1. 15 Mar, 1998 5 commits
    • Marc G. Fournier's avatar
      From: Randy Kunkee <kunkee@pluto.ops.NeoSoft.com> · 6ac25286
      Marc G. Fournier authored
      It is my hope that the following "patches" to libpgtcl get included
      in the next release.
      See the update to the README file to get a full description of the changes.
      This version of libpgtcl is completely interpreter-safe, implements the
      database connection handle as a channel (no events yet, but will make it
      a lot easier to do fileevents on it in the future), and supports the SQL
      "copy table to stdout" and "copy table from stdin" commands, with the
      I/O being from and to the connection handle.  The connection and result
      handles are formatted in a way to make access to the tables more efficient.
    • Marc G. Fournier's avatar
      From: t-ishii@sra.co.jp · 609026bb
      Marc G. Fournier authored
      Included are patches intended for allowing PostgreSQL to handle
      multi-byte charachter sets such as EUC(Extende Unix Code), Unicode and
      Mule internal code. With the MB patch you can use multi-byte character
      sets in regexp and LIKE. The encoding system chosen is determined at
      the compile time.
      To enable the MB extension, you need to define a variable "MB" in
      Makefile.global or in Makefile.custom. For further information please
      take a look at README.mb under doc directory.
      (Note that unlike "jp patch" I do not use modified GNU regexp any
      more. I changed Henry Spencer's regexp coming with PostgreSQL.)
    • Marc G. Fournier's avatar
      From: t-ishii@sra.co.jp · 661ecf3c
      Marc G. Fournier authored
      Included are patches intended for allowing PostgreSQL to handle
      multi-byte charachter sets such as EUC(Extende Unix Code), Unicode and
      Mule internal code. With the MB patch you can use multi-byte character
      sets in regexp and LIKE. The encoding system chosen is determined at
      the compile time.
      To enable the MB extension, you need to define a variable "MB" in
      Makefile.global or in Makefile.custom. For further information please
      take a look at README.mb under doc directory.
      (Note that unlike "jp patch" I do not use modified GNU regexp any
      more. I changed Henry Spencer's regexp coming with PostgreSQL.)
    • Marc G. Fournier's avatar
      From: Peter T Mount <patches@maidast.demon.co.uk> · 31a925c4
      Marc G. Fournier authored
      Ok, this fixes three things:
      1. It seems (from tests submitted by two people with JBuilder) that
         JBuilder expects a responce from ResultSetMetaData.getPrecision() &
         getScale() when used on non numeric types. This patch makes these
         methods return 0, instead of throwing an exception.
      2. Fixes a small bug where getting the postgresql type name returns null.
      3. Fixes a problem with ResultSet.getObject() where getting it's string
         value returns null if you case the object as (PGobject), but returns
         the value if you case it as it's self.
    • Bruce Momjian's avatar
      CLUSTER cleanup · 7eddadee
      Bruce Momjian authored
  2. 14 Mar, 1998 3 commits
  3. 12 Mar, 1998 1 commit
  4. 10 Mar, 1998 1 commit
  5. 07 Mar, 1998 3 commits
  6. 06 Mar, 1998 3 commits
  7. 05 Mar, 1998 1 commit
  8. 04 Mar, 1998 1 commit
  9. 02 Mar, 1998 7 commits
  10. 01 Mar, 1998 15 commits