Commit a483a837 authored by Murukesh Mohanan's avatar Murukesh Mohanan

more backporting

parent fd5215d7
name: Vim
desc: The One True Editor
name: Configuration
desc: COnfiguration of various software that I use
name: Thoughts on Life
desc: Thoughts on Life, the Universe, and Everything Else.
name: Literature
desc: Thoughts on things I read
name: Jekyll
desc: The Jekyll site generator
name: Programming
desc: Thoughts on programming and scripting
name: Arsenal F. C.
desc: The club I adore - Arsenal Football Club
name: Football
desc: Thoughts on Football
name: Technology
desc: Thoughts on Technology
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layout: post
title: Back to Dihing!
tags: [life]
So, finally I'm, back in Dihing, my second home... It does feel great to be
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title: Michael Crichton - A Great Author
tags: [lit]
*Jurassic Park* and *The Lost World* are movies that almost everyone I know have
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title: Friends...
tags: [life]
What constitutes a friend? My mum thinks that every single person I know is my
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title: Notes on Programming
tags: [programming]
I've always had a love of writing programs, maybe because I like to create
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title: A Lost Identity
tags: [life]
In my days at IITG, I have often been asked where I hail from. Somehow, I never
title: Les Misérables
layout: post
tags: [lit]
It has been a long time since I first read the novels which affected me the most
strongly: *Wuthering Heights*, *Jane Eyre*, *Crime and Punishment*, *War and
Peace*, *Great Expectations*, *David Copperfield*, *One Hundred Years of
Solitude*, *The Picture of Dorian Gray*, *Ivanhoe* and *Gone with the Wind*. The
first two I read when I was ten years old, or thereabouts; the last, *Gone with
the Wind*, three or four years ago. Since then, I've read a few books, but none
which created impressions as deep as they have. So much so, that I'd come to
doubt whether I would meet anybody as kind and as good as Melanie Wilkes, or
anyone as terrible as Dorian Gray. I felt that I wouldn't meet any love as
strong as the love between Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff, or the love for
Scarlet that Rhett had. Women like Jane Eyre, or Countess Natasha Rostova, or
Agnes Wickfield, or Scarlet O'Hara are rarely met with. But a lot of things
changed when I decided to correct a mistake that I had made, since I had never
got a chance to read Victor Hugo's *Les Misérables*, having read *The Hunchback
of Notre-Dame* years ago as an abridged version (curse those monstrosities, they
rob us of a great deal!). So when I chanced upon a Penguin Classics edition of
*Les Misérables*, a 1976 translation by Norman Denny, I seized it without a
second thought.
Victor Hugo is a master story-teller, and his plot is rich in twists and turns.
Some have parallels, as for example Thénardier's role in bringing the truth
about Jean Valjean's life to Marius's knowledge is very similar to Gollum's role
in destroying the Ring in *The Lord of the Rings.* Oh! Once I shuddered when
*The Lord of the Rings* was compared to the Harry Potter series, and now I
shudder to compare *The Lord of the Rings* to *Les Misérables.* I read *the Lay
of Beren and Luthién* and was deeply moved, and when I read the last three books
of *Volume V: Jean Valjean,* I did something which I have not done in years: I
wept. If, previously, someone had asked me to name the three greatest characters
I'd met, I would have named R. Daneel Olivaw, Melanie Wilkes and Sherlock
Holmes. Now, the list would be R. Daneel Olivaw, Melanie Wilkes and Jean
Valjean. All three are characterised by their infinite love and compassion,
their benevolence and goodness, their innate heroism, and their strength of
character. Indeed, Daneel is more human than some humans.
Norman Denny said that Victor Hugo is a poet, and rightly so. Only a poet would
indulge in a retelling of the Battle of Waterloo, only for creating a setting
for an ironical twist of fate. But the tale is well told, and only increases the
disgust for the dastardly act that follows, and I doubt even the best of authors
could have done any better. His novel is accused of being riddled with
unreadable digressions, but they serve to make the tale all the more
interesting, and are as much matter for the mind as Leo Tolstoy's philosophical
meanderings in *War and Peace.* In many a sense, I find Tolstoy's work (which he
considered to be something not quite a novel) is the only book comparable to
Hugo's work. It is interesting that one chronicles the beginning of Napoleon's
downfall, and the other the aftermath. Both have characters that rise from being
social outcasts to being angels on Earth, the one has Pierre Bezukhov, an
illegitimate son of a count, with a heart of gold and the innocence of a child,
and Jean Valjean, a paroled convict who came out with the blackest of minds and
was transformed into the most benevolent of men. Both have their ingenues:
Natasha and Cosette (the picture at the top is of her as child); both have their
young men burdened with poverty and a title: Count Nicholas Rostov and Baron
Marius Pontmercy.
