1. 30 Nov, 2002 2 commits
  2. 21 Nov, 2002 1 commit
  3. 04 Sep, 2002 1 commit
  4. 04 Jul, 2002 1 commit
    • Thomas G. Lockhart's avatar
      Implement the IS DISTINCT FROM operator per SQL99. · 68d9fbeb
      Thomas G. Lockhart authored
      Reused the Expr node to hold DISTINCT which strongly resembles
       the existing OP info. Define DISTINCT_EXPR which strongly resembles
       the existing OPER_EXPR opType, but with handling for NULLs required
       by SQL99.
      We have explicit support for single-element DISTINCT comparisons
       all the way through to the executor. But, multi-element DISTINCTs
       are handled by expanding into a comparison tree in gram.y as is done for
       other row comparisons. Per discussions, it might be desirable to move
       this into one or more purpose-built nodes to be handled in the backend.
      Define the optional ROW keyword and token per SQL99.
       This allows single-element row constructs, which were formerly disallowed
       due to shift/reduce conflicts with parenthesized a_expr clauses.
      Define the SQL99 TREAT() function. Currently, use as a synonym for CAST().
  5. 26 Jun, 2002 1 commit
    • Bruce Momjian's avatar
      The attached patch fixes some spelling mistakes, makes the · 73ad6ca9
      Bruce Momjian authored
      comments on one of the optimizer functions a lot more
      clear, adds a summary of the recent KSQO discussion to the
      comments in the code, adds regression tests for the bug with
      sequence state Tom fixed recently and another reg. test, and
      removes some PostQuel legacy stuff: ExecAppend -> ExecInsert,
      ExecRetrieve -> ExecSelect, etc.
      Error messages remain unchanged until a vote.
      Neil Conway
  6. 25 Jun, 2002 2 commits
    • Bruce Momjian's avatar
      Back out cleanup patch. Got old version and needs work. · e2c00704
      Bruce Momjian authored
      Neil Conway
    • Bruce Momjian's avatar
      The attached patch fixes some spelling mistakes, makes the · ed275aea
      Bruce Momjian authored
      comments on one of the optimizer functions a lot more
      clear, adds a summary of the recent KSQO discussion to the
      comments in the code, adds regression tests for the bug with
      sequence state Tom fixed recently and another reg. test, and
      removes some PostQuel legacy stuff: ExecAppend -> ExecInsert,
      ExecRetrieve -> ExecSelect, etc. This was changed because the
      elog() messages from this routine are user-visible, so we
      should be using the SQL terms.
      Neil Conway
  7. 20 Jun, 2002 1 commit
  8. 12 May, 2002 1 commit
  9. 12 Mar, 2002 1 commit
    • Tom Lane's avatar
      Restructure representation of join alias variables. An explicit JOIN · 6eeb95f0
      Tom Lane authored
      now has an RTE of its own, and references to its outputs now are Vars
      referencing the JOIN RTE, rather than CASE-expressions.  This allows
      reverse-listing in ruleutils.c to use the correct alias easily, rather
      than painfully reverse-engineering the alias namespace as it used to do.
      Also, nested FULL JOINs work correctly, because the result of the inner
      joins are simple Vars that the planner can cope with.  This fixes a bug
      reported a couple times now, notably by Tatsuo on 18-Nov-01.  The alias
      Vars are expanded into COALESCE expressions where needed at the very end
      of planning, rather than during parsing.
      Also, beginnings of support for showing plan qualifier expressions in
      EXPLAIN.  There are probably still cases that need work.
      initdb forced due to change of stored-rule representation.
  10. 01 Mar, 2002 3 commits
  11. 25 Oct, 2001 1 commit
  12. 21 Aug, 2001 1 commit
    • Tom Lane's avatar
      Restructure pg_opclass, pg_amop, and pg_amproc per previous discussions in · f933766b
      Tom Lane authored
      pgsql-hackers.  pg_opclass now has a row for each opclass supported by each
      index AM, not a row for each opclass name.  This allows pg_opclass to show
      directly whether an AM supports an opclass, and furthermore makes it possible
      to store additional information about an opclass that might be AM-dependent.
      pg_opclass and pg_amop now store "lossy" and "haskeytype" information that we
      previously expected the user to remember to provide in CREATE INDEX commands.
      Lossiness is no longer an index-level property, but is associated with the
      use of a particular operator in a particular index opclass.
      Along the way, IndexSupportInitialize now uses the syscaches to retrieve
      pg_amop and pg_amproc entries.  I find this reduces backend launch time by
      about ten percent, at the cost of a couple more special cases in catcache.c's
      Initial work by Oleg Bartunov and Teodor Sigaev, further hacking by Tom Lane.
      initdb forced.
