Commit 6b033a2c authored by Matthew Hausknecht's avatar Matthew Hausknecht

Updated Readme.

parent d10baeaa
......@@ -6,31 +6,30 @@ RoboCup 2D Half Field Offense
[Half Field Offense in RoboCup 2D Soccer]( is a subtask in RoboCup simulated soccer, modeling a situation in which the offense of one team has to get past the defense of the opposition in order to shoot goals. This repository offers the ability to quickly and easily interface your learning agent with the HFO domain.
## Dependencies
- [rcssserver-15.2.2](
- If `configure` fails to detect boost libraries, set the configure flag `--with-boost-libdir=your_boost_path`
- If `make` encounters [lex errors](, ensure you have [bison 2.7.1]( installed.
- Only run single-threaded make. Multi-threaded make (eg `make -j4`) fails.
- [librcsc-4.1.0](
- [soccerwindow2-5.1.0]( (Optional)
- If -laudio is not found during make, it can be safely removed from the link command.
- Boost-system, filesystem
- Flex
- Qt4 [Optional]: Required for SoccerWindow2 visualizer. To skip add cmake flag `-DBUILD_SOCCERWINDOW=False`.
## Install
1. Edit the `LIBRCSC_INCLUDE`/`LIBRCSC_LINK` variables in `CMakeLists.txt` to point to your librcsc include/lib directories.
2. `cmake .`
3. `make`
## Patch rcssserver
By default if your agent takes longer then two seconds to select an action it will be disconnected from the server. To enable longer wait times, apply the following patch and rebuild your rcssserver:
`patch your_path/rcssserver-15.2.2/src/stadium.cpp < stadium.patch`
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make -j4
make install
## Example Agents
Example C++ and Python agents are provided in the `example` directory.
## Run
To start the HFO server run: `./bin/` then start an example agent: `./example/hfo_example_agent` or start them both at the same time:
## Demo
Start a simple 1v1 game played by Agent2D:
`./bin/ --offense-npcs=1 --defense-npcs=1`
`(./bin/ &) && ./example/hfo_example_agent`
Start an example agent on the empty goal task. First start the server:
`./bin/ --offense-agents=1 &` and then connect the agent:
Or do both in a single command:
`(./bin/ --offense-agents=1 &) && ./example/hfo_example_agent`
## Documentation
The state and action spaces provided by the HFO domain are documented in the [manual](doc/manual.pdf).
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ int main() {
// Get the vector of state features for the current state
const std::vector<float>& feature_vec = hfo.getState();
// Create a dash action
Action a = {DASH, 0.0, 0.0};
Action a = {DASH, 20.0, 0.0};
// Perform the dash and recieve the current game status
status = hfo.act(a);
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