Commit f11341bb authored by Nilanjan Daw's avatar Nilanjan Daw

Added better metrics

Metrics module added for periodic metrics push to log channel
parent ce252d85
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......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ let usedPort = new Map(), // TODO: remove after integration with RM
// resources associated with the function
workerNodes = new Map(), // list of worker nodes currently known to the DM
functionBranchTree = new Map() // a tree to store function branch predictions
let kafka = require('kafka-node'),
Producer = kafka.Producer,
......@@ -210,8 +211,10 @@'/serverless/execute/:id', (req, res) => {
let id = + runtime
res.timestamp =
if (functionToResource.has(id)) {
res.start = 'warmstart'
libSupport.reverseProxy(req, res, functionToResource, resourceMap, functionBranchTree)
} else {
res.start = 'coldstart'
* Requests are queued up before being dispatched. To prevent requests coming in for the
* same function from starting too many workers, they are grouped together
......@@ -366,7 +369,7 @@ function postDeploy(message) {
entity_id: message.entity_id,
"reason": "deployment",
"status": true,
coldstart_time: ( - resource.deploy_request_time)
starttime: ( - resource.deploy_request_time)
}, message.resource_id, resourceMap)
if (db.has(message.functionHash + message.runtime)) {
......@@ -533,15 +536,12 @@ function autoscalar() {
function periodicMetricBroadcast() {
let message = {}, flag = false
message.reason = "resource_per_function"
functionToResource.forEach((functionHeap, functionHash) => {
if (functionHeap.length > 0) {
message[functionHash] = functionHeap.length
flag = true
libSupport.metrics.collectMetrics({type: "scale", value: functionHeap.length, functionHash: functionHash})
if (flag)
setInterval(libSupport.viterbi, 1000, functionBranchTree)
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ const rp = require('request-promise');
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const winston = require('winston')
const constants = require('.././constants.json')
const metrics = require('./metrics')
const { createLogger, format, transports } = winston;
const heap = require('heap')
......@@ -86,17 +86,18 @@ function reverseProxy(req, res, functionToResource, resourceMap, functionBranchT
.then(function (parsedBody) {
let serviceTime = - res.timestamp
console.log(serviceTime, res.timestamp);
forwardTo.open_request_count -= 1
heap.heapify(functionHeap, compare)
metrics.collectMetrics({type: res.start, value: serviceTime, functionHash: id})
.catch(function (err) {
forwardTo.open_request_count -= 1
heap.heapify(functionHeap, compare)
logger.error("error" + err.error.errno);
logger.error("error" + err);
......@@ -283,9 +284,7 @@ function logBroadcast(message, resource_id, resourceMap) {
let log = [{
topic: constants.log_channel,
messages: JSON.stringify({
messages: JSON.stringify(message),
partition: 0
producer.send(log, () => {
......@@ -299,8 +298,10 @@ function logBroadcast(message, resource_id, resourceMap) {
setInterval(metrics.broadcastMetrics, 5000)
module.exports = {
makeid, generateExecutor, reverseProxy,
getPort, logger, compare,
viterbi, logBroadcast
viterbi, logBroadcast, metrics
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const constants = require('.././constants.json');
let log_channel = constants.log_channel,
metrics = { longterm: {}, shortterm: {} }
let kafka = require('kafka-node'),
Producer = kafka.Producer,
client = new kafka.KafkaClient({
kafkaHost: constants.kafka_host,
autoConnect: true
producer = new Producer(client)
function collectMetrics(metric) {
if (!(metric.functionHash in metrics.shortterm)) {
metrics.shortterm[metric.functionHash] = {
coldstart: 0,
coldstart_total_request: 0,
warm_total_request: 0,
warmstart: 0,
worker_count: 0
if (metric.type === 'coldstart') {
metrics.shortterm[metric.functionHash].coldstart += metric.value
metrics.shortterm[metric.functionHash].coldstart_total_request += 1
} else if (metric.type === 'warmstart') {
metrics.shortterm[metric.functionHash].warmstart += metric.value
metrics.shortterm[metric.functionHash].warm_total_request += 1
} else if (metric.type === 'scale') {
metrics.shortterm[metric.functionHash].worker_count = metric.value
// console.log(metrics);
* FIXME: Some error causing longterm metrics to be flushed.
function broadcastMetrics() {
if (Object.keys(metrics.shortterm).length !== 0) {
for (let [functionHash, metric] of Object.entries(metrics.shortterm)) {
if (metrics.longterm[functionHash] === undefined) {
metrics.longterm[functionHash] = {
coldstart: 0,
coldstart_total_request: 0,
warm_total_request: 0,
warmstart: 0,
metrics.longterm[functionHash].coldstart = metrics.longterm[functionHash].coldstart
* metrics.longterm[functionHash].coldstart_total_request
+ metric.coldstart
metrics.longterm[functionHash].coldstart_total_request += metric.coldstart_total_request
metrics.longterm[functionHash].coldstart /= (metrics.longterm[functionHash].coldstart_total_request != 0)?
metrics.longterm[functionHash].coldstart_total_request: 1
metrics.longterm[functionHash].warmstart = metrics.longterm[functionHash].warmstart
* metrics.longterm[functionHash].warm_total_request
+ metric.warmstart
metrics.longterm[functionHash].warm_total_request += metric.warm_total_request
metrics.longterm[functionHash].warmstart /= (metrics.longterm[functionHash].warm_total_request != 0)?
metrics.longterm[functionHash].warm_total_request: 1
metric.coldstart /= (metric.coldstart_total_request != 0)? metric.coldstart_total_request: 1
metric.warmstart /= (metric.warm_total_request != 0)? metric.warm_total_request: 1
metrics.timestamp =
let log = [{
topic: log_channel,
messages: JSON.stringify({
partition: 0
producer.send(log, () => { })
metrics.shortterm = {}
module.exports = {
collectMetrics, broadcastMetrics
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