Commit c52de7b4 authored by Murukesh Mohanan's avatar Murukesh Mohanan

ycm tex symbols

parent 5017311e
Pipeline #658 skipped
...@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ doc/* ...@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ doc/*
plugged plugged
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spell/en.utf-8.add.spl spell/en.utf-8.add.spl
autoload/plug.vim.olg autoload/plug.vim.old
"syntax iskeyword @,48-57,192-255,
syntax keyword texMathS a4paper a5paper abbrv abovedisplayshortskip abovedisplayskip abstract abstractname acute addcontentsline address addtime addtocontents addtocounter addtolength addvspace aleph align alph Alph alpha amalg amsmath amsthm and angle Ankh appendix appendixname approx approxeq aquarius Aquarius arabic aries Aries array arraycolsep arrayrulewidth arraystretch article ascnode ast astrosun asymp ataribox author b5paper backepsilon backmatter backprime backsim backsimeq backslash bar barwedge baselineskip baselinestretch Bat batchmode Bbbk because begin bell belowdisplayshortskip belowdisplayskip beta between bezier bfseries bibindent bibitem bibliography bibliographystyle bibname big Big bigcap bigcirc bigcup bigg Bigg biggl Biggl biggm Biggm biggr Biggr bigl Bigl bigm Bigm bigodot bigoplus bigotimes bigr Bigr bigskip bigskipamount bigsqcup bigstar bigtriangledown bigtriangleup biguplus bigvee bigwedge binom blacklozenge blacksmiley blacksquare blacktriangle blacktriangledown blacktriangleleft blacktriangleright blg boldmath boldsymbol book bot botfigrule bottmofraction bottomnumber Bouquet bowtie Bowtie Box boxdot boxedminipage boxminus boxplus boxtimes breve brokenvert bullet bumpeq Bumpeq calc cancer Cancer cap Cap Capricorn capricornus caption caption2 capt-of cases ccaption ccname cdot cdotp cdots cdotscenter celsius Celtcross cent centerdot centering cercle cfrac changebar chapter chapterbib chaptername check checked checkmark chi circ circeq circlearrowleft circlearrowright CircledA circledast circledcirc circleddash circledR circledS cite cleardoublepage clearpage cline clock closing clubsuit colon COLON columnsep columnseprule columnwidth complement cong conjunction contentsline contentsname coprod copyright Cross cup Cup curlyeqprec curlyeqsucc curlyvee curlywedge currency curvearrowleft curvearrowright dag dagger dashbox dashleftarrow dashrightarrow dashv date dbinom dblfigure dblfloatpage dblfloatsep dbltextfloatsep dbltopfraction dbltopnumber dcolumn ddag ddagger ddot ddots DeclareMathOperator degree delta Delta Denarius depth descnode description dfrac diagdown diagup diameter diamond Diamond diamondsuit digamma displaylimits displaymath displaystyle div divideontimes document documentclass dot doteq doteqdot dotfill dotplus dots dotsb dotsc dotsi dotsint dotsm dotso doublebarwedge doublerulesep downarrow Downarrow DOWNarrow downbracefill downdownarrows downharpoonleft downharpoonright draft dropping dywiz earth Earth Ecommerce ell Email Emailct emph empty emptyset encl enclname end endfloat enlargethispage enskip enspace ensuremath enumerate enumi enumii enumiii enumiv epsilon eqcirc eqnarray eqslantgtr eqslantless equation equiv errorstopmode eta eth eucal eufrak EUR EURcr EURdig EURhv EURtm evensidemargin everyship executivepaper exists expdlist extracolsep extramark EyesDollar fallingdotseq fancybox fancyhdr fax FAX Faxmachine fbox fboxrule fboxsep female FHBOlogo FHBOLOGO figure figurename file filecontents final fint Finv flafter flat fleqn floatflt floatpagefraction floatsep flushbottom flushleft flushright fn2end fnpara fnsymbol fontenc footheight footmisc footnote footnotemark footnoterule footnotesep footnotesize footnotetext footnpag footskip forall frac frame framebox frenchspacing frontmatter frown frownie Frowny ftnright FullFHBO fullmoon fussy Game gamma Gamma gather gemini Gemini genfrac geometry geq geqq geqslant ggg glossary glossaryentry gnapprox gneq gneqq gnsim graphicx graphpaper grave gtrapprox gtrdot gtreqless gtreqqless gtrless gtrsim guillemotleft guillemotright guilsinglleft guilsinglright gvertneqq hat hbar