Commit 786916da authored by AJAY YADAV's avatar AJAY YADAV

Adding myBashcustomization from lab03

parent 72e1260c
#Task A
#Task A.3 command
export PS1="\u@\h - \t [\W]: "
#Task A.4 command
alias bk='cd $OLDPWD'
#Task A.5 command
export PS1="\033[01;31m ) ( ( )
( /( )\ ) )\ ) ( /(
)\()) ( (()/( (()/( )\())
((_)\ )\ /(_)) /(_))((_)\
_((_)((_) (_)) (_)) ((_) \033[00m\033[01;35m
| || || __|| | | | / _ \
| __ || _| | |_ | |_ | (_) |
|_||_||___||___||___| \___/
\033[00m[\u@\h \w]\$"
\ No newline at end of file
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