Commit 21f3618f authored by Murukesh Mohanan's avatar Murukesh Mohanan

moved to Disqus, new style, sectioned pages FTW!

parent e175c875
......@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ cd ~/devel/web &&
`_sitename.yml` is a way of tricking Jekyll into adding a `root_url` to
the generated URLs. On Github, the file isn't read and `root_url` is
`_sitename.yml` is a way of tricking Jekyll into adding a `base-url` to
the generated URLs. On Github, the file isn't read and `base-url` is
empty, leading to absolute URLs from the root of the site. On the CSE
home folder, `_sitename.yml` defines `root_url` to be `~murukesh`,
home folder, `_sitename.yml` defines `base-url` to be `~murukesh`,
making the URLs relative to my home directory.
name: Murukesh Mohanan, IIT Bombay
markdown: kramdown
root_url: ""
base-url: ""
timezone: Asia/Kolkatta
highlighter: pygments
section_separator: "<!-- section -->"
- jekyll-sitemap
input: GFM
......@@ -14,7 +18,7 @@ defaults:
path: ""
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layout: "page"
Main: ''
......@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@
{{ page.title }} &ndash; Muru's home page.
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......@@ -21,20 +22,11 @@
Murukesh Mohanan
Third year, Master of Technology in Computer Science
and Engineering
RA, System Administration, CSE
{% for page in site.pages_list %}
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{{ page[0] }}
......@@ -42,11 +34,13 @@
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<div id="vim-proposal">
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="Stack Exchange Q&A site proposal: Vi and vim" />
<article id="main">
{{ content }}
......@@ -55,7 +49,7 @@
<!-- Copyleft FTW! -->
<img src="{{ site.root_url }}/images/Copyleft.png" style="height: 1em;" alt="copyleft"> Murukesh Mohanan.
<img src="{{ site.base-url }}/images/Copyleft.png" style="height: 1em;" alt="copyleft"> Murukesh Mohanan.
<p>Permission to use content is granted under <a href="" rel="license">the CC BY-SA license</a>.</p>
<p>The font used here is the Ubuntu font, via Google Web Fonts.</p>
layout: default
{% assign sections = content | split: site.section_separator %}
{% for section in sections %}
{{ section }}
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......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
layout: default
pagestyle: posts
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......@@ -22,14 +22,34 @@ pagestyle: posts
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......@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ command in `sh -c`:
**Ugly.** I also hate having to deal with quoting.
<!-- section -->
At this point, it struck me: Why should I run this via a pipe? Once Vim starts,
I can perfectly well use `%! col -b` to do the job. So:
......@@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ quit a manpage, you'd have to do `:q!`, not just `:q`. Thankfully, one of the
options set ([`nomod`][nomod]) tells Vim that the buffer hasn't been modified.
Therefore, we can just use `:q`:
nnoremap q :q
nnoremap q :q<CR>
Other considerations arise:
......@@ -104,10 +106,10 @@ I picked [`VimEnter`][vimenter] since it runs after any commands specified using
However, I realised that:
- I wanted to apply some of these settings to manpages irrespective of how they
were made; and
were opened; and
- I'd rather not specify `set ft=man` from the command line, keeping an eye on
using Vim as a general-purpose pager
- Using `VimEnter *` felt *wrong*
using Vim as a general-purpose pager;
- Using `VimEnter *` felt *wrong*.
A bit of experimentation later, I found that:
......@@ -115,6 +117,14 @@ A bit of experimentation later, I found that:
what the manpage says.
2. `man` sets `MAN_PN` to the manpage name (`man(1)`, for example)
<aside markdown="1">
Git does something similar. When opening logs via `PAGER='vim -' git log`, for
example, you'll find that an environment variable name `GIT_PREFIX` exists
(though, oddly enough, possibly empty).
<!-- section -->
Knowing that I'm reading from `stdin` and that `MAN_PN` is set (to the manpage
name!), I came up with this version:
......@@ -156,7 +166,8 @@ Beautiful!
What does this do?
1. In the main `vimrc`, I check if I'm reading from `stdin` and if `MAN_PN` is
set. If so, set the filetype *and the filename*.
set. If so, set the filetype to `man` *and the filename to the contents of
2. In the filetype-specific setting, use an `autocmd` the relies on the filename
being `$MAN_PN` to apply `col -b`.
3. Set `nomodified` to tell Vim that the buffer hasn't been modified, and
......@@ -192,11 +203,13 @@ I have no idea how to suppress the `stdin` message from Vim itself.