hbox headheihgt headings headsep Heart heartsuit height helvet hfill hhline hline hookleftarrow hookrightarrow hrulefill hslash hspace huge Huge HUGE hyperref hyphenation iddots idotsint ifthen iiiint iiint iint imath include includeonly indent indentfirst index indexentry indexname indexspace infty inplus input inputenc int intercal intertext intextsep invdiameter invisible iota item itemindent itemize itemsep itshape jmath Join jot jupiter Jupiter kappa kill kreuz label labelenumi labelenumii labelenumiii labelenumiv labelitemi labelitemii labelitemiii labelitemiv labelsep labelwidth lambda Lambda landdownint landscape landupint langle large Large LARGE LaTeX LaTeXe latexsym lbag Lbag lceil ldotp ldots leadsto left leftarrow Leftarrow LEFTarrow leftarrowfill leftarrowtail leftarrowtriangle lefteqn leftharpoondown leftharpoonup leftleftarrows leftmargin leftmargini leftmarginii leftmarginiii leftmarginiv leftmarginv leftmarginvi leftmark leftmoon leftrightarrow Leftrightarrow leftrightarroweq leftrightarrows leftrightarrowtriangle leftrightharpoons leftrightsquigarrow leftthreetimes legalpaper leo Leo leq leqno leqq leqslant lessapprox lessdot lesseqgtr lesseqqgtr lessgtr lesssim letter Letter letterpaper letterspace lfloor lhd LHD lhead libra Libra lightning Lightning limits line linebreak linethickness linewidth list listfigurename listfiles listoffigures listoftables listparindent llbracket llceil Lleftarrow llfloor lll llparenthesis lnapprox lneq lneqq lnsim location longleftarrow Longleftarrow longleftrightarrow Longleftrightarrow longmapsfrom Longmapsfrom longmapsto Longmapsto longrightarrow Longrightarrow longtable looparrowleft looparrowright lozenge lrbox lscape Lsh ltimes lvertneqq mainmatter makeatletter makeatother makebox makeglossary makeidx makeindex makelabel maketitle male maltese manyfoot mapsfrom Mapsfrom mapsto Mapsto marginpar marginparpush marginparsep marginparwidth markboth markleft markright mars Mars MartinVogel math mathbb mathbf mathbin mathcal mathclose mathdollar mathds mathellipsis mathfrak mathindent mathit mathnormal mathop mathopen mathord mathparagraph mathpunct mathrel mathrm mathscr mathsection mathsf mathsterling mathstrut mathtt mathunderscore mathversion mbox mdseries measuredangle medmuskip medskip medskipamount mercury Mercury mho micro mid minipage minitoc minus mkern Mobilefone models Moon moreverbatim mpfootnote multicol multicolumn multilanguage multimap multiput multirow Mundus MVAt MVRightarrow myheadings nabla name natural ncong nearrow NeedsTeXFormat neg neptune Neptune neq newcommand newcounter newenvironment newfont newlength newline newmoon newpage newsavebox newtheorem nexists ngeq ngeqq ngeqslant ngtr niplus nleftarrow nLeftarrow nleftrightarrow nLeftrightarrow nleq nleqq nleqslant nless nmid nnearrow nnwarrow nocite nofiles noindent nolimits nolinebreak nomathsymbols nonfrenchspacing nonumber nopagebreak normalfont normalsize not notag note notin notitlepage nparallel nprec npreceq nrightarrow nRightarrow nshortmid nshortparallel nsim nsubseteq nsucc nsucceq nsupseteq nsupseteqq ntriangleleft ntrianglelefteq ntriangleright ntrianglerighteq numberline numline numprint nvdash nvDash nVDash nwarrow ocircle oddsidemargin odot ohm ohorn OHORN oiint oint ointclockwise ointctrclockwise oldstyle omega Omega ominus onecolumn oneside onlynotes onlyslides openany openbib opening openright operatorname oplus opposition oslash otimes oval overbrace overlay overleftarrow overline overrightarrow page pagebreak pagenumbering pageref pagestyle paperheight paperwidth par paragraph parallel parbox parindent parr parsep parskip part partial partname partopsep pauza permil perp perthousand Pfund phi Phi phone Pickup picture pisces Pisces pitchfork plain PLdateending plmath PLSlash plus pluto Pluto pmb pmod pointer polski poptabs pounds ppauza prec precapprox preccurlyeq preceq precnapprox precnsim precsim prefixing prime printindex prod propto protect providecommand psi Psi pushtabs put qbezier qbeziermax qquad quad quotation quote quotedblbase quotesinglbase ragged2e