Commit d2ead096 authored by Murukesh Mohanan's avatar Murukesh Mohanan

trying out Jekyll

parent 3ab6960d
name: Murukesh Mohanan, IIT Bombay
markdown: kramdown
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<h1>Murukesh Mohanan</h1>
<li>Second year, Master of Technology in Computer Science
and Engineering</li>
<li>RA, System Administration, CSE</li>
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<head> title: Murukesh Mohanan
<!-- If you want to fix the weird fonts on Chrome or Firefox ---
on Android, uncomment this meta tag. The weird font size
is due to "font boosting". <div class="section">
--> Call me Muru.
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--> <div class="section">
<meta charset="utf-8"> I am an aspiring BOFH. Often called a psycho.
<title> </div>
Muru's home page. <div class="section">
</title> I share the hobby of the masses - reading. :P<br>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css"> Favourite books include <em>The Green Mile</em>, <em>The Wheel
<!-- Web Fonts FTW! --> of Time</em> series, the <em>Foundation</em> series and the
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""> <em>Rama</em> series.
<script type="text/javascript" src="murujs.js"></script> </div>
</head> <div class="section">
<body> I am a Gooner. Favourite players include "Mad Jens" Lehmann,
<!--#include virtual="header.html"--> Dennis Bergkamp and Wojciech Szczęsny.
<div id="main"> I have been an Arsenal fan since the Champions League final in
<div class="section"> Paris, 2006.
Call me Muru. </div>
</div> <div class="section">
<div class="section"> <h4 style="text-decoration: underline; margin-bottom: 0.5em;">Pet peeves include:</h4>
I am an aspiring BOFH. Often called a psycho. <ol style="margin-top: 0;">
</div> <li>Menus in web pages that don't work in mobile phones,
<div class="section"> especially one with touchscreens. See the CSE site for an
I share the hobby of the masses - reading. :P<br> example.</li>
Favourite books include <em>The Green Mile</em>, <em>The Wheel <li>Webpages laid out using tables. This one most
of Time</em> series, the <em>Foundation</em> series and the definitely isn't.</li>
<em>Rama</em> series. <li>Sites (really, most about anything) with mostly white backgrounds.</li>
</div> </ol>
<div class="section"> </div>
I am a Gooner. Favourite players include "Mad Jens" Lehmann, <div class="section">
Dennis Bergkamp and Wojciech Szczęsny. <p> As you may have noticed from the site, I prefer dark
I have been an Arsenal fan since the Champions League final in backgrounds, with not-too-light text.
Paris, 2006. <p> I would have chosen the green-on-black style seen on
</div> terminals, but most of you would have fled from the
<div class="section"> monitor screaming, <em>"My eyes! MY EYES!"</em>, wouldn't you?
<h4 style="text-decoration: underline; margin-bottom: 0.5em;">Pet peeves include:</h4> <p> Don't believe me?
<ol style="margin-top: 0;"> <span id="colour-change" style="text-decoration: underline;">
<li>Menus in web pages that don't work in mobile phones, Click here and try it out!</span>
especially one with touchscreens. See the CSE site for an </div>
<li>Webpages laid out using tables. This one most
definitely isn't.</li>
<li>Sites (really, most about anything) with mostly white backgrounds.</li>
<div class="section">
<p> As you may have noticed from the site, I prefer dark
backgrounds, with not-too-light text.
<p> I would have chosen the green-on-black style seen on
terminals, but most of you would have fled from the
monitor screaming, <em>"My eyes! MY EYES!"</em>, wouldn't you?
<p> Don't believe me? <span id="colour-change"
style="text-decoration: underline;">Click here and try it
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document.getElementById("colour-change").onclick = MuruJS.greenText;
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