Commit 41acf6c4 authored by Murukesh Mohanan's avatar Murukesh Mohanan

tex changes

parent 41a74363
$pdflatex = 'xelatex --synctex=1 %O %S'
$pdflatex = 'xelatex --shell-escape %O %S -pdf -dvi- -ps- -synctex=1';
add_cus_dep('glo', 'gls', 0, 'run_makeglossaries');
add_cus_dep('acn', 'acr', 0, 'run_makeglossaries');
sub run_makeglossaries {
if ( $silent ) {
system "makeglossaries -q '$_[0]'";
else {
system "makeglossaries '$_[0]'";
push @generated_exts, 'glo', 'gls', 'glg';
push @generated_exts, 'acn', 'acr', 'alg';
$clean_ext .= ' %R.xdy';
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