raggedbottom raggedleft raggedright raisebox rangle ratio rbag Rbag rceil real recorder ref refname refstepcounter relsize renewcommand renewenvironment report reversemarginpar rfloor rhd RHD rhead rho right rightarrow Rightarrow RIGHTarrow rightarrowfill rightarrowtail rightarrowtriangle rightharpoondown rightharpoonup rightleftarrows rightleftharpoons rightmargin rightmark rightmoon rightrightarrows rightsquigarrow rightthreetimes risingdotseq rmfamily roman Roman rotate rotating rrbracket rrceil rrfloor Rrightarrow rrparenthesis Rsh rtimes rule sagittarius Sagittarius samepage saturn Saturn savebox sbox scorpio Scorpio scriptscriptstyle scriptsize scriptstyle scrollmode scshape searrow secnumdepth section sectionmark see seename selectfont selectlanguage setcounter setlength setminus settime settodepth settoheight settowidth sffamily shadethm shadow shapepar sharp Shilling shortdownarrow shortleftarrow shortmid shortparallel shortrightarrow shortstack shortuparrow showlabels sidecap sigma Sigma signature sim simeq sin skull slide slides sloppy sloppybar slshape small smallfrown smallsetminus smallskip smallskipamount smallsmile smile smiley Smiley soul space spadesuit sphericalangle sqcap sqcup sqiint sqint sqrt sqsubset sqsubseteq sqsupset sqsupseteq square ssearrow sswarrow stackrel star startbreaks stepcounter stop stopbreaks stretch strut subfigure subitem subparagraph subsection subset Subset subseteq subseteqq subsetneq subsetneqq subsubitem subsubsection succ succapprox succcurlyeq succeq succnapprox succnsim succsim sum sun Sun supressfloats supset Supset supseteq supseteqq supsetneq supsetneqq surd swarrow symbol tabbing tabcolsep table tablename tableofcontents tabular tabularx tag tan tau taurus Taurus tbinom Telefon telephone TeX textaolig textasciicircum textasciitilde textasteriskcentered textbabygamma textbackslash textbaht textbar textbarb textbarc textbard textbardbl textbardotlessj textbarg textbarglotstop textbari textbarl textbaro textbarrevglotstop textbaru textbeltl textbenttailyogh textbeta textbf textbigcircle textbktailgamma textblank textbraceleft textbraceright textbrokenbar textbullet textbullseye textceltpal textcent textcentoldstyle textchi textcircled textcircledP textcloseepsilon textcloseomega textcloserevepsilon textcolonmonetary textcommatailz textcompwordmark textcopyleft textcopyright textcorner textcrb textcrd textcrg textcrh textcrinvglotstop textcrlambda textcrtwo textctc textctd textctdctzlig textctesh textctinvglotstop textctj textctjvar textctn textctstretchc textctstretchcvar textctt textcttctclig textctturnt textctyogh textctz textcurrency textdagger textdaggerdbl textdblhyphen textdblhyphenchar textdblig textdctzlig textdegree textdiscount textdiv textdollar textdollaroldstyle textdong textdoublebaresh textdoublebarpipe textdoublebarpipevar textdoublebarslash textdoublepipe textdoublepipevar textdoublevertline textdownarrow textdownfullarrow textdownstep textdyoghlig textdzlig textellipsis textemdash textendash textepsilon textesh textestimated texteuro textexclamdown textfemale textfishhookr textfloatsep textflorin textfraction textfractionsolidus textfrbarn textfrhookd textfrhookdvar textfrhookt textfrtailgamma textg textgamma textglobfall textglobrise textglotstop textglotstopvari textglotstopvarii textglotstopvariii textgreater textgrgamma textguarani texthalflength texthardsign textheight textheng texthmlig texthooktop texthtb texthtbardotlessj texthtbardotlessjvar texthtc texthtd texthtg texthth texththeng texthtk texthtp texthtq texthtrtaild texthtscg texthtt texthvlig textinterrobang textinterrobangdown textinvglotstop textinvomega textinvsca textinvscr textinvscripta textiota textit textlambda textlangle textlbrackdbl textleftarrow textlengthmark textless textlfishhookrlig textlhookfour textlhookp textlhookt textlhti textlhtlongi textlhtlongy textlira textlnot textlonglegr textlooptoprevesh textlptr textlquill textltailm textltailn textltilde textlyoghlig textmd textminus textmusicalnote textnaira textnormal textnrleg textnumero textObardotlessj