  13. 11 Jun, 2001 1 commit
  14. 10 Jun, 2001 1 commit
  15. 05 Jun, 2001 1 commit
    • Tom Lane's avatar
      Further work on making use of new statistics in planner. Adjust APIs · 7c579fa1
      Tom Lane authored
      of costsize.c routines to pass Query root, so that costsize can figure
      more things out by itself and not be so dependent on its callers to tell
      it everything it needs to know.  Use selectivity of hash or merge clause
      to estimate number of tuples processed internally in these joins
      (this is more useful than it would've been before, since eqjoinsel is
      somewhat more accurate than before).
  16. 20 May, 2001 1 commit
    • Tom Lane's avatar
      Modify optimizer data structures so that IndexOptInfo lists built for · be03eb25
      Tom Lane authored
      create_index_paths are not immediately discarded, but are available for
      subsequent planner work.  This allows avoiding redundant syscache lookups
      in several places.  Change interface to operator selectivity estimation
      procedures to allow faster and more flexible estimation.
      Initdb forced due to change of pg_proc entries for selectivity functions!
  17. 09 May, 2001 2 commits
  18. 07 May, 2001 1 commit
    • Tom Lane's avatar
      Rewrite of planner statistics-gathering code. ANALYZE is now available as · f905d65e
      Tom Lane authored
      a separate statement (though it can still be invoked as part of VACUUM, too).
      pg_statistic redesigned to be more flexible about what statistics are
      stored.  ANALYZE now collects a list of several of the most common values,
      not just one, plus a histogram (not just the min and max values).  Random
      sampling is used to make the process reasonably fast even on very large
      tables.  The number of values and histogram bins collected is now
      user-settable via an ALTER TABLE command.
      There is more still to do; the new stats are not being used everywhere
      they could be in the planner.  But the remaining changes for this project
      should be localized, and the behavior is already better than before.
      A not-very-related change is that sorting now makes use of btree comparison
      routines if it can find one, rather than invoking '<' twice.
  19. 25 Apr, 2001 1 commit
  20. 22 Mar, 2001 1 commit
  21. 16 Feb, 2001 1 commit
  22. 15 Feb, 2001 1 commit
  23. 24 Jan, 2001 1 commit
  24. 12 Dec, 2000 1 commit
  25. 05 Oct, 2000 1 commit
  26. 29 Sep, 2000 1 commit
    • Tom Lane's avatar
      Subselects in FROM clause, per ISO syntax: FROM (SELECT ...) [AS] alias. · 3a94e789
      Tom Lane authored
      (Don't forget that an alias is required.)  Views reimplemented as expanding
      to subselect-in-FROM.  Grouping, aggregates, DISTINCT in views actually
      work now (he says optimistically).  No UNION support in subselects/views
      yet, but I have some ideas about that.  Rule-related permissions checking
      moved out of rewriter and into executor.
  27. 18 Jun, 2000 1 commit
    • Tom Lane's avatar
      Reimplement nodeMaterial to use a temporary BufFile (or even memory, if the · 1ee26b77
      Tom Lane authored
      materialized tupleset is small enough) instead of a temporary relation.
      This was something I was thinking of doing anyway for performance, and Jan
      says he needs it for TOAST because he doesn't want to cope with toasting
      noname relations.  With this change, the 'noname table' support in heap.c
      is dead code, and I have accordingly removed it.  Also clean up 'noname'
      plan handling in planner --- nonames are either sort or materialize plans,
      and it seems less confusing to handle them separately under those names.
  28. 31 May, 2000 1 commit
    • Peter Eisentraut's avatar
      The heralded `Grand Unified Configuration scheme' (GUC) · 6a68f426
      Peter Eisentraut authored
      That means you can now set your options in either or all of $PGDATA/configuration,
      some postmaster option (--enable-fsync=off), or set a SET command. The list of
      options is in backend/utils/misc/guc.c, documentation will be written post haste.
      pg_options is gone, so is that pq_geqo config file. Also removed were backend -K,
      -Q, and -T options (no longer applicable, although -d0 does the same as -Q).
      Added to configure an --enable-syslog option.
      changed all callers from TPRINTF to elog(DEBUG)
  29. 30 May, 2000 2 commits
  30. 18 Apr, 2000 1 commit
  31. 12 Apr, 2000 1 commit
  32. 09 Apr, 2000 1 commit
  33. 30 Mar, 2000 1 commit
  34. 22 Mar, 2000 1 commit
    • Tom Lane's avatar
      Repair logic flaw in cost estimator: cost_nestloop() was estimating CPU · 1d5e7a6f
      Tom Lane authored
      costs using the inner path's parent->rows count as the number of tuples
      processed per inner scan iteration.  This is wrong when we are using an
      inner indexscan with indexquals based on join clauses, because the rows
      count in a Relation node reflects the selectivity of the restriction
      clauses for that rel only.  Upshot was that if join clause was very
      selective, we'd drastically overestimate the true cost of the join.
      Fix is to calculate correct output-rows estimate for an inner indexscan
      when the IndexPath node is created and save it in the path node.
      Change of path node doesn't require initdb, since path nodes don't
      appear in saved rules.