Hugo's tale of nineteenth century France is singular tale of misery and
wretchedness, and, at the same time, of hope and love. We follow the life of
Jean Valjean, sent to prison for stealing a piece of bread for his family,
ending up spending nineteen years in jail for repeated escape attempts, after he
is released on parole. He encounters the Bishop of Digne, an uncanonised saint,
who transforms him, and guides him to the path of goodness. He is entrusted with
the care of Cosette, the child of a poor girl called Fantine. As Cosette grows
into womanhood and meets and falls in love with Marius, the tale draws them all
into events leading up to the June Revolution of 1832 in Paris, weaving all the
threads in to a tapestry of singular beauty. We witness the gallant nature of
Jean Valjean, as he helps even those who dislike him or even hate him. We
witness the implacable nature of Inspector Javert, whose single-minded
dedication to the enforcement of law is the gravest of dangers to Valjean's
liberty. We witness the unchanging evil in Monsieur Thénardier, even as he seeks
to rob the gentleman who gives him alms, and to expose him to his son-in-law,
whilst unknowingly setting aright a number of misunderstandings. Éponine's pain
at having to aid Marius with his love for Cosette rends our hearts. Why, oh, why
do people have to suffer from unrequited love?
Admittedly, Hugo's tale has weaknesses. Nobody will paeans to the love between
Marius and Cosette. Nobody will sing ballads about Marius. But then, this tale
is not about them. This is about the upliftment of Les Misérables, the miserable
ones, the wretched ones, the very dregs of society, as seen in Valjean, Éponine
and Gavroche; Gavroche - that gallant little soul, to whom, one cannot help but
bow to and acknowledge his greatness of soul. Yet, with all this, as one flows
along with the tale, we do not even see these flaws, immersed in the curiosity
that makes us want to know: Will they ever have a chance at a better life? Will
they rise above their misery and find happiness?
title: The Character of God
layout: post
tags: [life, lit]
Over time, I have changed my position regarding the existence of god(s). From
*apathy* ('Don't know, don't care'), to *disbelief* (atheism) to *doubt*
(agnosticism). I have heard many accounts of god(s), from the 'universe, then
god' (like the ancient Greeks') to 'god, then universe' (most other accounts),
from single god (Christianity, Judaism, Islam) to many gods (Hinduism, the
Egyptian pantheon). The problem exists, in my opinion, specifically in the proof
(or lack thereof) of the existence of gods. For the purposes of this article,
let us consider a few things as given:
- The Universe (and everything in it) exists for a reason: the principle of
- If god(s) exist(s), said god(s) created the Universe. Also, since the Universe
was created, whoever created it can be labelled 'god' (If a group created it,
let's call the group 'god' and avoid the problem of the plural). Ergo god
exists in any case.
- The Universe, and everything in and of it, is finite. (This is controversial,
let us postpone discussion on it for a while.)
The first principle is essential, as it is the very basis of all of today's
science. I believe that some of the primary purposes of science are to
establish the *causes* (*why*s of things), along with means (*how*s) and
predictions (*what now*s). The questions that are central to science is how and
why the Universe was created in the first place, but whether it lies within the
scope of science to assign a cause and means to its creation is beyond me.
The only way we can sidestep the problem of creation is by assigning a present
age of infinity to the Universe. That, of course, would be somewhat the trivial
solution for this question, and not possible because of the third condition.
Proof of existence of god is impossible within the framework of the Universe.
Consider the two mutually exclusive situations in which god does interfere with
the Universe after creation, and does not. In the first case, it would be
impossible to assign an observable cause to acts of god, but simply because we
cannot observe the cause doesn't imply that the cause is god. The reason might
simply be beyond our present science. Unless we acquire infinite and complete
knowledge, which is clearly impossible, we cannot assign causes (or lack
thereof) to all events, again under the third condition. (As a side note: an
infinite and complete knowledge would also imply knowledge of creation of the
universe, thus solving that problem.) If god does not interfere with the
Universe after creation, then, of course, we cannot prove the existence of god
from phenomena within this Universe. So we can merely speculate and argue about
Now, given that god created the Universe, that still doesn't complete the cause.
There still exists the problem of why said god(s) created it. Most religions
don't give a damn about this, insofar as I can infer. They neither say anything
about it, nor say why they don't say anything. Science fiction authors, on
the other hand, do often speculate about it. From "The Lord is the name of my
cat." to the ultimate scientist, there have been many instances. Here I come to
the central point of my article. The thing is, "god(s)" present a theory, a
theory as to why the Universe exists and is the way it is. To completely ignore
said theory and disregard it is unscientific (ergo *atheism* is unscientific). My
favourite hypothesis is the one by Arthur C. Clarke in his *Rama* series. In it,
at the very end, he describes god as the ultimate scientist, who tries different
initial values to the problem of the Universe so as to obtain an Universe in
perfect harmony. Now lets avoid why the god wants perfect harmony (c'mon, do we
need to go into an infinite chain of reasons?), and what harmony means. The
thing is, this god has the best (for me) attribute of all. The god has a reason,
and has reason too, apparently.
The most interesting thing about this god, is that it apparently is subject to
one of the most fundamental principles of quantum theory: that we cannot
observe something without interfering with it. The observations are kept to a
minimum, and care is taken to minimise its effects. As far as I am concerned,
this concept totally beats Clarke's *Space Odysseys* and Asimov's Gaia/Galaxia
concept. But, not, I suppose, Douglas Adam's nuttiness.