textObullseye textOlyoghlig textomega textonehalf textonequarter textonesuperior textopenbullet textopencorner textopeno textordfeminine textordmasculine textpalhook textpalhooklong textpalhookvar textparagraph textperiodcenter textperiodcentered textpertenthousand textperthousand textpeso textphi textpilcrow textpipe textpipevar textpm textprimstress textqplig textquestiondown textquotedbl textquotedblleft textquotedblright textquoteleft textquoteright textquotesingle textquotestraightbase textquotestraightdblbase textraiseglotstop textraisevibyi textramshorns textrangle textrbrackdbl textrecipe textrectangle textreferencemark textregistered textretractingvar textrevapostrophe textreve textrevepsilon textrevglotstop textrevscl textrevscr textrevyogh textrhooka textrhooke textrhookepsilon textrhookopeno textrhookrevepsilon textrhookschwa textrhoticity textrightarrow textrm textrptr textrquill textrtaild textrtailhth textrtaill textrtailn textrtailr textrtails textrtailt textrtailz textrthook textrthooklong textsc textsca textscaolig textscb textscdelta textsce textscf textscg textsch textschwa textsci textscj textsck textscl textscm textscn textscoelig textscomega textscp textscq textscr textscripta textscriptg textscriptv textscu textscy textsecstress textsection textservicemark textsf textsl textsoftsign textspleftarrow textsterling textstretchc textstretchcvar textstyle textsubdoublearrow textsubrightarrow textsuperscript textsurd texttctclig textteshlig texttheta textthorn textthornvari textthornvarii textthornvariii textthornvariv textthreequarters textthreequartersemdash textthreesuperior texttildelow texttimes texttoneletterstem texttrademark texttslig texttt textturna textturncelig textturnglotstop textturnh textturnk textturnlonglegr textturnm textturnmrleg textturnr textturnrrtail textturnsck textturnscripta textturnscu textturnt textturnthree textturntwo textturnv textturnw textturny texttwelveudash texttwosuperior textuncrfemale textunderscore textup textuparrow textupfullarrow textupsilon textupstep textvertline textvibyi textvibyy textvisiblespace textwidth textwon textwynn textyen textyogh tfrac thanks the thebibliography theindex theorem thepage therefore thesection theta Theta thickapprox thicklines thickmuskip thicksim thinlines thispagestyle threeparttable tilde time times tiny title titlepage tocdepth today top topfigrule topfraction topmargin topsep topskip totalheight totalnumber triangle triangledown triangleleft trianglelefteq triangleq triangleright trianglerighteq trivlist ttfamily twocolumn twoheadleftarrow twoheadrightarrow twoside typein typeout uhorn UHORN ulem unboldmath underbrace underline unlhd unrhd unsort unsrt upalpha uparrow Uparrow UParrow upbeta upbracefill upchi updelta Updelta updownarrow Updownarrow upepsilon upeta upgamma Upgamma upharpoonleft upharpoonright upiota upkappa uplambda Uplambda uplus upmu upnu upomega Upomega upphi Upphi uppi Uppi uppsi Uppsi uprho upshape upsigma Upsigma upsilon Upsilon uptau uptheta Uptheta upuparrows upupsilon Upupsilon upvarepsilon upvarphi upvarpi upvarrho upvarsigma upvartheta upxi Upxi upzeta uranus Uranus usebox usecounter usefont usepackage value varepsilon varkappa varnothing varoiint varointclockwise varointctrclockwise varphi varpi varpropto varrho varsigma varsubsetneq varsubsetneqq varsupsetneq varsupsetneqq vartheta vartriangle vartriangleleft vartriangleright vbox vdash vDash Vdash vdots vec vector vee veebar venus Venus verb verbatim vernal verse vfill virgo Virgo visible vline vmargin voffset vspace Vvdash wasylozenge wedge widehat widetilde width with Womanface wrapfig xleftarrow xrightarrow Yinyang zeta
highlight link texMathS Identifier
...@@ -722,15 +722,25 @@ function! s:assign_name() ...@@ -722,15 +722,25 @@ function! s:assign_name()
silent! execute 'f' fnameescape(name) silent! execute 'f' fnameescape(name)
endfunction endfunction
function! s:chsh(swap)
let prev = [&shell, &shellredir]
if !s:is_win && a:swap
set shell=sh shellredir=>%s\ 2>&1
return prev
function! s:bang(cmd, ...) function! s:bang(cmd, ...)
