Commit 18888ef0 authored by Anurag Kumar's avatar Anurag Kumar

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parent 1d31c158
from mininet.topo import Topo
from import Mininet
from mininet.cli import CLI
from mininet.log import setLogLevel, info, debug
from mininet.node import Host, RemoteController,OVSSwitch
QUAGGA_DIR = '/usr/lib/quagga'
# Must exist and be owned by quagga user (quagga:quagga by default on Ubuntu)
QUAGGA_RUN_DIR = '/var/run/quagga'
CONFIG_DIR = 'configs'
class SdnIpHost(Host):
def __init__(self, name, ip, route, *args, **kwargs):
Host.__init__(self, name, ip=ip, *args, **kwargs)
self.route = route
def config(self, **kwargs):
Host.config(self, **kwargs)
debug("configuring route %s" % self.route)
self.cmd('ip route add default via %s' % self.route)
class Router(Host):
def __init__(self, name, quaggaConfFile, zebraConfFile, intfDict, *args, **kwargs):
Host.__init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs)
self.quaggaConfFile = quaggaConfFile
self.zebraConfFile = zebraConfFile
self.intfDict = intfDict
def config(self, **kwargs):
Host.config(self, **kwargs)
self.cmd('sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1')
for intf, attrs in self.intfDict.items():
self.cmd('ip addr flush dev %s' % intf)
if 'mac' in attrs:
self.cmd('ip link set %s down' % intf)
self.cmd('ip link set %s address %s' % (intf, attrs['mac']))
self.cmd('ip link set %s up ' % intf)
for addr in attrs['ipAddrs']:
self.cmd('ip addr add %s dev %s' % (addr, intf))
self.cmd('zebra -d -f %s -z %s/zebra%s.api -i %s/' % (self.zebraConfFile, QUAGGA_RUN_DIR,, QUAGGA_RUN_DIR,
self.cmd('bgpd -d -f %s -z %s/zebra%s.api -i %s/' % (self.quaggaConfFile, QUAGGA_RUN_DIR,, QUAGGA_RUN_DIR,
def terminate(self):
self.cmd("ps ax | egrep '|' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill" % (,
class SdnIpTopo( Topo ):
"SDN-IP tutorial topology"
def build( self ):
s1 = self.addSwitch('s1', cls=OVSSwitch, dpid='00000000000000a1',protocols='OpenFlow13')
s2 = self.addSwitch('s2', cls=OVSSwitch, dpid='00000000000000a2',protocols='OpenFlow13')
s3 = self.addSwitch('s3', cls=OVSSwitch, dpid='00000000000000a3',protocols='OpenFlow13')
s4 = self.addSwitch('s4', cls=OVSSwitch, dpid='00000000000000a4',protocols='OpenFlow13')
s5 = self.addSwitch('s5', cls=OVSSwitch, dpid='00000000000000a5',protocols='OpenFlow13')
s6 = self.addSwitch('s6', cls=OVSSwitch, dpid='00000000000000a6',protocols='OpenFlow13')
zebraConf = '%s/zebra.conf' % CONFIG_DIR
# Switches we want to attach our routers to, in the correct order
attachmentSwitches = [s1, s2, s5, s6]
for i in range(1, 4+1):
name = 'r%s' % i
eth0 = { 'mac' : '00:00:00:00:0%s:01' % i,
'ipAddrs' : ['10.0.%s.1/24' % i] }
eth1 = { 'ipAddrs' : ['192.168.%s.254/24' % i] }
intfs = { '%s-eth0' % name : eth0,
'%s-eth1' % name : eth1 }
quaggaConf = '%s/quagga%s.conf' % (CONFIG_DIR, i)
router = self.addHost(name, cls=Router, quaggaConfFile=quaggaConf,
zebraConfFile=zebraConf, intfDict=intfs)
host = self.addHost('h%s' % i, cls=SdnIpHost,
ip='192.168.%s.1/24' % i,
route='192.168.%s.254' % i)
self.addLink(router, attachmentSwitches[i-1])
self.addLink(router, host)
# Set up the internal BGP speaker
bgpEth0 = { 'mac':'00:00:00:00:00:01',
'ipAddrs' : ['',
'',] }
bgpEth1 = { 'ipAddrs' : [''] }
bgpIntfs = { 'bgp-eth0' : bgpEth0,
'bgp-eth1' : bgpEth1 }
bgp = self.addHost( "bgp", cls=Router,
quaggaConfFile = '%s/quagga-sdn.conf' % CONFIG_DIR,
zebraConfFile = zebraConf,
intfDict=bgpIntfs )
self.addLink( bgp, s3 )
# Connect BGP speaker to the root namespace so it can peer with ONOS
root = self.addHost( 'root', inNamespace=False, ip='' )
self.addLink( root, bgp )
# Wire up the switches in the topology
self.addLink( s1, s2, bw=10 )
self.addLink( s1, s3, bw=20 )
self.addLink( s2, s4, bw=30 )
self.addLink( s3, s4, bw=10 )
self.addLink( s3, s5, bw=20 )
self.addLink( s4, s6, bw=30 )
self.addLink( s5, s6, bw=40 )
sdnh1 = self.addHost('sdnh1', ip='')
sdnh2 = self.addHost('sdnh2', ip='')
self.addLink( sdnh1, s3 )
self.addLink( sdnh2, s4 )
topos = { 'sdnip' : SdnIpTopo }
if __name__ == '__main__':
topo = SdnIpTopo()
net = Mininet(topo=topo, controller=RemoteController)
CLI(net )
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