Commit f7e082d8 authored by RAUSHAN RAJ's avatar RAUSHAN RAJ

removing unnecessary files from source directory

parent bf6c39af
## Compiled JavaScript files
# Typescript v1 declaration files
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
"name": "functions",
"scripts": {
"lint": "tslint --project tsconfig.json",
"build": "tsc",
"serve": "npm run build && firebase serve --only functions",
"shell": "npm run build && firebase functions:shell",
"start": "npm run shell",
"deploy": "firebase deploy --only functions",
"logs": "firebase functions:log"
"engines": {
"node": "8"
"main": "lib/index.js",
"dependencies": {
"firebase-admin": "^8.6.0",
"firebase-functions": "^3.3.0"
"devDependencies": {
"tslint": "^5.12.0",
"typescript": "^3.2.2",
"firebase-functions-test": "^0.1.6"
"private": true
"compilerOptions": {
"module": "commonjs",
"noImplicitReturns": true,
"noUnusedLocals": true,
"outDir": "lib",
"sourceMap": true,
"strict": true,
"target": "es2017"
"compileOnSave": true,
"include": [
"rules": {
// -- Strict errors --
// These lint rules are likely always a good idea.
// Force function overloads to be declared together. This ensures readers understand APIs.
"adjacent-overload-signatures": true,
// Do not allow the subtle/obscure comma operator.
"ban-comma-operator": true,
// Do not allow internal modules or namespaces . These are deprecated in favor of ES6 modules.
"no-namespace": true,
// Do not allow parameters to be reassigned. To avoid bugs, developers should instead assign new values to new vars.
"no-parameter-reassignment": true,
// Force the use of ES6-style imports instead of /// <reference path=> imports.
"no-reference": true,
// Do not allow type assertions that do nothing. This is a big warning that the developer may not understand the
// code currently being edited (they may be incorrectly handling a different type case that does not exist).
"no-unnecessary-type-assertion": true,
// Disallow nonsensical label usage.
"label-position": true,
// Disallows the (often typo) syntax if (var1 = var2). Replace with if (var2) { var1 = var2 }.
"no-conditional-assignment": true,
// Disallows constructors for primitive types (e.g. new Number('123'), though Number('123') is still allowed).
"no-construct": true,
// Do not allow super() to be called twice in a constructor.
"no-duplicate-super": true,
// Do not allow the same case to appear more than once in a switch block.
"no-duplicate-switch-case": true,
// Do not allow a variable to be declared more than once in the same block. Consider function parameters in this
// rule.
"no-duplicate-variable": [true, "check-parameters"],
// Disallows a variable definition in an inner scope from shadowing a variable in an outer scope. Developers should
// instead use a separate variable name.
"no-shadowed-variable": true,
// Empty blocks are almost never needed. Allow the one general exception: empty catch blocks.
"no-empty": [true, "allow-empty-catch"],
// Functions must either be handled directly (e.g. with a catch() handler) or returned to another function.
// This is a major source of errors in Cloud Functions and the team strongly recommends leaving this rule on.
"no-floating-promises": true,
// Do not allow any imports for modules that are not in package.json. These will almost certainly fail when
// deployed.
"no-implicit-dependencies": true,
// The 'this' keyword can only be used inside of classes.
"no-invalid-this": true,
// Do not allow strings to be thrown because they will not include stack traces. Throw Errors instead.
"no-string-throw": true,
// Disallow control flow statements, such as return, continue, break, and throw in finally blocks.
"no-unsafe-finally": true,
// Expressions must always return a value. Avoids common errors like const myValue = functionReturningVoid();
"no-void-expression": [true, "ignore-arrow-function-shorthand"],
// Disallow duplicate imports in the same file.
"no-duplicate-imports": true,
// -- Strong Warnings --
// These rules should almost never be needed, but may be included due to legacy code.
// They are left as a warning to avoid frustration with blocked deploys when the developer
// understand the warning and wants to deploy anyway.
// Warn when an empty interface is defined. These are generally not useful.
"no-empty-interface": {"severity": "warning"},
// Warn when an import will have side effects.
"no-import-side-effect": {"severity": "warning"},
// Warn when variables are defined with var. Var has subtle meaning that can lead to bugs. Strongly prefer const for
// most values and let for values that will change.
"no-var-keyword": {"severity": "warning"},
// Prefer === and !== over == and !=. The latter operators support overloads that are often accidental.
"triple-equals": {"severity": "warning"},
// Warn when using deprecated APIs.
"deprecation": {"severity": "warning"},
// -- Light Warnings --
// These rules are intended to help developers use better style. Simpler code has fewer bugs. These would be "info"
// if TSLint supported such a level.
// prefer for( ... of ... ) to an index loop when the index is only used to fetch an object from an array.
// (Even better: check out utils like .map if transforming an array!)
"prefer-for-of": {"severity": "warning"},
// Warns if function overloads could be unified into a single function with optional or rest parameters.
"unified-signatures": {"severity": "warning"},
// Prefer const for values that will not change. This better documents code.
"prefer-const": {"severity": "warning"},
// Multi-line object literals and function calls should have a trailing comma. This helps avoid merge conflicts.
"trailing-comma": {"severity": "warning"}
"defaultSeverity": "error"
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