try try
let [sh, shrd] = s:chsh(a:0)
" FIXME: Escaping is incomplete. We could use shellescape with eval, " FIXME: Escaping is incomplete. We could use shellescape with eval,
" but it won't work on Windows. " but it won't work on Windows.
let cmd = a:0 > 0 ? s:with_cd(a:cmd, a:1) : a:cmd let cmd = a:0 ? s:with_cd(a:cmd, a:1) : a:cmd
let g:_plug_bang = '!'.escape(cmd, '#!%') let g:_plug_bang = '!'.escape(cmd, '#!%')
execute "normal! :execute g:_plug_bang\<cr>\<cr>" execute "normal! :execute g:_plug_bang\<cr>\<cr>"
finally finally
unlet g:_plug_bang unlet g:_plug_bang
let [&shell, &shellredir] = [sh, shrd]
endtry endtry
return v:shell_error ? 'Exit status: ' . v:shell_error : '' return v:shell_error ? 'Exit status: ' . v:shell_error : ''
endfunction endfunction
...@@ -1823,10 +1833,7 @@ endfunction ...@@ -1823,10 +1833,7 @@ endfunction
function! s:system(cmd, ...) function! s:system(cmd, ...)
try try
let [sh, shrd] = [&shell, &shellredir] let [sh, shrd] = s:chsh(1)
if !s:is_win
set shell=sh shellredir=>%s\ 2>&1
let cmd = a:0 > 0 ? s:with_cd(a:cmd, a:1) : a:cmd let cmd = a:0 > 0 ? s:with_cd(a:cmd, a:1) : a:cmd
return system(s:is_win ? '('.cmd.')' : cmd) return system(s:is_win ? '('.cmd.')' : cmd)
finally finally
...@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ Plug 'godlygeek/tabular' ...@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ Plug 'godlygeek/tabular'
if executable('cmake') if executable('cmake')
" YCM command lifted from vim-plug readme " YCM command lifted from vim-plug readme
Plug 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe', { 'do': YCMInstallCmd(), 'for': ['cpp', 'c', 'sh', 'js', 'vim'] } Plug 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe', { 'do': YCMInstallCmd(), 'for': ['cpp', 'c', 'sh', 'js', 'vim', 'tex'] }
autocmd! User YouCompleteMe if !has('vim_starting') | call youcompleteme#Enable() | endif autocmd! User YouCompleteMe if !has('vim_starting') | call youcompleteme#Enable() | endif
endif endif
if executable('go') if executable('go')
...@@ -179,9 +179,8 @@ autocmd BufWritePost *.sh,*.py if get(b:, 'is_new', 0) | silent execute '!chmod ...@@ -179,9 +179,8 @@ autocmd BufWritePost *.sh,*.py if get(b:, 'is_new', 0) | silent execute '!chmod
let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = "context" let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = "context"
let g:SuperTabClosePreviewOnPopupClose = 1 let g:SuperTabClosePreviewOnPopupClose = 1
"set omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete set omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete
set foldmethod=syntax set foldmethod=syntax
set foldlevelstart=3
let g:syntastic_cpp_compiler_options = ' -std=c++11' let g:syntastic_cpp_compiler_options = ' -std=c++11'
let g:syntastic_python_python_exec = '/usr/bin/python3' let g:syntastic_python_python_exec = '/usr/bin/python3'
"let g:LatexBox_latexmk_options = ' -xelatex ' "let g:LatexBox_latexmk_options = ' -xelatex '
...@@ -249,7 +248,7 @@ autocmd BufNewFile * nested call FindInPath(expand('<afile>')) ...@@ -249,7 +248,7 @@ autocmd BufNewFile * nested call FindInPath(expand('<afile>'))
" From " From
autocmd FileType * exec("setlocal dictionary+=".$HOME."/.vim/dictionary/".expand('<amatch>')) autocmd FileType * exec("setlocal dictionary+=".$HOME."/.vim/dictionary/".expand('<amatch>'))
set completeopt+=menuone,longest,preview set completeopt+=menuone,noinsert
set complete+=k set complete+=k
runtime local/$CONFLOCAL.vim runtime local/$CONFLOCAL.vim
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