All told:
[![man in Vim]({{ site.root_url }}/images/vim-man.png)]({{ site.root_url }}/images/vim-man.png)
[![man in Vim]({{ site.base-url }}/images/vim-man.png)]({{ site.base-url }}/images/vim-man.png)
<!-- section -->
## Footnote
This is my first blog post using [Jekyll]( Writing it, I
have learned quite a bit, which I will write about in another post soon.
root_url: "/~murukesh"
base-url: "/~murukesh"
......@@ -3,45 +3,38 @@ title: Academics
pagestyle: acad
permalink: /acad/
<section markdown="1">
Sem IV courses:
# Sem IV
- HS 625: Philosophy of Education
- CS 691: R & D Project
<!-- section -->
<section markdown="1">
Sem III courses:
# Sem III
- [CS 601]( Algorithms and Complexity
- [CS 626]( Speech, Natural Language Processing and the Web
- [CS 724]( Network Security and Cryptography - 2
<!-- section -->
<section markdown="1">
Sem II courses:
# Sem II
- CS 534: Quantum Information and Computing
- [CS 715]( Design and Implementation of GNU Compiler Generation Framework
- [CS 726]( Advanced Machine Learning
<!-- section -->
<section markdown="1">
Sem I courses:
# Sem I
- [CS 613]( Design and Implementation of Functional Programming Languages
- [CS 618]( Program Analysis
- [CS 621]( Artificial Intelligence
- [CS 719]( Topics in Mathematical Foundations of Formal Verification
<!-- section -->
<section markdown="1">
# Past
- Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering from IIT Guwahati
......@@ -2,13 +2,14 @@
title: Blog
permalink: /blog/
pagestyle: posts
layout: default
{% for post in site.posts %}
<section markdown="1">
<header class="post-title">
<a href="{{site.root_url}}{{ post.url }}#main">{{ post.title }}</a>
<a href="{{site.base-url}}{{ post.url }}#main">{{ post.title }}</a>
<time datetime="{{ | date_to_xmlschema }}" class="post-date"> {{ | date: "%B %e, %Y" }}</time>
......@@ -3,25 +3,23 @@ title: Contact
permalink: /contact/
<section markdown="1">
Currently at:
- C-227, Hostel 13, IIT Bombay
<section markdown="1">
<!-- section -->
Email me at:
- murukesh.mohanan [AT]
- murukesh [AT]
- m.mohanan [AT] (defunct)
<section markdown="1">
<!-- section -->
- [Facebook](
- [Google+](
- [Main Blog](
- [Second Blog](
......@@ -2,22 +2,23 @@
title: Murukesh Mohanan
<section markdown="1">
Call me Muru.
<section markdown="1">
I am an aspiring BOFH. Often called a psycho.
<!-- section -->
I am an aspiring BOFH. Often called a psycho. Now in my third year of the Master
of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering course in IIT Bombay, and
working for the department as an RA in System Administration, I get plenty of
opportunity to hone my skills. :)
<!-- section -->
<section markdown="1">
I share the hobby of the masses - reading. :P Favourite books include *The
Green Mile*, *The Wheel of Time* series, the *Foundation* series and the *Rama*
<section markdown="1">
<!-- section -->
I am a Gooner. Favourite players include "Mad Jens" Lehmann, Dennis Bergkamp
and Wojciech Szczęsny. I have been an Arsenal fan since the Champions League
final in Paris, 2006.
......@@ -3,24 +3,13 @@ title: Resources
pagestyle: cann-table
permalink: /resources/
<section markdown="1">
A CV template in LaTeX (modified from one obtained online, original included):
- (outdated) tarball: [CV-LaTeX.tar.gz]({{ site.root_url }}/files/CV-LaTeX.tar.gz)
- [CSE Git](
# Vim: `vimrc` and plugins {#vim}
<section markdown="1">
Some stuff that I drag around with me on my various Linux boxes:
## Vimrc and vim plugins {#vim}
- (outdated) tarball: [vim.tar.bz2]({{ site.root_url }}/files/vim.tar.bz2)
- (outdated) tarball: [vim.tar.bz2]({{ site.base-url }}/files/vim.tar.bz2)
- [CSE Git](
- [Github](
<div markdown="1" class="resources-list" id="plugins-list">
<div markdown="1" id="plugins-list">
Currently contains a nifty `vimrc`, and some plugins:
......@@ -49,22 +38,28 @@ You might wanna do a `git pull` on some of the plugins inside `.vim/bundle`:
- [CSE Git](
- [Github](
<!-- section -->
## Some scripts {#scripts}
# Some scripts {#scripts}
<div markdown="1" class="resources-list">
- [](files/
This script uses [curl(1)]( to download the target file in parts. Not very robust.
- [](files/
This script mounts all arguments in directories within `~/cdrom` (as ISO9660 images), and also handles unmounting.
These and more can be found on my [Github scrips repo](
<section markdown="1">
## [A Cann Table][cann-table] {#cann}
<!-- section -->
# CV
A CV template in LaTeX (modified from one obtained online, original included):
- (outdated) tarball: [CV-LaTeX.tar.gz]({{ site.base-url }}/files/CV-LaTeX.tar.gz)
- [CSE Git](
<!-- section -->
# [A Cann Table][cann-table] {#cann}
<div id="cann-table-area">
{% include_relative cann-table.html %}
......@@ -79,4 +74,3 @@ Hopefully this will count as personal use. :)
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ pre span.lineno {
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