Commit 417aca85 authored by Abhishek Kumar's avatar Abhishek Kumar

Init files

class Block:
def __init__(self, ID, transactions, previous_block_ID):
# Initialize block attributes
class Blockchain:
def __init__(self):
# Initialize blockchain attributes
def mine_block(peer, blockchain, longest_chain):
# Simulate PoW mining and block creation
def validate_block(peer, block):
# Validate transactions in the block
def resolve_forks(peer, blockchain, longest_chain):
# Resolve forks and update the longest chain
def update_tree_file(peer, blockchain):
# Update tree file with block information for each node
from node import Node
class Network:
def __init__(self, n):
self.n = n
def initialise_nodes():
def create_network(peers):
# Create a connected graph of peers
# Ensure each peer has 3 to 6 connections
def calculate_latency(sender, receiver, message_size):
# Calculate latency based on provided formula
def forward_transaction(sender, receiver, transaction):
# Forward transaction from sender to receiver if conditions are met
\ No newline at end of file
class Node:
def __init__(self, ID, cpuType, speed, balance):
# Initialize node attributes
self.balance = 0 # intialize random
self.nodeId = 0 # initialize random
self.cpuType = CPU_type
def generate_transaction(peer):
# Generate a transaction for the given peer
# Format: "TxnID: IDx pays IDy C coins"
class Event:
# time
# operation
class EventSimulator:
def __init__(self):
# max_time of simulation
# queue of events
# create and initialise a network
def startSimulation(self):
# run a loop till queue is empty / time runouts
# push new events from triggers into the queue
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