1. 13 Oct, 1998 8 commits
    • Marc G. Fournier's avatar
      · 4fff1dad
      Marc G. Fournier authored
      From: Peter Gucwa <pg@softcomputer.com>
      Here are patches needed to complie under AIX 4.2.
      I changed configure.in, pqcomm.c, config.h.in, and fe-connect.c.
      Also I had to install flex because lex did not want to translate pgc.l.
    • Marc G. Fournier's avatar
    • Marc G. Fournier's avatar
      · 6edea913
      Marc G. Fournier authored
      This is plain wrong, but check to see if DataDir was set *before* running
      read_pg_options ... read_pg_options should probably be moved to after the
      getopt() instead?
    • Marc G. Fournier's avatar
      · 37f90d82
      Marc G. Fournier authored
      case statement in select call was missing a break...
    • Marc G. Fournier's avatar
      · cd3a8e23
      Marc G. Fournier authored
      change configure so that if postgresql isn't being installed as root,
      do not configure in the perl5 interface.
      the perl5 interface needs to be installed under /usr/local/lib/perl5/*, which
      is generally owned by root.  This allows a non-root build/install with the
      only root requirement being the make/install of hte perl5 stuff...
    • Bruce Momjian's avatar
      auytoconf · 8c586b2a
      Bruce Momjian authored
    • Bruce Momjian's avatar
    • Marc G. Fournier's avatar
      · 97f55472
      Marc G. Fournier authored
      Remove the -soname ${SHLIB} from solaris_{sparc,x86} as they conflict
      with the -o $@ used in the ${SHLIB} directive, causing a failure for
      *at least* gcc2.8.1 + Solaris 2.6 under both hardware platforms...
  2. 12 Oct, 1998 27 commits
  3. 10 Oct, 1998 5 commits