, // [High-Level] Reduce_Angle_To_Goal : Reduces the shooting angle
MARK_PLAYER, // [High-Level] Mark_Player(opponent_unum [0,11]) : Moves to the position in between the kicker and a given player
REORIENT // [High-Level] Handle lost position of self/ball, misc other situations; variant of doPreprocess called in DRIBBLE
// Status of a HFO game
......@@ -117,6 +118,8 @@ inline int NumParams(const action_t action) {
return 0;
case GO_TO_BALL:
return 0;
return 0;
std::cerr << "Unrecognized Action: " << action << std::endl;
return -1;
......@@ -165,6 +168,8 @@ inline std::string ActionToString(action_t action) {
return "Defend_Goal";
case GO_TO_BALL:
return "Go_To_Ball";
return "Reorient";
return "Unknown";
......@@ -67,13 +67,11 @@ def test_with_server():
state = try_step()
for x in range(0,20):
for x in range(0,25):
if int(state[12]) == 1: # can kick the ball
elif (x % 2) != 0:
elif int(state[50]) == 1: # can see the ball
elif (state[50] < 0) or (state[0] < 0) or (state[1] < 0) or (state[54] < 0):
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