Till later!
title: Passion is Forever
layout: post
tags: [arsenal, football]
We saw a recent lecture series on club loyalty. I believe that those *fans* who
abandon their club when they are down don't understand the core point of
football, or any team game, or any game, for that matter. I admire Barca, not
for their style of play, but for the sheer talent and skill some of their
players have. I admire Royal Madrid, because of the impunity with which they
play Fantasy Football. I admire Manchester United, because they have grit. I
admire Tottenham Hotspur, because they fought to grow out of the shadow of their
neighbours and succeeded.
But I am an Arsenal fan, not because of their style of play (which I do love),
or because of their players (though Robin van Persie is my favourite), or some
other such detail. In a team game, the principle of superposition doesn't apply.
The whole != sum of the parts. I love Arsenal, because I see in them a
reflection of myself. The first Arsenal match I remember watching was the
Champions League final of 2005-06. And that match epitomizes their seasons
since. They get themselves in a mess. Then by sheer luck, or pure skill, or by
some combination thereof, they get their arses out of that mess and get on top
of things. And then it all unravels, while you watch on with a sinking feeling.
Like Arsenal, I have talents and skills. Like Arsenal, I can be the best. Like
Arsenal, I have had a string of bad choices ruin it for me. Like Arsenal, I have
managed to save my arse from really being fried (though mostly through sheer
luck). I feel a connection to Arsenal, because if, despite all this, they manage
to win, then it tells me that I can too.
(And one of my friends, a Liverpool fan, had an interesting dip in grades that
quite closely followed Liverpool's dip in form. Though perhaps that is a bit too
much for me. :) )
I hope that Arsenal win.
I hope that Arsène Wenger finally constructs a team where each player, no matter
how skilled or talented, is truly loyal to our club.
I hope.
(cf. [*Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption*][1])
Wait! Nay, I ***believe*** that Arsenal can win, and be the best.
Because that belief is tied to my belief in myself.
layout: post
title: Echoes
tags: [lit]
Recently I started reading Robert Jordan's *The Wheel of Time* series. Each
book is well written, and the characters strong and memorable, the tales
themselves grand. The series itself vies with the *Mahabharata*, considered by
most Indians to be the greatest epic. One thing I noticed time and again is the
number of similarities, echoes, as it were, of tales from elsewhere, books and
movies. By itself, it might seem like a weakness, but no! It is a strength, for
each echo strengthens the feeling that the tale is your own experience long
forgotten, from a different life perhaps, for it is familiar and yet strange.
Perhaps like the feeling Birgitte Silverbow has for the memories of each of her
adventures with Gaidal Cain.
I have always loved the *Lord of the Rings*, but that was always tinged by a
touch of disappointment over its inspiration from Christian myth. But it was
while noting the similarities between it and *The Wheel of Time*, and
*今日から㋮王!* (*God (?!) Save The King!*), one of my favourite anime shows,
that I realised how different it was. In each case, the central villain, whether
Shai'tan, Sauron or Soushu, was imperfectly defeated -- waiting to return for a
final confrontation. (Just like Tom Riddle, some of you will point out. I'm sure
it is a common enough theme, like Loki being bound till Ragnarok.)
In both the *Lord of the Rings* and *The Wheel of Time*, the creator of the
universe... uh, well... creates the universe and then lets the drama play itself
out, not interfering any more (except in one unique case in *LOTR*). The Aes
Sedai are like the Elves - long-lived, highly respected, deserving of respect -
yet as human, as petty as any around. Curiously, the Ogier are more like the
Elves than the Aes Sedai, long lived, with an affinity for things that grow,
living in some isolation from humans, yet deadly when raised to arms. Both have
created incredible wonders, cities more beautiful than any by man, and neither
will involve themselves in the affairs of men, but both will fight the Shadow.
Orcs are perversions of Ilúvatar's creations by Morgoth, just as Trollocs and
other Shadowspawn are perversions by the Dark One and the Chosen. *Barad-dûr*,
close to Mount Doom within Mordor is where Sauron hides, and Shayol Ghul north
of the Blasted Lands is where the Bore to the Dark One's prison lies - and
Morgoth's fortress in Angband, Thangorodrim lies to the north of *Anfauglith*
(the Gasping Dust). In each world the armies from the lands to the west of the
ocean are quite powerful, but Seandar's armies are like kids imitating soldiers
when compared to Valinor's armies. In both cases ships attempting to reach the
lands to the west have failed for quite some time. In both worlds, the world
itself was altered - in LOTR, once during the hiding of Valinor when the Arda
was made round, and again in defeating Morgoth when Middle-Earth was shattered,
and in the other during the Breaking of the World that followed the madness.
