Commit a02484f8 authored by Naman Dixit's avatar Naman Dixit

Forced number of cache sets to be power of 2

parent c912887b
......@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ Instructions:
will listen)
2. -threadPoolSize=YYY (number of threads in the
thread pool)
3. -numSetsInCache=ZZZ (number of sets in the cache)
3. -numSetsInCache=ZZZ (number of sets in the cache,
should be a power of 2)
4. -sizeOfSet=AAA (associativity of sets)
Storage: The server stores the data in "${PWD}/data_store/" directory.
......@@ -659,5 +659,22 @@ Size strprefix(Char *pre, Char *str)
U64 nextPowerOf2(U64 v)
v |= v >> 1;
v |= v >> 2;
v |= v >> 4;
v |= v >> 8;
v |= v >> 16;
v |= v >> 32;
return v;
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Sint main (Sint argc, Char *argv[])
} else if ((arg_pos = strprefix("-threadPoolSize=", argv[i]))) {
thread_pool_size = (Size)strtol(&(argv[i][arg_pos]), NULL, 0);
} else if ((arg_pos = strprefix("-numSetsInCache=", argv[i]))) {
cache_set_count = (Size)strtol(&(argv[i][arg_pos]), NULL, 0);
cache_set_count = nextPowerOf2((Size)strtol(&(argv[i][arg_pos]), NULL, 0));
} else if ((arg_pos = strprefix("-sizeOfSet=", argv[i]))) {
cache_associativity = (Size)strtol(&(argv[i][arg_pos]), NULL, 0);
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