Commit 7e3bce67 authored by Shashank Suhas's avatar Shashank Suhas

2 FA working

parent a6b982c3
#!/bin/bash #!/bin/bash
for i in `seq 10` for i in `seq 5`
do do
./bin/HFO --offense-agents=3 --defense-npcs=2 --defense-team=helios --offense-on-ball 5 --headless > "logfile_$i" & ./bin/HFO --offense-agents=3 --defense-npcs=2 --defense-team=helios --offense-on-ball 5 --headless > "logfile_$i" &
P1=$! P1=$!
sleep 5 sleep 10
(cd ./example/sarsa_offense/ && rm -f "weight*" && ./high_level_sarsa_agent --numAgents 3 --numEpisodes 20000 &) (cd ./example/sarsa_offense/ && rm -f "weight*" && ./high_level_sarsa_agent --numAgents 3 --numEpisodes 20000 &)
P2=$! P2=$!
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