In both *今日から㋮王!* and *The Wheel of Time*, the central character, the hero
who would defeat the villain once and for all is someone who has no idea of
their initial power, but has to learn to control it and use it. And there the
most striking contrast presents itself: Yuri Shibuya is truly the most decent
hero I have ever encountered, and that's counting Goku. Anyone who has watched
the *Dragonball* series will know the import of that. On the other hand, Rand
al'Thor is, at least until the 12th book, a hard man. Oh, if ever there was a
crossover between to *The Wheel of Time* universe, what wouldn't I give for Yuri
or Goku to meet and befriend Rand! The tale of Lews Therin Telamon and his One
Hundred Companions riding to Shayol Ghul to seal Shai'tan's prison always
reminds me of the anime scenes featuring Shinou, the Great One, in his battle
with Soushu, the Originators. In both cases they somewhat succeeded, at great
personal cost. The Great One was infected by the Originators, *saidin* tainted
by the Dark One's counter-stroke. Shinou was taken over by the Originators
towards the end until Yuri freed him and Lews Therin went mad and gained his
title, the Kinslayer. Another pair of reflections: *Callandor*, the Sword that
is not a Sword, the Sword that cannot be claimed, save by the Dragon Reborn and
*Mullem Desoive Eligh Morgif*, the Demon Sword that cannot be wielded by any
save the Demon King. Both are virtually useless as swords, but both are
incredibly powerful. The humans in 今日から㋮王! fear Demons, those who can
wield magic, and people in The Wheel of Time fear those men who can channel the
tainted *saidin*. al'Lan Mandragoran reminds of Conrart Weller, with their
sword-mastery and training of the hero.
And the most recent echo, the one which prompted me to write this post, was not
from *LOTR* or *今日から㋮王!*, but from a movie. The second meeting between
Egwene al'Vere and Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan, the confrontation that results is
strikingly similar to the climax of *A Few Good Men*, right up to the
spectacular collapse of both antagonists. You can't handle the truth, indeed!
Unfortunately the ends to these confrontations are in contrast.
And that's not speaking of the echoes within *The Wheel of Time* itself,like
Perrin Aybara, Rand al'Thor and Matrim Cauthon's belief that each was no good at
handling women and the other two were. Each time that's mentioned, it makes me
chuckle. I'm sure I can spot more similarities, more echoes when I read through
the *Lord of the Rings* and *The Wheel of Time* and watch *今日から㋮王!* again.
For now, this will do. It feels good to write (?!) and I hope I'll do it soon.
Truly, though, the numerous threads of this tale do weave a most splendid
Pattern, a Pattern that will be a joy to behold when finished! Ta!
layout: post
title: Epilogues
tags: [lit]
One thing to note before you start reading this: I haven't written anything in a
long time. I'm just gonna ramble. Note 2: I started writing this before
*Echoes* and some of the stuff meant to be here ended up there, so not much
rambling! :)
I just finished watching *American Reunion*. I loved it. I watched *Men In
Black<sup>3</sup>*, and I loved that too. You know why? Because once I get
started on a tale, I want to know how it ends. Not necessarily the complete
ending, with everyone dying off, but an ending that gives closure. I always
wondered what became of J after he let Laura go. I always wondered how K was in
his younger days. I love to know the history of a tale's universe, it's
back-story, as it's sometimes called. MiB<sup>3</sup> gave me that and a fitting
end, a nice little joke about chance. Similarly for *American Reunion*. Jim and
Michelle getting married, Oz not even in the picture, Finch doing his usual
thing... No, no: That's not how that tale would end. There always has to be an
epilogue. An epilogue gives us closure. A bit of what happened later, to tie up
all the loose threads. These movies were exactly that: Epilogues to a much-loved
tale long told. Maybe that's why I am not too excited about *Grown Ups 2: Grown
Ups* was an epilogue to a tale never told - but maybe it can be the prologue to
a tale yet to be told. Dragging on a film series like they have done with *Saw*
- that is an abomination, a sin.
Maybe the epilogue of *War and Peace* affected me a bit too strongly: It was the
first epilogue that I read so labelled. The earlier novels I read, *Wuthering
Heights* and *Jane Eyre* had similar chapters too, short, but satisfying. *War
and Peace*, on the other hand, had an epilogue befitting its length. It
contained a lot of interesting thoughts. The passage on how the French
Revolution happened was one of the funniest passages I have read, and since
then, I have had a bit of reluctance in studying our world's history, absurd as
it is - why should any other world's history be any less important? That is why,
to me, the *Lord of the Rings* is the greatest tale I have read. The appendices
provide some more information about that world, and the Chronology tells me how
it ends for each member of the Fellowship. The death of Aragorn, followed by the
departure of Legolas for Valinor (accompanied by Gimli, so it has been told)
concluded that tale for me. Contrast this with *Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank
Redemption*, which most of you will know better as the movie *The Shawshank
Redemption*. Its final lines are so written that the overwhelming sense of
uncertainty filled with hope would be thoroughly destroyed by an epilogue. That
is why I regard *The Shawshank Redemption* as the greatest film ever made: It
transcended the book it adapted. It's ending, and the movie in general somehow
managed to be as good as, if not better than, the novella. Few, if any,
adaptations manage that. Most fumble at it - like a teenager fumbling at a bra
strap. Some mess it up completely - like Jim with Nadia. *The Shawshank
Redemption* redeemed them all.
