1. 07 May, 1997 4 commits
    • Marc G. Fournier's avatar
      From: "Martin J. Laubach" <mjl@CSlab.tuwien.ac.at> · 82172021
      Marc G. Fournier authored
      Subject: [PATCHES] libpq SET var TO patch
        One last, I hope. This one corrects a bogus format string, and
      actually sends the contents of PG_DATESTYLE to the backend. That
      means, you can do a setenv PG_DATESTYLE 'iso', and your libpq
      will pick that up and tell the backend.
    • Marc G. Fournier's avatar
      From: "Paul M. Aoki" <aoki@CS.Berkeley.EDU> · 9f2d7146
      Marc G. Fournier authored
      Subject: [PATCHES] port patch: ultrix4
      ultrix4 doesn't compile without this.  this also fixes a problem
      with dynamic loading (ultrix relocatable objects must be loaded
      with -G 0).
    • Marc G. Fournier's avatar
      From: Keith Parks <emkxp01@mtcc.demon.co.uk> · a5d7eb90
      Marc G. Fournier authored
      Subject: [PATCHES] Three small patches.
      Here are 3 small patches to the postgreSQL source sup'd on
      the 6th May 1997.
      The 1st 2 fix the shell backslash "c" handling used to suppress
      the newline on some unix shells. (The \c needs to be inside quote.)
      The 3rd may or may not be the correct way to fix the missing
      define of INDEX_MAX_KEYS in pg_dump.h
    • Marc G. Fournier's avatar
      From: Erich Stamberger <eberger@gewi.kfunigraz.ac.at> · 505a4709
      Marc G. Fournier authored
      Subject: [PATCHES] oracle_compat functions core dumping on NULL-fields
  2. 06 May, 1997 8 commits
  3. 05 May, 1997 6 commits
  4. 02 May, 1997 3 commits
  5. 30 Apr, 1997 2 commits
  6. 29 Apr, 1997 6 commits
  7. 28 Apr, 1997 3 commits
  8. 27 Apr, 1997 8 commits