Commit fd47d3e3 authored by Meet Narendra's avatar Meet Narendra 💬

Loss and preprocessor

parent d5a9e675
import numpy as np
from logger import Logger
LOGGER = Logger().logger()
class Loss:
def content_loss(F,P):
Function to compute content loss between two feature representations at a particular layer
F: 2D numpy array
P: 2D numpy array
l2_norm_sq = None
diff = F-P
l2_norm_sq = np.sum(diff*diff)
except Exception as e:
LOGGER.error("Error computing loss",e)
return l2_norm_sq/2.0
def gram_matrix(F):
Function to compute the gram matrix of a feature representation at a layer
def style_loss(F,A):
Function to compute style loss between two feature representations at multiple layers
def total_loss(alpha,beta,cont_fmap_real,cont_fmap_noise,style_fmap_real,style_fmap_noise):
Function which computes total loss and returns it
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from distutils.log import Log
from logger import Logger
LOGGER = Logger().logger()
class Preprocessor:
def process(img):
Function to preprocess the image
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import os
import numpy as np
import time
import torch
import argparse
from logger import Logger
LOGGER = Logger().logger()"Started Style Transfer")
class StyleTransfer:
Style Transfer Base Class
def __init__(self) -> None:
def pipepline():
Pipeline for style transfer
@params: None
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