But when it comes to tales that demand epilogues, I think the standard to beat
is set by *Foundation and Earth* and *Rama Revealed*. Both books are just that -
a conclusion to a long tale. Both have fitting titles. Rama is revealed -
somewhat. Earth and Foundation - the two ends of the Galaxy - the beginning and
the end. To end a tale that spanned around 22,000 years, three separate series
and 16 or so books in all would take a masterpiece - and Asimov, the master that
he is, did it oh so well. And the sly devil managed to slip in a few threads to
continue the tale, too. Reading that novel as the ship entered the Solar System
is one of the defining moments of my life. Meeting Daneel Olivaw there, I
realised why inevitably most people are theists. Seeing Daneel there, I felt all
the emotions people feel on seeing an old friend. Most importantly, since I
hadn't read the prequel books, I wasn't sure I'd meet him - a successor perhaps,
but not Daneel himself. But to know Daneel was present all along, guiding,
helping humanity - that was a relief. We really are too stupid to live long, you
But let us leave these depressing thoughts. The prequel books to *Foundation* -
aha! Just as most tales leave me wanting to know how it all ends, most also
instil a desire to learn how it all began. Reading *Forward the Foundation* and
*Prelude to the Foundation* brought home how delightful a well-written prequel
truly is. It lends context the entire series,explaining details that otherwise
never really stood on their own. The *Silmarillion* was the other great prequel
I read. It's not really a prequel, since it was a separate book, taking place
Ages before The *Lord of the Rings*. Reading The *Silmarillion* was like reading
ancient history, and the discrepancies between it and the tales told in
*Unfinished Tales* and *The History of Middle Earth* books made it seem all the
more like real history, as if these were events that really happened, but with
no trustworthy and complete records. It was fascinating. Many people can't
comprehend how I can reread a novel or a series of novels from the start - don't
I already know what's going to happen? I do, in a general way. However, there
are several tiny details which attain greater significance in the context of
what happens later on. These details are like an "Aha!" moment, not quite
Eureka! but a flash of recognition when you realise that the Towers of Midnight
are mentioned as early as in book two of *The Wheel of Time* - *The Great Hunt*,
and all those dreams that Egwene has in book three foretelling events well in to
the tail-end of the series. It's quite fun, actually, re-reading those books. I
wonder what *A Memory of Light* will be like... Will it have a great epilogue?
Will it give closure? Or will it be like *Inheritance* and make you wonder when
the next part's releasing? :/
layout: post
title: My super-awesome System76 Bonobo Extreme!
tags: [tech]
I got the high-end Linux laptop available in the market: the System76 Bonobo
Extreme. It is certainly my prized possession, way more awesome than anything I
have ever owned, and anything I am likely to own in the next few years. I am not
a professional reviewer by a long shot, but after two weeks of using the bonx6,
I thought I'd post some of my observations.
First off, this thing is huge! A 17.3" screen, a full-fledged keyboard with an
inch-wide bezel on the sides, an inch-high base, a power brick that's more than
twice the size (in all dimensions) of that of my old Dell Vostro 1088's or that
of my parents' Samsung. There's an 89.2 WHr battery in it, which is quite
different in shape from the usual elongated ones: It's rectangular. The clickpad
is nice and large, with multi-touch. I love the large display - after years of
squeezing out every pixel from a 14" 1366x768 screen, having a 17.3" 1920x1080
display is like switching from my old hostel grounds to the football field. I
won't list the specifics, the list is available on the website.
There are a number of things which strike me about the bonx6:
- Full-sized arrow keys: Yay! Seriously, what is it with other more mainstream
companies putting out half-sized, unusable arrow keys even on 15"+ laptops? My
aforementioned Vostro, a 14", had full-fledged arrow keys. Who could possibly
need a Shift key longer than certain parts of their anatomy? Also, the
separate WiFi and Bluetooth keys are nice, as is the key to turn off the
display. I used to use the `xset` command to do that, or wait on Windows. The
backlighting (with the variety of colours) is very good.
- While the arrow keys are a huge plus, there is one annoyance about the
keyboard: Instead of <kbd>Home</kbd> and <kbd>End</kbd> as main keys,
<kbd>Page&nbsp;Up</kbd> and <kbd>Page&nbsp;Down</kbd> are the main ones and
you have to use the Function key to use them. I dunno what statistics led them
to this selection, but it's infernally irritating. I often use the
<kbd>Home</kbd> and <kbd>End</kbd> keys, especially while typing. I only use
the Page keys when reading, and that rarely. The other weird thing is the key
next to the <kbd>Spacebar</kbd>, which would usually be the Context Menu key
but is the Pipe/Slash key (`|`,``\``). I looked up the layouts available in
Ubuntu and it seems to be some variant of US/International, and worked as a
Multikey. I wasted no time in mapping it to the Context Menu key. (Why would I
need two keys with the same function while eliminating one which has no
duplicate anywhere else on the keyboard?)
