1. 21 Jul, 2001 3 commits
  2. 20 Jul, 2001 7 commits
  3. 19 Jul, 2001 2 commits
    • Tom Lane's avatar
    • Tom Lane's avatar
      Arrange to recycle old XLOG log segment files as new segment files, · 7d4d5c00
      Tom Lane authored
      rather than deleting them only to have to create more.  Steady state
      is 2*CHECKPOINT_SEGMENTS + WAL_FILES + 1 segment files, which will
      simply be renamed rather than constantly deleted and recreated.
      To make this safe, added current XLOG file/offset number to page
      header of XLOG pages, so that an un-overwritten page from an old
      incarnation of a logfile can be reliably told from a valid page.
      This change means that if you try to restart postmaster in a CVS-tip
      database after installing the change, you'll get a complaint about
      bad XLOG page magic number.  If you don't want to initdb, run
      contrib/pg_resetxlog (and be sure you shut down the old postmaster
  4. 18 Jul, 2001 2 commits
  5. 17 Jul, 2001 2 commits
  6. 16 Jul, 2001 10 commits
  7. 15 Jul, 2001 8 commits
    • Tom Lane's avatar
      Restructure index AM interface for index building and index tuple deletion, · c8076f09
      Tom Lane authored
      per previous discussion on pghackers.  Most of the duplicate code in
      different AMs' ambuild routines has been moved out to a common routine
      in index.c; this means that all index types now do the right things about
      inserting recently-dead tuples, etc.  (I also removed support for EXTEND
      INDEX in the ambuild routines, since that's about to go away anyway, and
      it cluttered the code a lot.)  The retail indextuple deletion routines have
      been replaced by a "bulk delete" routine in which the indexscan is inside
      the access method.  I haven't pushed this change as far as it should go yet,
      but it should allow considerable simplification of the internal bookkeeping
      for deletions.  Also, add flag columns to pg_am to eliminate various
      hardcoded tests on AM OIDs, and remove unused pg_am columns.
      Fix rtree and gist index types to not attempt to store NULLs; before this,
      gist usually crashed, while rtree managed not to crash but computed wacko
      bounding boxes for NULL entries (which might have had something to do with
      the performance problems we've heard about occasionally).
      Add AtEOXact routines to hash, rtree, and gist, all of which have static
      state that needs to be reset after an error.  We discovered this need long
      ago for btree, but missed the other guys.
      Oh, one more thing: concurrent VACUUM is now the default.
    • Tom Lane's avatar
      Add ORDER BY to a couple of test queries whose output ordering is not · 997439f5
      Tom Lane authored
      as predictable as it used to be, due to recycling of free space with
      new VACUUM.
    • Bruce Momjian's avatar
      Update TODO list. · 1e3eacc6
      Bruce Momjian authored
    • Peter Eisentraut's avatar
    • Peter Eisentraut's avatar
      Change xgettext rule to run in the source tree, so we don't have the · 9e5ec3b0
      Peter Eisentraut authored
      absolute paths of the source tree in the po files.  Also, run msgfmt with
      -c option in maintainer-check.
    • Peter Eisentraut's avatar
    • Tatsuo Ishii's avatar
      TODO item: · 1032445e
      Tatsuo Ishii authored
      * Make n of CHAR(n)/VARCHAR(n) the number of letters, not bytes
    • Bruce Momjian's avatar
      The attached patch fixes problems with the JDBC driver handling long · b08e86d5
      Bruce Momjian authored
      null terminated strings.  The FE/BE protocol sends in some cases null
      terminated strings to the client.  The docs for the FE/BE protocol state
      that there is no limit on the size of a null terminated string sent to
      the client and a client should be coded using an expanding buffer to
      deal with large strings.  The old code did not do this and gave an error
      if a null terminated string was greater than either 4 or 8K.  It appears
      that with the advent of TOAST very long SQL statements are becoming more
      common, and apparently some error messages from the backend include the
      SQL statement thus easily exceeding the 8K limit in the old code.
      In fixing I also cleaned up some calls in the JDBC fastpath code that
      were not doing character set conversion under multibyte, and removed
      some methods that were no longer needed.  I also removed a potential
      threading problem with a shared variable that was being used in
      Thanks to Steve Wampler for discovering the problem and sending the
      initial diffs that were the basis of this patch.
  8. 13 Jul, 2001 5 commits
  9. 12 Jul, 2001 1 commit