1. 02 Feb, 2000 4 commits
  2. 31 Jan, 2000 3 commits
    • Jan Wieck's avatar
      Fixed bug in NO ACTION trigger proc entries. · c823143f
      Jan Wieck authored
    • Tom Lane's avatar
      Fix problems seen in parallel regress tests when SI buffer overruns (causing · a152ebee
      Tom Lane authored
      syscache and relcache flushes).  Relcache entry rebuild now preserves
      original tupledesc, rewrite rules, and triggers if possible, so that pointers
      to these things remain valid --- if these things change while relcache entry
      has positive refcount, we elog(ERROR) to avoid later crash.  Arrange for
      xact-local rels to be rebuilt when an SI inval message is seen for them,
      so that they are updated by CommandCounterIncrement the same as regular rels.
      (This is useful because of Hiroshi's recent changes to process our own SI
      messages at CommandCounterIncrement time.)  This allows simplification of
      some routines that previously hacked around the lack of an automatic update.
      catcache now keeps its own copy of tupledesc for its relation, rather than
      depending on the relcache's copy; this avoids needing to reinitialize catcache
      during a cache flush, which saves some cycles and eliminates nasty circularity
      problems that occur if a cache flush happens while trying to initialize a
      Eliminate a number of permanent memory leaks that used to happen during
      catcache or relcache flush; not least of which was that catcache never
      freed any cached tuples!  (Rule parsetree storage is still leaked, however;
      will fix that separately.)
      Nothing done yet about code that uses tuples retrieved by SearchSysCache
      for longer than is safe.
    • Tom Lane's avatar
      Hmm, equalfuncs didn't know about SortClause or GroupClause · ca0f1435
      Tom Lane authored
  3. 30 Jan, 2000 1 commit
  4. 29 Jan, 2000 6 commits
  5. 28 Jan, 2000 5 commits
  6. 27 Jan, 2000 3 commits
    • Michael Meskes's avatar
      *** empty log message *** · b53955f3
      Michael Meskes authored
    • Tom Lane's avatar
      Redesign DISTINCT ON as discussed in pgsql-sql 1/25/00: syntax is now · dd979f66
      Tom Lane authored
      SELECT DISTINCT ON (expr [, expr ...]) targetlist ...
      and there is a check to make sure that the user didn't specify an ORDER BY
      that's incompatible with the DISTINCT operation.
      Reimplement nodeUnique and nodeGroup to use the proper datatype-specific
      equality function for each column being compared --- they used to do
      bitwise comparisons or convert the data to text strings and strcmp().
      (To add insult to injury, they'd look up the conversion functions once
      for each tuple...)  Parse/plan representation of DISTINCT is now a list
      of SortClause nodes.
      initdb forced by querytree change...
    • Bruce Momjian's avatar
      fix for compile. · 3f0074e4
      Bruce Momjian authored
  7. 26 Jan, 2000 4 commits
  8. 25 Jan, 2000 4 commits
    • Bruce Momjian's avatar
      as attache of this mail is patch (to the main tree) with to_char's · b866d2e2
      Bruce Momjian authored
      family functions. Contain:
        conversion from a datetype to formatted text:
      	to_char( datetime, 	text)
      	to_char( timestamp,	text)
      	to_char( int4,		text)
      	to_char( int8,		text)
      	to_char( float4,	text)
      	to_char( float8,	text)
      	to_char( numeric,	text)
        vice versa:
      	to_date		( text, text)
      	to_datetime	( text, text)
      	to_timestamp	( text, text)
      	to_number	( text, text)	   (convert to numeric)
        PostgreSQL to_char is very compatible with Oracle's to_char(), but not
      total exactly (now). Small differentions are in number formating. It will
      fix in next to_char() version.
      ! If will this patch aplly to the main tree, must be delete the current
        to_char version in contrib (directory "dateformat" and note in contrib's
        README), this patch not erase it (sorry Bruce).
      The patch patching files:
         Hmm, I'm not sure if my English... :( Check it anyone (volunteer)?
         Thomas, it is right? SGML is not my primary lang  and compile
         the current PG docs tree is very happy job (hard variables setting in
         docs/sgml/Makefile --> HSTYLE= /home/users/t/thomas/....  :-)
         What add any definition to global configure.in and set Makefiles in docs
         tree via ./configure?
      Karel Zak <zakkr@zf.jcu.cz>              http://home.zf.jcu.cz/~zakkr/
    • Tom Lane's avatar
      Remove obsolete references to 8K query limit. · 90aaad06
      Tom Lane authored
    • Tatsuo Ishii's avatar
      Fix pg_euccn_mblen() so that it always returns 2 if data is not ascii. · 6f843e8d
      Tatsuo Ishii authored
      (EUC_CN does have only code set 0 and 1)
    • Tom Lane's avatar
      Forgot that expr assumes regexp is anchored-left; therefore need .* · a39c6ab4
      Tom Lane authored
      in front of any platform name pattern that's not supposed to match
      beginning at the start of the machine type name...
  9. 24 Jan, 2000 6 commits
  10. 23 Jan, 2000 4 commits