- Four 3.5mm ports: S/PDIF, Line-in, mike, headphones. The sound quality from
the headphones port on my Seinheiser CX-180 is noticeably poorer than that
from the S/PDIF port. But getting that port to work decently on Ubuntu 12.10
was a trial by trial-and-error. (No, that wasn't a typo. It was a trial, the
kind I hadn't had to face on Ubuntu since 2010.) The sound either a)
alternately rapidly between headphones and laptop speakers; or b) played on
the right laptop speaker and on the left headphone. The PulseAudio Volume
control program allowed me to get a handle on it, and now all is hunky-dory.
Ubuntu 13.04 beta had no problem. The laptop speakers themselves are quite
good, better than any laptop speaker I have heard (I have lived in a hostel
with a variety of laptops, including ones with Altec Lansing speakers), loud,
clear. And is that a sub-woofer on the bottom?
- The basic Targus clamshell bag is a very tight fit, and doesn't seem to have
much in the name of padding. There's no Targus logo on the bag that I can see.
And the weight of this behemoth makes carrying it without a backpack an
arm-numbing strain. Thankfully, it just about fits into my Dell 15" backpack
that I got with the Vostro.
- That was the good and the ugly. Now the weird: What is usually the Windows key
has a small Ubuntu logo sticker on it. While it's cute, the back-lighting is
blocked (but it's the only such key and so easily spotted). Considering that
that keys with multiple functions (like entire top array) vary wildly from
laptop to laptop, surely it wouldn't be that difficult to get buttons with
proper Ubuntu logos on them? Or better yet, Tux?)
- The fingerprint reader and clickpad are nice, but it's the first experience
I've had with either, so I can't judge them. The clickpad did initially seem
to have too much friction. And now that I have got used to two-finger
scrolling, there's now way I'd go back to edge-scrolling and a special button
for right click. With tapping and two-finger tapping, the only time I actually
click on it is for dragging. I've only used a MacBook once, but I doubt theirs
is much better than this one. The fingerprint reader is especially useful on
Ubuntu, for `sudo`. :) Side-note: If you encrypt your home directory while
completing the Ubuntu setup, you will have to enter your password each time
you log on. The fingerprint reader can only be used once the password has been
used to decrypt the home directory.
- The battery is good, lasts around 200 minutes watching movies and TV shows on
the headphone, all the while charging my Nexus<sup>4</sup>. It lasted an hour
while playing *NFS Carbon*, but grew very hot during the process – the rest of
the laptop was only mildly warm, but the battery, which is situated right at
the front and is quite in contact with your lap, was hot. That said, while on
external power, the laptop never gets very hot, but of the two huge fan vents,
the one on the right seems to get more exercise. I have a Nexus<sup>4</sup>
and I know when things get hot. The bonx6 doesn't. If the power usage of the
graphics card (mine is the base one, 670 MX) could be lowered – it is around
22 W even when in low-power mode – the battery could support 6+ hours of movie
watching. I have heard Optimus is a nightmare on Linux, but I sincerely hope
nVidia cleans up their act and newer iterations of the Bonobo can support
- The port for the charging cable is in a very odd position: behind the laptop,
close to the middle. It is decidedly strange, but isn't inconvenient. Even
more weird, the cable head looks like a PS/2 port. And it seems to come loose
very easily, which is mildly annoying.
- I installed Windows 8 (triple booting with the preinstalled Ubuntu 12.10 and
the Raring beta), and had no problems using it (aside from Metro :P). The
drivers provided by the knowledge76 website work great. I ran *Assassin's
Creed III*, and at the highest settings, it ran smoothly, without any jerking
or frame-skipping at all. I also ran the *Hitman: Absolution* benchmark: At
Ultra settings, it had an average framerate of 10! But the benchmark scene is
particularly detailed, featuring huge crowds, fireworks, birds-eye views – the
Vostro with it's Radeon HD 4330 could only manage an avg frame rate of 13 even
on the lowest settings, and this card breezes through games that brought the
4330 to its knees. *FIFA 13*, *Need for Speed: The Run*, *L. A. Noire*, *Spec
Ops: The Line* – all ran smoothly at the highest graphics settings.
- The 7200 rpm, 500 GB HDD is fast enough for me: an average of 90 MBps read
speed and 40-60 MBps write speeds. The main issue is the secondary HDD slot –
more precisely: Where the hell is it? The Vostro has a clearly demarcated
section which can be easily unscrewed off to reveal the HDD and RAM slots. As
far as I can tell, I'll have to pry off the whole back to get to the spare HDD
slot, and I have a 500 GB disk lying around which I'd love to use as an
internal disk once again. And I do plan on adding RAM.
- There are a couple of stickers on it: one for the SoundBlaster card and one
for indicating HDMI support. Strangely, no Intel Inside/Core i7 sticker, no
nVidia sticker. System76 did add a couple of metallic "Powered by Ubuntu"
stickers, one of which immediately went on my bonx6 :) and the other on my
parents' Samsung (which does, in fact, run Ubuntu 12.10 primarily).
