Commit d554a5dd authored by Naman Dixit's avatar Naman Dixit

Removed weird folder

[submodule "resource_manager/src/common/cJSON"]
[submodule "resource_system/src/common/cJSON"]
path = resource_system/src/common/cJSON
url =
[submodule "resource_manager/src/common/nlib"]
[submodule "resource_system/src/common/nlib"]
path = resource_system/src/common/nlib
url =
[submodule "resource_system/src/common/inih"]
cJSON @ f790e17b
Subproject commit f790e17b6cecef030c4eda811149d238c2085fcf
nlib @ 75bc1a11
Subproject commit 75bc1a11e2a10cf249f566b40c85d6526c16f123
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