Commit 758f1b80 authored by kirtisingh's avatar kirtisingh

Added Readme

parent e331f33c
......@@ -4,16 +4,16 @@ This project implements HTLC based atomic swap between Ontology and Ethereum wit
Currently swap can be done only when order is initiated via Ontology and responded via Ethereum.
Stack used:
NodeJS: For creating a javascript environment that works as server
Express: For routing
MetaMask: Signing transactions
Hardhat : Compiling and deploying smart contracts
MongoDB Atlas: For storing the current bids in progress.
Languages used:
Stack used:
NodeJS: For creating a javascript environment that works as server
Express: For routing
MetaMask: Signing transactions
Hardhat : Compiling and deploying smart contracts
MongoDB Atlas: For storing the current bids in progress.
Languages used:
1. npm install
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