I love everything else about the bonx6 – the display, the backlit keyboard, the
looks, the size, the clickpad, the desktop-beating level of power contained
within this beauty, the Ubuntu sticker that System76 gave which I put on it, the
abundance of ports, the fact that it came preinstalled with Ubuntu and that
System76 supports Linux and not Windows! Thank you so much, System76, for making
this awesome thing possible! And thanks to my best friend Roshan for telling me
about System76! You rock, bro!
layout: post
title: Moving to Arch
tags: [tech, config]
I'm not sure why, but Ubuntu takes a hell of a long time to start. The best I
could get was 59s - and on occasion it even went to 1:15! If you think this
isn't a cause for concern, this might tell you why it is.
I did the usual `bootchart` analysis, disabling Plymouth splash, tried profiling
via GRUB, disabling services... the usual. All to no avail, though. Booting
within a minute is okay, I suppose, but I know for sure 12.04 and down would
boot much faster on my old laptop. I looked around, an in most places I noticed
something interesting - LightDM usually only waited for less than a second for
signals from X, in my case it was usually 15s or more. But I didn't have a
ConsoleKit problem, the XOrg was actually reading something. I tried switching
DMs - SLiM and lxdm - but no luck.
Now that I am fiddling with my setup anyway, I decided to install Arch. This was
my third try, actually - neither of my previous two attempts while in IITG
succeeded. But third time lucky, eh? I went about installing Arch via both the
official and unofficial installation guides.
Since my aim was as fast a start as I could get while still looking good, I
decided to use btrfs for the root filesystem. We'll see how that goes. The
installation was mostly pain-free. Except at one point where the Arch Wiki tells
us to execute some commands and *then* shows a notice telling us to do so only
after rebooting, not within the chroot jail. That fucked up my wireless
connection, and I couldn't bring it back up. Luckily I had made the boot image,
and I had no intention of installing GRUB again, considering that I already had
one from Ubuntu. So I rebooted and got Ubuntu's GRUB to update itself, and then
booted into Arch - took it about 12s to get to the login prompt.
From there on, things were pretty easy. The hard part was deciding:
- Which DE should I use? GNOME? XFCE? Or not use a DE at all?
- Which file manager? Nemo? Nautilus?
- Which DM? LightDM? LXDM? SLiM?
Some things were eliminated straight off: I wouldn't use KDE or LXDE - I dislike
the feel of KDE and LXDE wasn't feature-rich enough. XFCE was a good bet, but it
was already my main setup on Ubuntu, and I wanted to try something new. I'd
always heard good things about Enlightenment, Ratpoison, WMII and other such
window managers, and I decided I didn't need a DE after all - I'd try
Enlightenment and get it to work.
As for file managers, I liked Nautilus and Nemo best, but I don't like the
direction the GNOME3 team are headed with that, just liked I didn't like it when
the made GDM a dependency of GNOME Shell or when they removed file listings the
search results of the Activities overview. I had stuck with GNOME Shell even
then, but the GDM dependency was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Seriously, how difficult can it be to understand that I don't want to drag up an
extra screen to enter my password? Take what you will from Metro, but *that* is
the worst part.
Again, last time I tried, I'd used E16 and was severely chastised. This time,
E17 proved to be a pleasure to use - its own basic file manager (a file manager
without tab support is always basic to me), excellent visual effects, okay
themes. SLiM posed some problems - it wouldn't start correctly on occasion, each
time I had to switch to Enlightenment even though it was my default - otherwise
it would log me in and leave me without anything to work with - problems with
stopping SLiM (each shutdown would take a couple of minutes, waiting for SLiM to
stop). So I ditched it and went with LXDM - but this time, I set up autologin,
so I don't even see the login screen. GRUB to desktop - within 30s!
Odd thing, though. E17 favours Connman to manage network connections, and try as
I would, I couldn't get `connman` to connect to my wireless network. Abandon
that and stick to Arch's default `netctl`. Though the lack of a GUI for `netctl`
is disconcerting.
I had no trouble setting up the nVidia drivers or my fingerprint scanner or the
touchpad. But it seems the ACPI keys will have to wait, since the Arch Wiki
tells me I'll have to manually set up actions matching the signal they emit. And
I have to set up other things - Bluetooth, for example.
layout: post
title: Football
tags: [arsenal, football, lit]
I have just finished reading *Fever Pitch* by Nick Hornby. To those who don't
know, *Fever Pitch* is about Nick's obsession with Arsenal. For those who don't
know what Arsenal is: nothing to see here, please move along, folks. I haven't
read of a lot of football literature, but as an Arsenal fan, it gave me a
peephole into a world long since gone: the world when Arsenal were the
equivalent of Stoke City of the last few seasons - the ogres of football. No,
honestly. The way Nick described Arsenal and the Highbury crowd reminds me of
the Potters in every way - the siege mentality, the general dislike from other
fans, the media, the shit football…
Me, I started following Arsenal in 2006, with that Champions League final. I had
started staying up late during my Std 10 exams, and had kept the habit. :) On
one such late night, while channel surfing, I came up on a live match. There was
some ruckus going on. I had some idea of football, since I had watched the '98
World Cup and the '04 Euro (Greece won?). Apparently the keeper had been sent
off, no penalty, though. I started it too late and didn't get to see the replay
of the foul. At that time I didn't know who Pires was, so I didn't get the full
import of him being subbed. I did know who Henry was, though. :)
Even so, my memory gets a bit hazy here: I know that ten minutes later Campbell
scored and then around 80' Barca equalised, and then later took the lead and
won. The way I *remember* it, Arsenal almost immediately scored ('*10 men Arsenal
take the lead!*') and the underdogs (to me, and hence I supported them - well,
that and Henry) kept on gamely trying. To me it seemed that Henry was a lone
fella trying to do the best he can up front, without much support. And then late
in to the match they scored twice in quick succession. Damn. Since then I have
followed Arsenal, first by keeping an eye on the papers for news of them, and
then in IITG, by watching them regularly.
Anyway, I digress. I intended to talk about the books. After reading *Fever
Pitch*, I felt that the best follow-up would be reading Richard Sanders'
*Beastly Fury: The Strange Birth of British Football* once again. In many ways,
*Beastly Fury* mirrors *Fever Pitch*. Nick is a fan of The Arsenal, Richard a
fan of the enemy, Tottenham Hotspur. Nick's book is an intimately personal one,
it's about him and Arsenal. Richard's book is about football itself, it is
impersonal. It's very interesting, getting to know the early history of
football. For example, I always thought the offside law was some reaction to
stop players from loitering near the goal, and the change from requiring three
defenders between you and the goal to two was meant to help attacking football.
I was correct about the latter, but about the former, not so much.
Or things like why Chapman and his WM revolutionized things so much. I knew that
the first international was played with 9 forwards on one side and 8 forwards on
the other. But then you read about people considering passing "unmanly". Why
*Roog-by* (:P) has *Roogby* league and *Roogby* union. An anecdote in the book:
Alfred Lyttelton's mother complains to Charles Alcock that she's afraid one day
Lyttelton will come home with a broken leg. Alcock reassures her that if he
does, it won't be his own. And I had always assumed that an amateur was someone
who wasn't good enough, as compared to a professional. I hadn't thought that
professional had more to do with profession than with being good, despite being
a programmer - and that is one field where many amateurs are a sight better than
many "professionals". The original football clubs - they were all amateur.
Footballers' wages - back then people were amazed at footballers being paid a
few pounds a week (the average earnings of a skilled worker then) and now we are
amazed at footballers earning a ten thousand times what most people are paid. It
also shows how some things remain the same, no matter how much other things
change. The first keeper to Preston North End was racially abused in the press
as soon as his form dipped. People only died playing Rugby. So of course a few
career-ending tackles in football is okay.
Hmmm… After my second time through *Beastly Fury*, assuming *Stillness and
Speed* is delivered soon, I'd be reading my next football book. And hopefully by
then the hostel field will be in a condition fit for play. And I'll be playing
kick-and-rush again. :)
layout: post
title: Anathem
tags: [lit]
There's something about 3: They say bad/good things come in threes. Some things
in my life have been in threes: My favourite science fiction authors: Asimov,
Clarke and Crichton (an ACC instead of an ABC). The books that shaped my views
on society: *The Lord of the Flies**1984*, *Brave New World*. My views on
cosmogony so far have been largely influenced by Arthur C. Clarke's Rama series
and Orson Scott Card's Ender Quartet. Now, I have a third to add to that: Neal
Stephenson's *Anathem*.
Just under a third of the way in, I had no idea where the story was headed, but
I knew, I could feel it, that I was on to something special: *Anathem* is book
not easily forgotten. Two-thirds of the way in, the story has taken shape, and I
know for sure that this is as special as *The Garden of Rama* or *Xenocide*. I
should have known, coming from the author of *In the Beginning was the Command
Line*. One of the blurbs on the back-cover said: "[It] begins so quietly... and
winds up travelling so far." Perhaps the thing that I like most about this book
is that it does exactly that: starts along slowly, inviting you to step and
become one with its world, and then before you know it, you are in that world,
travelling along with Erasmus.
I had been reading *The Bourne Supremacy* before this, and I had been thinking
how good that book is: as good as Matt Damon was as Jason Bourne, he simply
couldn't have been Jason Bourne in the novels. Bourne, or Webb, is simply of a
higher level. And now *Anathem* comes along like a whirlwind and wipes out
Bourne from my mind. When I am done reading this, I'll have to read both of them
all over again. And read *Ender's Game*, *Speaker for the Dead*, *Xenocide* and
*Children of the Mind*. And *Rendezvous with Rama*, *Rama II*, *The Garden of
Rama* and *Rama Revealed*. My grades are going to be planed.
layout: post
title: Vim as $MANPAGER
tags: [vim]
tags: [vim, config]
Long, long ago, in a hostel room far, far away, I once read about using Vim as
title: Yet another Jekyll post
layout: post
tags: [jekyll, config]
I shifted my personal site to Jekyll some time ago, but I hadn't yet fully
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